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Item Tendințe în dezvoltarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii din Republica Moldova în perioada 2015-2020 pe clase de marime: evoluția numărului de întreprinderi și a numărului de salariați(КГУ, 2022) Maier, LidiaSmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a significant share in the total number of enterprises and, without a doubt, play a very important role in the social and economic development of the country, contributing substantially to the formation of gross domestic product, job creation, exports stimulation, competition, development and implementation of innovations and new technologies. A well-developed SME sector can contribute to strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem, while generating stability and economic growth. A comprehensive analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the factors that could stimulate it, allows the effective policies for the development of local entrepreneurship to be created. This article presents the analysis of the development of SMEs by size classes and, in particular, the evolution of the number of enterprises and the number of employees. The analysis was performed based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics and includes the period 2015-2020 (for 2015, the data were used, recalculated according to the new methodology, developed by NBS in 2016). As a result of the analysis, it was found that in 2020 the number of SMEs increased slightly, but most of the indicators, which characterize the activity of the sector, decreased, which was to be expected in the crisis situation caused by the Covid Coronavirus pandemic 19.Item Contribuţia IMM-urlor din Republica Moldova, inclusiv pe clase de mărime, la crearea locurilor de muncă în perioada 2015-2021(2023) Maier, LidiaSMEs hold a significant share in the total number of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova, they are, therefore, the main provider of jobs for the population and the main source of income, including for socially vulnerable categories. The government, through its policies, supports the creation and development of SMEs, as well as the creation of new jobs. The comprehensive analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the factors that could stimulate it, the monitoring of the indicators of the development of the SME sector allows to argue for the design of more effective policies for the development of national entrepreneurship in general, but also to support SMEs to adapt and go through the created economic crisis. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the contribution of the SME sector to the creation and maintenance of jobs. The analysis was carried out based on the data of the National Bureau of Statistics and includes the period 2015-2021 (for the year 2015, the data were used, recalculated according to the new methodology, developed by the NBS in 2016). Following the analysis, it was found that in 2021 the number of employees in SMEs was slightly lower than in 2020, despite the fact that the number of enterprises increased. This decrease is a continuation of the evolution from 2020, when, against the background of the pandemic, the largest decrease in the number of employees was recorded.Item Antreprenoriatul inovativ în Republica Moldova: documente de politici, factori determinanți(INCE, 2022) Maier, LidiaIn recent years, the Government of the Republic of Moldova has made considerable efforts to boost the development of the SME sector and has increasingly recognized the role of innovation as a key driver of a competitive and sustainable economy. And although strategic policy documents, programs, and other normativelegal acts, aimed at stimulating the elaboration and implementation of innovations have been developed and adopted at the national and regional levels, the political commitment to the implementation of innovation policy has remained limited and the innovation ecosystem remains at an incipient phase. In this context, for innovative entrepreneurship to develop effectivelyand be able to fully contribute to economic growth and development, it is suggested that its importance be further recognized. The paper aims to present an overview of the legislative frameworkand policy documents to support innovation at the national and regional levels-derived from other policy areas, highlighting the fact that the integration of the innovation policy for entrepreneurship in existing policy areas is problematic. In the article, the author also identifies and analyzes the determinants of innovative entrepreneurship, available for the Republic of Moldova and comes with some recommendations on boosting the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the country, the main suggestion being the emergence of an innovation strategy with the participation of all stakeholders in innovation and entrepreneurship. Methods such as analysis and generalization (of the legislative acts and policy documents, economic and statistical indicators and other analytical materials) were used in the elaboration of the article.Item Contributia intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii din Republica Moldova pe clase de marime la realizarea principalilor indicatori economici si financiari in perioada 2015-2020(Artifex, 2022) Maier, LidiaIn the context of the negative effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on the economy, SMEs are one of the main vectors of economic recovery. The analysis of the main economic and financial indicators is important because it helps to make estimates for the next period and to implement effective policies both for the development of the sector in general, but also to support SMEs to adapt and go through the created economic crisis. This article presents the analysis of the main economic and financial indicators of SMEs by size classes, including innovative SMEs. The analysis was performed based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics and includes the period 2015-2020. As a result of the analysis, it was found, that in 2020 the economic and