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Item Problemele pieţei muncii în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Cotelnic, VeraIn this paper, the author analyze the current situation of labor market Labor market fully reflects the achievements and failures recorded by national economy, or economic development and employment are mutually correlated. In this context, the economic recession, generated by the Global financial crisis, influenced the labor market in a negative way The Republic of Moldova is also beginning to feel the consequences of the crisis, and this is leading to unfavorable changes in the employment market: reduction of active population, increase of unemployment. The analysis of the main indicators characterizing the economically active and inactive population, is performed the problem of employment of labor by age groups, depending on the level of education, changes in the employed population by sectors of national economy as a result of structural change, the impact of migration are identified. Shortage of work places and increase if unemployment in Russia and European Union determined a large number of working migrants to return home and this process, although has many positive consequences of social and demographic character, creates new challenges for the labor market. In this article the author present description of the recent trends in the labor market of Moldova and also present concrete solutions in the order to improve the efficiency of the labor market.Item Estimarea economică a deciziilor în condițile de risc în activitatea intreprinderilor agricole(2011) Nirean, ElenaAmong the methods known in the science of management decision-making, decision tree occupies a leading position. This is a method of analyzing the potential outcomes of complex decisions, used in strategic decision making within firms. Using this method, the manager is able to design a chart as a number of future events that may affect a decision, determining a set of values on the outcome of each decision considered. The decision tree can be used for complex strategic decisionmaking situations, in the company, following a series of decisions, probability and size of each of them caused by the decision taken in the previous phase. Each decision depends on the result of a random event, but which can not be determined at the time of acceptance, but whose probability can be anticipated following inquiries.Item Dezvoltarea umană – un concept între continuitate şi perfecţionare(IEFS, 2011) Modringa, AlaHuman development can be viewed as the process of achieving an optimum level of health and well-being. It includes physical, biological, social, educational, economic components. Only some of these are expressed in the Human Development Index, a composite scale that has three dimensions: life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate and mean years of schooling, and income as measured by real gross domestic product per capita. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.Item Система трансфера иновации и технологии в Румынии(IEFS, 2011) Ilias, Nicolae; Cioara, IngaThe intensification of globalization promotes the importance of international cooperation and exchange of knowledge, the creation of powerful international scientific societies without compromising the national interests in adapting and applying new knowledge. Organization and individuals, reaching a high level of competence, are through extremely high value, because they are able to leverage resources and provide due to impact on both the academic environment and to social and economic but the whole system.Item Inovarea în management şi rolul acesteia în obţinerea avantajului competitiv(IEFS, 2011) Ciumara, TudorThis paper is suported by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number SOP HRD/89/1.5/S/62988. Innovation is one of the most important ways of achieving competitive advantage. Changing management practices is a manner less used by firms to innovate, but it has the potential to make a major contribution in the process of creating competitive advantage for the company. Management innovation represents the introduction of new management practices in the firm, which significantly change the way in which the activity in this area is conducted, in order to enhance company performance. Management innovation can help the company generate new ways to create value, discover new resources that can be used to achieve its objectives. Meanwhile, management innovation can be more difficult to copy than other types of innovation, often being tailored to suit the specific company where it appeared. Because of these characteristics, management innovation can lead to sustainable competitive advantages. Managerial innovation is likely to be more valuable when it brings more radical changes and when it occurs in the context of an environment supportive of multiple innovations.Item Сбережения, как один из источников финансовых ресурсов для высокого и стабильного экономического роста(IEFS, 2011) Пашалы, ПетруРост молдавской экономики, который начался с 2000 г. носит «восстановительный