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    Determinarea modelului național de economie circulară în sectorul turism
    (2024) Gribincea Corina
    The transition to a circular economic model is still in its infancy, although Moldova has made significant economic progress over the past decade. Economic growth has not completely separated itself from the production of waste, and its approach remains problematic, with storage predominating, including illegal ones, at the expense of sustainable methods. Because of this, the performance in circular indicators, such as resource efficiency, ecological innovation, the ratio between waste generation and gross domestic product, waste management and recycling, is below the average of the member states of the European Union, including neighboring countries of the Republic of Moldova. The low involvement of citizens in circular economy practices in the tourism sector, such as reusing, repairing products, avoiding plastic and single-use packaging, preference for local products or those with low environmental impact, also reflects a low level of involvement in these directions. Thus, it is obvious that Moldova needs improvements on multiple levels of the circular economy, from greater efficiency in the use of resources and the integration of recycled materials in production processes to the prevention of waste generation and a more efficient management of it.
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    Optimizarea gestionării, cheia succesului în implementarea economiei circulare
    (2023) Iordachi, Victoria
    This article explores the essential role of structure management and governance in the promotion and effective implementation of the circular economy. In the context of pressures on natural resources and environmental impact, the circular economy asserts itself as a sustainable model that aims to reduce waste, reuse resources and increase sustainability. But the success of such a transition depends critically on how this complex transformation is managed. This article highlights the importance of well-defined strategic planning that includes clear objectives and performance indicators to guide the transition process. It also addresses the need to develop a coherent legal and political framework to support circular economic practices through appropriate incentives, regulations and norms. The article concludes by highlighting the major benefits of effective governance in the circular economy: resource optimization, waste reduction, innovation stimulation, positive environmental impact, job creation and increased economic competitiveness. Therefore, it is emphasized that proper structure management and governance are the fundamental pillars for a successful transition to the circular economy, benefiting the environment, the economy and society as a whole.
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    Infrastructura de colectare a deșeurilor în contextul dezvoltării durabile
    (Artifex, 2022) Popa, Viorica; Popa, Nicolae
    The concept of sustainable development implies the implementation of some mechanisms and policies, which allow both economic development and the preservation of the state of the environment at the same time, capturing both the increase in the degree of responsibility and the increase in economic efficiency in the sense of minimizing the costs of reducing the damage suffered by the environment due to consumption human. Thus, the EU has become a global promoter of sustainable development. The environmental policy of the European Union is becoming more and more comprehensive and closely correlated with the other European community policies that can be correlated with those of the Republic of Moldova. Currently, the problem of waste manifests itself more and more acutely, due to the increase in its quantity and diversity, as well as its increasingly pronounced negative impact on the environment. The urban and industrial development of localities, as well as the general increase in the standard of living of the population, leads to the production of increasingly large amounts of waste. Actions to reduce these impacts will be essential, as the amounts generated by waste are growing faster than any other environmental pollutant, especially in developing regions, or in rural areas where waste represents a larger share of global emissions. In this article, the theoreticalpractical aspects regarding the organization of separate waste collection in the Republic of Moldova are analyzed. The research was conducted within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Developing the circular economy mechanism for the Republic of Moldova.
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    Aspectul investițional al asigurărilor. O analiză bazată pe teorie și practică
    (INCE, 2017) Timus, Angela; Ungur, Cristina
    Creșterea economică durabilă în contextul unui progres exponențial al informației și inovării trebuie să fie susținută prin investiții considerabile. În cadrul pieței investiționale, un rol important revine companiilor de asigurări care, în calitatea sa de asigurator, dețin volume considerabile de fluxuri fiind implicate în redistribuirea de fonduri pe piața investițională. Astfel, aspectul investițional al asigurărilor este prezentat într-o tratare sistemică prin analiza teoriilor și modelelor care evidențiază conexiunea asigurărilor cu investițiile. Metodele de studiu aplicate sunt tradiționale: analiza și sinteza, observația și prezentarea grafică. Pentru a realiza o analiză empirică a potențialului investițional al sectorului de asigurări au fost folosite metode de analiză statistică a datelor, dar și procedee şi tehnici eonomico-financaire. Lucrarea conchide prin determinarea factorilor care contribuie la dezvoltarea sectorului de asigurări, a premiselor și a posibilităților de valorificare a potențialului investițional al companiilor de asigurare.
