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    Estimarea costurilor producţiei știinţifice rezultate din proiecte din cadrul Programului de Stat (2020-2023) din Republica Moldova
    (2023) Railean, Veronica; Timus, Angela
    The purpose of the study is to describe a method for estimating the investment and capitalization costs related to the scientifi c products obtained in the organizations belonging to the research sector of the Republic of Moldova. The general research methods are: offi ce research, deduction and induction, mathematical-analytical. The paper presents an analysis of the estimation of costs for scientifi c products based on strategic priorities, as well as a case study on the estimation of the capitalization costs of the scientifi c results of a project from the State Program for the years 2020-2022. The result of the research shows that depending on the strategic priority, the average cost per scientifi c result varies, and the total cost of the State Program is 39.9 thousand MDL per scientifi c result. Scopul studiului constă în descrierea metodei de estimare a costurilor de investiţii și de capitalizare aferente producţiei știinţifi ce obţinute la organizaţiile care fac parte din sectorul de cercetare din Republica Moldova. Metodele generale de cercetare sunt: cea a cercetării de birou, cea a deducţiei și inducţiei, precum și cea matematico-analitică. În lucrare sunt prezentate o analiză a estimării costurilor producţiei știinţifi ce pe priorităţi strategice, precum și un studiu de caz privind estimarea costurilor de capitalizare ale rezultatelor știinţifi ce ale unui proiect din Programul de Stat pentru anii 2020-2022. În urma cercetării se constată că, în funcţie de prioritatea strategică, costul mediu per rezultat știinţifi c variază, iar costul total pe Programul de Stat constituie 39,9 mii lei per rezultat știinţific.
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    International Experience of Environmental Taxes and Its Implications for the Republic of Moldova
    (2023) Timus, Angela; Chironachi, Corina
    Thеrе is a growing trend towards a grееn еconomy duе to incrеasing еnvironmеntal and climatе risks. As a rеsult, countriеs arе forcеd to dеvеlop fiscal policiеs that takе into account thе climatе agеnda. This papеr analyzеs how diffеrеnt countriеs implеmеnt еnvironmеntal taxеs to guidе thе dеvеlopmеnt and improvеmеnt of thе еnvironmеntal tax systеm in thе Rеpublic of Moldova. Thе papеr еxaminеs thе main catеgoriеs of еnvironmеntal taxеs in diffеrеnt countriеs, analyzеs thе еconomic impact of еnvironmеntal protеction basеd on forеign еxpеriеncе, and еxplorеs potеntial approachеs to еnvironmеntal tax rеform in thе Rеpublic of Moldova.
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    Exploring Moldovan educational offerings and predicting competences in intelligent specialization domains: a comprehensive study
    (2024) Gribincea, Corina; Ungur, Cristina
    This paper examines the challenges hindering the alignment of skills with labor market demands in Moldova. Two main issues are identified: first, the educational system’s inability to respond adequately to labor market needs, resulting in a significant disparity between required skills and those produced by educational programs. This disconnect may stem from outdated curriculum, inadequately trained specialists lacking updated knowledge, and skills relevant to contemporary industries. Second, there exists a weak strategic collaboration between key stakeholders, notably between companies and educational institutions. Insufficient collaboration hampers efforts to identify skills gaps and tailor educational offerings to meet industry requirements. The repercussions of these challenges are profound, as the shortage of qualified personnel impedes enterprise performance and necessitates the curtailment of development plans and production indicators for many employers. Addressing these issues requires concerted efforts to bridge the gap between education and industry and foster stronger partnerships between stakeholders to ensure a more responsive and effective labor market. The article was developed within the framework of 3.70105.0807.10T Project for Young Researchers “Development of new working models in the context of post-pandemic consequences and strengthening of job-specific skills for occupations and areas of smart specialization in the Republic of Moldova”.
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    Implicaţiile balanţei de plăţi asupra stabilităţii financiare a Republicii Moldova
    (2015) Perciun, Rodica
    The balance of payments is the barometer of the entire financial and economic activity of a country. It highlights the capacity of production of goods and their competitiveness on the international market, both in terms of quality and price. Balance of payments direct implications on financial stability are dual: on the one hand, the currency exchange rate affects prices and thus increases or decreases profit international transactions, and on the other hand, the balance of payments situation of being active or passive influences the exchange rate of own currency. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the balance of payments implications on state financial stability through relevant indicators.