характер». Он обусловлен соединением имевшихся ранее производственных мощностей с ранее подготовленной квалифицированной рабочей силой. О восстановительном характере современного экономического роста свидетельствует и увеличение занятости в экономике. Другой характерной чертой «восстановительного роста» является опережающий рост реальной заработной платы по сравнению с ростом производительности труда. Как отмечает, сопоставление современных и советских объемов инвестиций и ВВП в республике показывает, что инвестиции в нынешней Молдове растут намного медленнее, чем ВВП. Это действительно может свидетельствовать только о восстановительной основе современного экономического роста. Полная реализация потенциала «восстановительного роста» неизбежно выдвигает проблему усиленного привлечения в реальный сектор экономики долгосрочных финансовых ресурсов для модернизации производственных мощностей, достижения устойчивого экономического роста.Item The employment structures of space agencies in three regions and implications for competitiveness(IEFS, 2011) Goehlich, Robert; Bebenroth, RalfWhile space organizations are present worldwide, dominant organizations are NASA in the US, ESA in Europe and JAXA in Japan. Each of these organizations has a high budget, which is a strong indicator of its political, economic and scientific dominance in the field. We investigate the flexibility of these agencies’ employee structures and show how their competitiveness is affected by those structures. We develop propositions on regular vs. non-regular employment, on long-term employment and on job security and conclude that, in the short run, it is difficult for ESA to compete against the more flexible hire-and-fire structure at NASA and against Japan’s developed non-regular employee system mentality, which is employed at JAXA. However, the European system has visible advantages in the long run. Implications for organizations are discussed.Item Teoriile manageriale – bază metodologică a formării culturii organizaţionale(IEFS, 2011) Dolineanschi, VeronicaThe aim of this paper is to resume the methodological basis of organization culture, its formation process and theoretical approach. The theory identifies a model of particular configurations of social relationships, dictating 'ways of life' (organizational cultures) which are both exclusive and differentiating. Its appearance and predictions of being a part of management as a science and playing significant but sometimes unseen or hidden role for the management process shows up the necessity to discover and make available the impact of organizational culture from the theoretical point of view.Item Recent evolutions of agrifood Romanian trade(IEFS, 2011) Gavrilescu, CameliaThe present paper is empirically analyzing the evolution of the Romanian postaccession agrifood trade with EU, and its placement among the other Member States. In the EU statistics, for international comparisons, only the trade with non-member states (extra-community trade) is considered as external trade.Item Mecanismul utilizării fondului funciar al Republicii Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Barbaros, Ion; Barbaros, EcaterinaBased on the previous experience a locative efficiency of land in the business activity. This article proposes some directions of improvement the user for development in planting of living many years in Moldova.Item Региональные аспекты международного сотрудничества: перспективы для Украины(IEFS, 2011) Реутов, В. Е.Рассмотрена одна из наиболее актуальных проблем социально-экономического развития Украины – несовершенство современной государственной региональной политики, которая должна основываться на оптимизации отношений между центром и регионами, учете еврорегиональных тенденций развития государства, которое провозгласило интеграцию в Европейский Союз стратегической целью своей внешней политики. Дается ответ на вопрос, какой должна быть концепция региональной политики Украины, и то что одним из значительных ресурсов региональной политики Украины может и должно быть трансграничное сотрудничество областей и территорий с регионами соседних стран.Item Unele aspecte din activitatea agenţilor economici şi depăşirea crizei economice(IEFS, 2011) Morozniuc, Ion; Iatisin, TatianaThe year 2011 is a tough one, marked by the struggle for survival of the real sector of the economy, but through intelligent public policies and scroll speed acceleration of structural reforms, the fragile economic recovery in 2010 may strengthen in 2011.Item Стимулирование экономического роста в Республике Беларусь в условиях перехода к обществу знаний(IEFS, 2011) Шуст, АлександрThe report examines the background and main elements of the current Belarusian strategy to maintain economic growth. It is shown the occurring evolution of the Belarusian model of socially oriented market economy.Item Проблемы повышения эффективности и конкурентоспособности АПК Казахстана(IEFS, 2011) Молдашев, А. Б.Item Modalităţi de abordare a conceptului de creativitate(IEFS, 2011) Doncean, Marilena; Doncean, GheorgheMan today needs to promote culture within himself, because at its core and origins, human