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    Theoretical approach of illigal financial flows’ defining and identification
    („Independenţa Economică”, 2022) Iordachi, Victoria; Calpajiu, Pavel
    The last decade has perceived illicit financial flows as a growing concern and threat to human progress. The topicality of this research is conditioned by the need for a scientific approach to the phenomenon of illicit financial flows to analyze its complexity (all dimensions and facets). At the same time, it is imperative to evaluate the existing methodologies for quantifying illicit financial flows in order to develop a methodology, which will be relevant for the Republic of Moldova, with the aim to reduce the economic-financial and social risks through their efficient management and to reap the benefits of the recovered financial flows. The purpose of the research carried out consists in the theoretical substantiation of the process of identification and evaluation of illicit financial flows. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the following objectives were proposed: identifying the conceptual-methodological landmarks of the concept of illicit financial flow; researching the fundamental methodological elements for evaluating illicit financial flows.
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    Separate waste collection – an indispensable factor in implementing the circular economy model
    (Performantica, 2022) Iordachi, Victoria; Popa, Viorica; Popa, Nicolae
    Waste management is one of the important problems thatthe Republic of Moldova is facing in environmental protection activities. At present, the problem of waste is manifesting more acutely, due to the increase of its quantity and diversity, as well as of its more pronounced negative impacton the environment. The urban and industrial development of the localities, as well as the general increase of the living standard of the population, entails the production of huge quantities of waste. In order to implement a sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management System, it is necessary, first of all, to create premises for the separate collection of waste. This article analyses the theoretical and practical aspects of organizing the separate collection of waste in rural and urban areas. At the same time, the authors aim to cross the path of waste circularity from collection to recycling, but also to identify good practices regarding the organization of the integrated waste management system. The research was conducted within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22. Developing the circular economy mechanism for the Republic of Moldova.
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    Capitalul intangibil, managementul inovaţional şi tehnologiile – trei elemente esenţiale ale societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere
    (AGEPI, 2011) Perciun, Rodica
    Noua economie reclamă o regândire a teoriei factorilor de producţie. Cunoaşterea devine componenta esenţială a sistemului modern de dezvoltare. Suportul societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere este constituit din trei elemente principale: capitalul intangibil, managementul inovaţional şi tehnologia informaţiei.
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    Implicaţiile balanţei de plăţi asupra stabilităţii financiare a Republicii Moldova
    (2015) Perciun, Rodica
    The balance of payments is the barometer of the entire financial and economic activity of a country. It highlights the capacity of production of goods and their competitiveness on the international market, both in terms of quality and price. Balance of payments direct implications on financial stability are dual: on the one hand, the currency exchange rate affects prices and thus increases or decreases profit international transactions, and on the other hand, the balance of payments situation of being active or passive influences the exchange rate of own currency. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the balance of payments implications on state financial stability through relevant indicators.
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    The implications of saving and investment balance on economic growth of the Republic of Roldova
    (2017) Perciun, Rodica; Petrova, Tatiana; Gribincea, Corina
    The saving and investment balance can ensure the stability of the financial market. The aim of the study is to analyse the dynamics of the saving-investment balance in the Republic of Moldova and its impact on economic growth. The role and possibilities of attracting foreign investments into fixed assets are presented. The indicator of investment growth with a low level of gross savings is a signal or a harbinger of a decline in economic growth. According to the National Bank of Moldova, legal export of capital from the Republic of Moldova takes only a small part in the process of export of capital. The leading role in the mechanism of transformation of savings into investment should belong to BNM.
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    Industrial revolution 4.0: a new paradigm for economic growth
    (2020) Perciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli
    Industry 4.0 is a political, economic and social challenge for the whole world, whose goal is to absorb digital innovations in products, processes and business models. Many developed countries in Europe, America and Asia have included the Industry 4.0 concept in their strategic development programs for the coming decades. Business leaders and global manufacturers accept digital challenges and opportunities as a conceptual leap of new realities generated by technical and scientific progress. At the same time, the criteria for evaluating the performance of transformations in Industry 4.0 are still not enough studied, and the structured and systemic implementation of these technologies in national economies of many countries is not fully finalized. Thus, in this study, the authors examine how European economies have joined the Industry 4.0 Strategy and implement in practice its tools, recording performance in various fields of activity. The second part of the research analyzes the degree of readiness of the Republic of Moldova to accept and address the challenges of the digital age in industry and agriculture in the context of sustainable development. Statistical reports and international and national policy documents on the recognition and acceptance of the notions of Industry 4.0 and the digital economy served as a basis for research to define a new stage of society’s development.