financial indicators of SMEs, as expected in the crisis situation, decreased significantly and only SMEs, which have carried out innovation activities have tried to stays afloat, recording a higher turnover than in the previous period 2017-2018.Item Inovațiile deschise în contextul dezvoltării ecosistemului antreprenorial(Artifex, 2021) Maier, LidiaThe crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has created major problems for the economy and society, its impact being felt very deeply at the level of small and medium enterprises. In order to overcome these problems, survive and remain competitive, SMEs need to develop innovative thinking, to combine efforts and resources to ensure the continuous financing of innovation, to create partnerships and to interact with various actors in the ecosystem in which they operate. So the crisis, being unprecedented and unintentionally, has created a challenging environment for businesses to invest in innovation as a response to the crisis. In the current situation, companies agree to work with anyone, including their competitors, to explore immediate and practical solutions to the problems caused by COVID-19. This paper provides an overview of what open innovation is and in what consists the rationale and effectiveness of open innovation, including in overcoming the crisis. Attempts have also been made to analyze some statistics and the country's position in the international rankings in order to understand the extent to which Moldovan companies adopt possible open innovation principles and use external sources in the innovation process to improve their innovation performance.Item Inovarea – cea mai mare provocare pentru IMM-urile din Republica Moldova(Artifex, 2020) Maier, LidiaIn order to remain competitive and continue to grow, small and medium-sized enterprises must learn to adapt more quickly to change, to intensify their innovation activity, innovation being the biggest challenge for them. In this paper, the author analyzed the innovation activity of SMEs based on existing statistical data for the years 2017-2018, as well compared to the period 2015-2016. As a result, it was found that the innovation activity of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova remains more than modest. Compared to the previous period 2015-2016, the number of innovative SMEs has decreased significantly. In this context, it is necessary to adopt a more strategic approach of innovation, in all its aspects, to remove obstacles, to set incentives for SMEs innovation activities, which would ultimately help to create an innovation-friendly environment and would contribute to the significant improvement of the results generated by innovation.Item Politica de dezvoltare a IMM-urilor: susținerea educației antreprenoriale a tinerilor din Republica Moldova(Artifex, 2020) Novac, Alexandra; Maier, LidiaEntrepreneurship education of young people is one of the priorities of policies around the world, being an engine of progress, and the European Commission recognizes entrepreneurship education and skills acquisition as a tool that can help young people become more entrepreneurial, develop their spirit of initiative, to acquire skills and entrepreneurial behavior. At the same time, entrepreneurship education supports young people to gain the ability to better identify and exploit the opportunities, to put ideas into practice, to plan and manage projects in order to achieve clearly set goals. In this paper, the authors review the efforts of the Republic of Moldova regarding entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial skills acquisition, taking into account the state policies, in which entrepreneurship education for young people is carried out, the programs to support the involvement of young people in entrepreneurship. Also the paper presents the results of the evaluation of the entrepreneurial education level of youngpeople in the educational institutions, obtained by the method of questioning with the participation of the authors. The results and conclusions of theevaluation can be useful for employees of public administration bodies andagencies, which regulate or are involved in the process of entrepreneurshipeducation and entrepreneurship skills acquisition.Item A second chance for entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and solutions(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2021) Novac, Alexandra; Aculai, Elena; Maier, LidiaThe relevance of offering a second chance is determined not only by the need to mitigate the consequences of business failure and motivate the entrepreneur to continue his entrepreneurial activity, but also by the impact on the country's economy, as business closure leads to job losses, a worsening of the financial possibilities of the national and local budgets, reduction of competition and other negative trends in the internal market. The importance of these issues has increased significantly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to significant deterioration of the Moldovan business environment. The aim of the paper is to identify the barriers and needs of entrepreneurs, who face financial or other difficulties, are in a state of insolvency, have gone through restructuring/bankruptcy proceedings and would like to benefit from a second chance in Moldova. The research methodology is based on the analysis of legislative acts in the field; statistical data analysis; the results of 16 semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs on elucidating the factors that favor and hinder the entrepreneurial activity, related to obtaining a second chance in business. The interviews were conducted between April and August 2018. The research results showed that both internal factors (insufficient financial resources, knowledge of crisis management, mismanagement, insufficient staff qualification, including the entrepreneurial skills / experience of the owners, the lack of people with certain professions) and external (related to insolvency legislation, limited information on the possibilities that can be used in case of failure) are determining for taking a second chance.