nature is creative. The research methodology employed in the paper is based on methods such as analysis, comparative analysis, induction and deduction, synthesis, comparison, correlation, evaluation.Item Оценка структурных измений в экономике Украины(IEFS, 2011) Грига, В. Ю.; Красовская, О. В.The paper deals with the issues of structural changes of Ukrainian economy, due to their close relationship with the quality of economic growth. Global structural trends show intensification of de-industrialization. Quantitatively, it could be measured by increased share of such sectors as financial sector of economy, education, health and other services in the structure of the world value added. Due to their active growth the share of world agriculture in the last 40 years decreased by 2.5 times, while the share of manufacturing decreased by 1.5 times. The dynamics of structural changes of Ukrainian economy is also consistent with the global trend of de-industrialization, and its structure is relevant to European countries. Significant predominance of agriculture and transport services is main difference. At the same time structure of the manufacturing industry in Ukraine differs from other countries. If Ukrainian industry is focused on low technology and primary (e.g. mining, basic metallurgy) industries, the European and world industry relies on high and medium technology industries. The share of construction in Ukraine is extremely low while this sector has high potential for economic growth becaus e any newly built facility requires a wide range of products: from low to high technology intensive (e.g. fire protection systems, digital power tools, furniture etc). Thus, we concluded about the urgent need to adjust Ukrainian economic policy towards the strengthening of structural components.Item Particularităţile supravegherii prudenţiale actuale a sistemului bancar al RM în contextul asigurării securităţii financiare a statului(IEFS, 2011) Clichici, DorinaThe ability to monitor financial security presupposes the existence of indicators that can be used as a basis for analyzing the current health and stability of the financial system. These indicators comprise both aggregated microprudential indicators of the health of individual financial institutions, and macroeconomic variables associated with financial system soundness. Aggregated microprudential indicators are primarily contemporaneous or lagging indicators of soundness; macroeconomic variables can signal imbalances that affect financial systems and are, therefore, leading indicators. Financial crises usually occur when both types of indicators point to vulnerabilities, that is, when financial institutions are weak and face macroeconomic shocks. It is very important for the Republic of Moldova’s financial system to be monitored and surveyed adequately by the authorities taking into consideration recent global financial crisis. The operation of a financial system is dependent on overall economic activity, and financial institutions are significantly affected by certain macroeconomic developments. Recent empirical analysis has shown that certain macroeconomic developments have often predated banking crises, which suggests that financial system stability assessments need to take into consideration the broad macroeconomic picture, particularly factors that affect the economy’s vulnerability to capital flow reversals and currency crises.Item Потенциал государственной службы в управлении экономическими трансформациями(IEFS, 2011) Абухович, ЮлияThe article presents the essential characteristics of the category of "economic transformation", analyzed the levels of the qualitative transformation of economic systems.Item Diagnosticarea strategică a înreprinderilor de panificaţie din Republica Moldova în baza modelului multifactorial ADL-lc(IEFS, 2011) Oleiniuc, MariaTo choose the right types of strategies in the current development branch local bakery, was used for strategic analysis matrix LC ADL, the name derives from the name that the consulting firm Arthur D. Little and Life Cycle - The cycle of life. This matrix represents a multifactorial model for the diagnosis of an industry strategic enterprises and strategic analysis tool that argue for taking decisions on the strategies of an organization.Item Институциональные особенности реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства в России(IEFS, 2011) Кузьмин, Евгений АнатольевичУсловия возрастающей неопределенности в организации деятельности по управлению существующими и созданию новых объектов инфраструктуры приводят к необходимости разработки новых адаптивных методов, нацеленных на эффективное управление рисками. Различия в базовых положениях в развитии стран определяют суверенные диспропорции, определяющие институциональные особенности реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства. Исходя из этого, исследование и анализ сложившихся особенностей инфраструк-турного менеджмента являются актуальной научной задачей. В решении данной задачи возможно представление классификации проектов ГЧП, выделение общих признаков типологии, идентификация факторов и рисков на них влияющих.