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    Posibilități de implementare a practicilor internaționale în dezvoltarea afacerilor circulare din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Ungur, Cristina
    The implementation of circular business models becomes imperative under the conditions of the energy crisis that appeared at the European level this year. Governments and the business environment are required to look for urgent solutions for the transition to an economy based on alternative energy resources. In this context, taking over successful practices and sharing experience become the fastest methods to adopt circular business models. The purpose of this study was to analyze the experience of other states in the development of successful circular businesses and to identify the possibilities of implementing these practices in the Republic of Moldova. The research analyzed the activity of nine companies from four countries that operate based on circular models, in particular - the Circular Suppliers business model. At the same time, companies from the Republic of Moldova that develop businesses based on renewable, biodegradable or recyclable resources were identified and analyzed. The analyzes allowed establishing the opportunities and challenges existing at the national level in order to carry out a circular business. The areas where the principle of circularity can be implemented in the Republic of Moldova were identified and the resources that can be used in the most efficient way were determined. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism of formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.
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    Investment activity under financial instability in Republic of Moldova
    (Tehnopress, 2013) Timus, Angela; Perciun, Rodica; Clipa, Victoria
    The investment climate has a direct and immediate effect on business activity, reflected in economic and investment activities at the country level. In the article, the economic and financial analysis is tracked through the system of macroeconomic indicators: GDP, gross capital formation, investment in fixed capital and other indicators.
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    Utilizarea durabilă a resurselor naturale și impactul asupra mediului
    (INCE, 2022) Gribincea, Corina
    The economy of Europe and Moldova depends on an uninterrupted flow of natural resources and materials. Europe's green industry has grown by about 8% a year in recent years, and its annual turnover is about 2.5% of Europe's GDP. The use of resources as well as the generation and treatment of waste lead to significant pressures on the environment in the stages of extraction, production, use and at the end of the life cycle. In recent years, the emphasis has been on security of supply of critical raw materials. The article presents some results of the study and critical analysis of the sustainable use of natural resources and the impact on the environment in the Republic of Moldova. The article is written within the State Program (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism for the formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.
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    Industry 4.0 versus agriculture. Development perspectives of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova by assimilating digital technologies
    (2020) Perciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli; Shveda, Nataliia
    For the Moldovan economy, the agriculture in current conditions is one of the priority sectors that contribute to the strategic development of the country in such areas as improving food security, increasing the number of territories with agricultural specialization in a difficult socioeconomic situation and ensuring a high standard of living for the rural population. Digital technologies contribute to the achievement of these objectives by adapting agriculture to external conditions associated with geopolitical and macroeconomic changes. The underlying problems currently facing the agricultural sector are the unfavourable climatic conditions of recent years, lack of labour, caused by mass migration, but also the need for innovation and a reliable scientific approach to improving production in plants and animal husbandry. This research aims to study the concept of Industry 4.0 in Agriculture trough the existing national and international experience in digital technologies. The authors analyze the state of the Moldovan agroindustrial sector to determine the technical, human and financial potential for implementing digital technologies as solutions for streamlining the management of agricultural enterprises to ensure sustainable development of the national economy. Another digital platforms.
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    Evoluțiile și perspectivele de dezvoltare a sectorului de creditare nebancară din Republica Moldova, în contextul noii reglementări
    (Artifex, 2020) Timus, Andrei; Popa, Nicolae
    The microfinance sector is an important financial resources provider, and more than this, for some individuals, small entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs is the only possibility to obtain money fordevelopment. In recent years the microfinance sector in the Republic of Moldova is in continuously developing and shows stable growth. Recent research in the field highlights the importance and potential of the sector, aswell as a number of shortcomings that have negative implications for final consumers and operating institutions. Thus, in order to ensure a sustainable development, to reduce the systemic risk and to protect the consumers of services, the national supervisory authorities have continuously improved the regulatory framework. The last significant changes in the legislation were made in October 2018. This study reflects the main legal interventions operated by national supervisory authorities and, respectively, the results of the activity of non-bank credit organizations and savings and loan associations until after the legislative changes.