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    Posibilități de implementare a practicilor internaționale în dezvoltarea afacerilor circulare din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Ungur, Cristina
    The implementation of circular business models becomes imperative under the conditions of the energy crisis that appeared at the European level this year. Governments and the business environment are required to look for urgent solutions for the transition to an economy based on alternative energy resources. In this context, taking over successful practices and sharing experience become the fastest methods to adopt circular business models. The purpose of this study was to analyze the experience of other states in the development of successful circular businesses and to identify the possibilities of implementing these practices in the Republic of Moldova. The research analyzed the activity of nine companies from four countries that operate based on circular models, in particular - the Circular Suppliers business model. At the same time, companies from the Republic of Moldova that develop businesses based on renewable, biodegradable or recyclable resources were identified and analyzed. The analyzes allowed establishing the opportunities and challenges existing at the national level in order to carry out a circular business. The areas where the principle of circularity can be implemented in the Republic of Moldova were identified and the resources that can be used in the most efficient way were determined. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism of formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.
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    International expertise in tracking and recovery of illegal financial flows
    (INCE, 2022) Iordachi, Victoria; Calpajiu, Pavel
    Illicit financial flows represent a global challenge for both developing and developed countries, and the accessibility of financial instruments and the level of inclusion in the global economy are directly proportional, both, to economic development and the value of these flows. At the same time, the countries of the world at the level of addressing the problem of illicit financial flows register different successes - from the refuse to sign international conventions in the field of preventing and combating corruption, money laundering, the fight against tax evasion, up to the development of their own reporting mechanisms at the global level of the information necessary to combat and recover illicit financial flows. In this article, the experience of some countries in the field of tracing and recovering illicit financial flows is reported, at the same time, the international regulations in this field are analyzed. The research methodology was based on the following methods and techniques: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, graphical and tabular methods, methods inherent in economic disciplines - observation, reasoning, comparison, classification, which allowed an in-depth analysis of the research topic. The data sources of the paper constituted the legislative basis of European Parliament in the domain of combatting corruption and illegal financial flows, as well as some states’progress reports of combatting financial corruption phenomenon.
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    Evaluarea riscului in sistemul bancar in contextual Comitetului Basel
    (INCE, 2022) Manole, Tatiana; Birca, Iulita
    This article investigates the role of the banking institution in carrying out the circulation of funds. The financial circuit of the funds can be likened to the circulation of blood through the venous system of man. A small failure can cause great health problems. This phenomenon can be compared with the monetary circulation in the economy of the country. The national institution, that aims to supervise and control the money circuit, is the Central Bank (the case of the Republic of Moldova – the National Bank of Moldova). It is precisely this institution that is obliged and has at its disposal all the monetary policy instruments to achieve this objective. The supreme banking supervisory institution is the BASEL Committee, the objective of which is to understand supervisory issues and improve the quality of banking supervision worldwide, in order to increase financial stability, being the main global standard for prudential regulation of banks. By decision no. 63 of February 28, 2019, the National Bank of Moldova approved the Methodology for supervision and evaluation of banks' activity, thanks to which international standards and best practices in the field of banking sector supervision are transposed. The approval of the methodology is part of the process of reforming the domestic banking supervision framework and represents a fundamental step in the implementation of a future-oriented risk-based supervision process using professional reasoning.
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    Aspectele sociale ale investiţiilor durabile: realizări si perspective
    (Artifex, 2022) Timus, Angela; Timus, Andrei
    The 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development has set goals to contribute to sustainable development, promoting the environment and social welfare values. Programs and instruments have been set up for sustainable investment to ensure an adequate financing process and calibrated to sustainable principles. Sustainable investment in the context of financing projects and / or programs designed to contribute to sustainable growth includes a new dimension of investment, both conceptually and methodologically. The EU regulatory framework in the field of sustainable financing, the definition of sustainable investment and the taxonomy relevant to these types of investments, has been adopted and developed in several dimensions. The paper will highlight social aspects of sustainable investment, findings on sustainable investment trends and policies.
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    Evoluţia exportului de struguri de masă
    (2022) Iatisin, Tatiana
    One of the key sectors of the Moldovan economy is viticulture, where a progressive trend has prevailed in recent years. In 2020, the grape harvest in the Republic of Moldova amounted to 462 thousand tons, of which table grapes 84.4 thousand tons. The total export volume of table grapes from Moldova amounted to about 41.3 thousand tons Moldova exported grapes to 22 countries and half the total exports are oriented to Russia.
