Tendinţe de dezvoltare a unităţilor economice din sfera micului bussines

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The value of the indicator of the SME share in GDP varies significantly in different countries. In the EU, the SME sector generates 58.4% of GDP and in the US – 43.4%. If in the Western countries, the middle class (usually owners of SMEs) is considered the locomotive of an efficient economy, then in the Republic of Moldova this category is the least protected and supported by the state. Strengthening of the SME sector, which would be the surest way to achieve the goal of establishing a middle class remains at the theoretical level, despite many launched projects and strategies.


Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 17 (4 titl.).


small and medium enterprises, development, financial results, indicators, economic agents, analysis, unitati economice, micul bussines, small and medium-sized enterprises


MOROZNIUC, Ion, IAŢIŞIN Tatiana. Tendinţe de dezvoltare a unităţilor economice din sfera micului bussines. In: Aspecte ale dezvoltării potenţialului economico-managerial în contextul asigurării securităţii naţionale : materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale dedicate aniversării a 20 de ani ai învățămîntului economic la USARB, 6-7 iulie 2015 Bălţi. Bălţi. 2015, secţ. 1-3, pp. 13-17. ISBN 978-9975-132-35-0.




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