Antreprenoriatul inovativ în Republica Moldova: documente de politici, factori determinanți

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In recent years, the Government of the Republic of Moldova has made considerable efforts to boost the development of the SME sector and has increasingly recognized the role of innovation as a key driver of a competitive and sustainable economy. And although strategic policy documents, programs, and other normativelegal acts, aimed at stimulating the elaboration and implementation of innovations have been developed and adopted at the national and regional levels, the political commitment to the implementation of innovation policy has remained limited and the innovation ecosystem remains at an incipient phase. In this context, for innovative entrepreneurship to develop effectivelyand be able to fully contribute to economic growth and development, it is suggested that its importance be further recognized. The paper aims to present an overview of the legislative frameworkand policy documents to support innovation at the national and regional levels-derived from other policy areas, highlighting the fact that the integration of the innovation policy for entrepreneurship in existing policy areas is problematic. In the article, the author also identifies and analyzes the determinants of innovative entrepreneurship, available for the Republic of Moldova and comes with some recommendations on boosting the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the country, the main suggestion being the emergence of an innovation strategy with the participation of all stakeholders in innovation and entrepreneurship. Methods such as analysis and generalization (of the legislative acts and policy documents, economic and statistical indicators and other analytical materials) were used in the elaboration of the article.


Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 264-266 (26 titl.). JEL Classification: O10; O30; O31; O34; O38. CZU: 338.22:001.895 (478)(043).


innovative entrepreneurship, innovation policies, intellectual property, research and development, knowledge transfer, Republic of Moldova, ICT, antreprenoriat inovator, politici de inovare, cercetare si dezvoltare, Republica Moldova


MAIER, Lidia. Antreprenoriatul inovativ în Republica Moldova: documente de politici, factori determinanți. In: Economic growth in the conditions of globalization: conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIth edition, October 12-13, 2022, Chisinau. Chisinau: INCE, 2022, volume I, pp. 252-266. ISBN 978-9975-3583-7-8; ISBN 978-9975-3583-8-5 (PDF).




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