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    Banking system of the Republic of Moldova under financial crisis
    (Tehnopress, 2010) Morozniuc, Ion; Iatisin, Tatiana
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    Rolul inovațiilor în dezvoltarea și modernizarea sectorului vitivinicol
    (Artifex, 2019) Iatisin, Tatiana
    The paper presents the current trends and perspectives of development of the wine sector. The paper analyzes the role of innovation in the development and modernization of the wine sector. In Moldova, the wine sector is at the center of the social and economic life developed harmoniously, as a result of the favorable natural conditions that the vineyard finds on the territory of the country. Moldovan wines can be considered a visiting card of the Republic of Moldova and at the same time a true treasure of the agricultural sector. In the elaboration of this paper, several research methods were used such as: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistics, comparison, etc.
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    Analiza internațională a pieței vinului
    (Artifex, 2019) Iatisin, Tatiana
    The paper presents the current trends and perspectives of the international wine trade. The paper also analyzes the production and consumption of wine of traditional European producers and new wine producing world countries with an emphasis on the period 2000-2016. The following research methods were used in the elaboration of this research: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistical, comparison, etc. The results show that: the EU is the world's largest market for wine production, consumption, wine exports and imports. The best three competitors in the world are Italy, France and Spain, along with them over the centuries, wine tradition continues to be the reference point for world winemaking.
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    Tendinţe de dezvoltare a finanţelor publice în Republica Moldova
    (”Independenţa Economică”, 2016) Morozniuc, Ion; Iatisin, Tatiana
    Aceasta lucrare reflecta rezultatele unui studiu asupra evolutiei finanțelor publice din Republica Moldova. Dificultatile in economie, de regula, se transpun pe seama bugetului public national, care nu mai e in stare sa serveasca drept instrument efectiv si eficient pentru sustinerea categoriilor vulnerabile ale populatiei, deoarece vulnerabilitatea este direct proportionala cu stagnarea economiei. Pe parcurs, evolutia finantelor publice nu a fost insotita de o promovare autentica a reformelor structurale, care ar fi incurajat dezvoltarea durabila a economiei nationale.
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    Development trends of public finances in Moldova
    (”Independenţa Economică”, 2016) Morozniuc, Ion; Iatisin, Tatiana
    This publication reflects the results of a study on the evolution of public finances in Moldova. Difficulties in the economy usually translate on the general government account that no longer able to serve as an effective and efficient instrument for supporting the vulnerable, since the vulnerability is directly proportional to economic stagnation. Along the way, the evolution of public finances has not been accompanied by a genuine promotion of structural reforms, which would have encouraged the sustainable development of the national economy.
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    Evoluția exporturilor de vin din Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2018) Iatisin, Tatiana
    The wine sector in the Republic of Moldova in the last years registered an upward trend, obtaining the highest production volume from the last 4 years, i.e. 18 mln. dal. While the major European producers have had their lowest production in recent years, the domestic wine sector has improved its grape crops and has gained ground on the outside. About 8090% of the volume of wine produced goes to export, thus constituting a source of income for the country's economy. The paper aims to analyze the current trends of the wine sector in the Republic of Moldova, in particular, the evolution of wine production, the export of wine both in bulk and bottled. The following research methods were used in the development of this study: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistical, comparison, etc. The current situation of the given sector was characterized and the development perspectives of the wine sector were assessed.
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    Tendinţe de dezvoltare a unităţilor economice din sfera micului bussines
    (2015) Morozniuc, Ion; Iatisin, Tatiana
    The value of the indicator of the SME share in GDP varies significantly in different countries. In the EU, the SME sector generates 58.4% of GDP and in the US – 43.4%. If in the Western countries, the middle class (usually owners of SMEs) is considered the locomotive of an efficient economy, then in the Republic of Moldova this category is the least protected and supported by the state. Strengthening of the SME sector, which would be the surest way to achieve the goal of establishing a middle class remains at the theoretical level, despite many launched projects and strategies.
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    Unele aspecte a turismului vitivinicol din Republica Moldova
    (2015) Iatisin, Tatiana
    This paper represents a research on the wine tourism in the Republic of Moldova. Situation analysis is shown in the wine tourism and its importance. Tourism is a competitive and balanced developed economic sector that effectively capitalizes the representative heritage of the country.
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    Current situation and prospects of the labour organization in wine and grape industry in the Republic of Moldova
    (USAMV, 2015) Iatisin, Tatiana; Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The labour organization development in Wine and Grape Industry in the Republic of Moldova is analyzed in the paper. The paper highlights the main problems of the man power in the Wine and Grape Industry in the country using the statistical data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics and the specific system of indiactors and methodology. The main directions and prospects of labour organization development in this domain are outlined. Investment in human capital will contribute to strengthen the skills, know ledge in general to facilitate in sertion in the viticulture production and wine industry.
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    Эволюция публичного и государственного долга Республики Молдова
    (Институт бизнеса БГУ, 2019) Morozniuc, Ion; Iatisin, Tatiana
    Остаток задолженности государственного сектора на 31 декабря 2016 г., выраженный в молдавских леях, составил 59,37 млрд леев, увеличившись на 16,10 млрд, или на 37,2 % по сравнению с предыдущим годом. В пропорциональном отношении к значению ВВП в 2016 г., доля задолженности государственного сектора по состоянию на 31 декабря 2016 г. составила 44,2 %, что на 8,9 п. п. выше по сравнению с показателем, зарегистрированным в начале года. Это значительное увеличение задолженности государственного сектора было обусловлено увеличением государственного долга на 17,28 млрд леев, из которых 13,58 млрд в соответствии с Законом о выпуске государственных обязательств от 26 сентября 2016 г., для того чтобы Министерство финансов выполнило платежные обязательства, вытекающие из государственных гарантий 2014–2015 гг. Это требует повышения качества управления долгом государственного сектора, в том числе путем усиления действий по мониторингу устойчивости и рисков уязвимости, связанных с госдолгом.