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    Business models for circular economy implementation
    (Artifex, 2022) Timofei, Olga
    Crises that threaten the viability of our planet: climate change, natural disasters and depletion of natural resources have their roots in the way we use materials and goods. Companies need to update their policies as we move into a circular economy and this is a very important transition for the environment. In a circular economy, production and consumption are increasingly based on responsible raw materials and renewable energy, providing a product as a service, long-term products and reused materials. Companies need to prepare for a change in earnings practices and patterns. In a circular economy, a company creates added value for their products with more services and intelligence. Through this study, we aim to highlight the main barriers that companies may face in the process of implementing circular business models, the knowledge and implementation of which are important at any level of decision making.
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    Circular business models: challenges and opportunities
    (Artifex, 2022) Ungur, Cristina
    The linear economy based on depletable resources, with a negative impact on the environment, can no longer be accepted. Awareness of thisissue has led to changes in the international policy that entrepreneurs and consumers must comply with. As the European Union has set itself the goal of moving to a fully circular economy over the next three decades, entrepreneurs in the EU and in associated countries have to find ways toadopt circular business models. In this study we aimed to describe the challenges that arise in the process of transition to the circular economy and to present the opportunities of this transition. The mechanisms and tools to support circular business were analyzed on the basis of data from the Republic of Moldova in order to encourage local entrepreneurs to conduct circular business. The research was based on the analysis of policy papers, scientific articles, studies and reports prepared by international organizations specializing in the circular economy. As a result of the research, we have shown that through the joint effort of society and the authorities, mechanisms can be created to support the circular business that will drive the transition to a circular economy. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism of formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.
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    Direcțiile care vor determina viitorul apropiat
    (Tipogr. "A& VPoligraf", 2021) Gribincea, Corina; Gribincea, Alexandru
    In 2020, humanity as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic and other factors, the processes of digital transformation in various areas of the global economy have accelerated significantly. Finally, the pace of development of communications networks has exceeded all previous forecasts and already in 2021 some indicators could be reached, which were previously predictable only in 2024. The accelerated digital transformation of 2021 promises us great upheavals. As the pandemic has shown, the most important factor for businesses and institutions today is their willingness to respond quickly to unforeseen situations and to innovate to improve business efficiency. At the heart of this innovation is a smart and scalable network infrastructure that keeps business processes secure and flexible. Only countries with a flexible innovation economy can become competitive and overcome the losses of the 2020 crisis.
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    Альтернативные инструменты финансирования научно-технической деятельности в Республике Молдова
    (ФГБУН ВолНЦ РАН, 2020) Timus, Angela; Railean, V.
    За последние десять лет система финансирования исследовательского сектора во всем мире претерпела существенные структурные изменения. В данной статье представлены некоторые инструменты для альтернативного финансирования научно-технической деятельности.
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    Managementul strategic al instituțiilor de microfinanțare în contextul dezvoltării durabile
    (INCE, 2022) Popa, Viorica
    Microfinantarea este un sector tanar si in plina dezvoltare, avand un potențial considerabil si un rol important in dezvoltarea socio-economica a unei țari. Ocupand un loc aparte in cadrul sistemului financiar nebancar, microfinantarea este un motor al creșterii economice in calitate de sursa de finanțare importanta, care, in ultimul deceniu, cunoaște o puternica promovare in lumea intreaga, indeosebi in țarile emergente. In Republica Moldova, sectorul de microfinantare reprezinta o componenta a sistemului financiar și, conform obiectivului de baza, aceasta are menirea de a asigura intermedierea și transparența financiara. Sectorul de creditare nebancara (sectorul de microfinantare) este inca insuficient de dezvoltat, reprezentand cca 5,12% (2020) din totalul activelor raportate la PIB, iar 57,4% din populația economica activa din Republica Moldova beneficiaza de imprumuturile sectorului de microfinantare, reprezentat de asociațiile de economii si imprumut si organizațiile de microfinantare. Pe parcursul ultimilor ani, finanțarea, acordata prin intermediul organizațiilor de microfinanțare, a crescut considerabil, ceea ce denota ca o buna parte din cererea de credit se orienteaza spre piața financiara nebancara. Situația se datoreaza mai multor factori, cum ar fi: atractivitatea sectorului pentru consumatorii de credite nebancare, avantajele creditarii de natura procedurala, dar și din cauza evenimentelor ce au avut loc in toamna anului 2014 in sectorul bancar și efectele negative provocate de criza pandemica COVID-19. In acest fel, studierea sectorului de microfinanțare este important pentru mediul de afaceri și populație. Reieșind din problemele privind stabilitatea financiara a sectorului bancar, semnificația și rolul sectorului de microfinanțare devin tot mai iminente in Republica Moldova. Importanța si rolul acestui sector rezulta din faptul ca instituțiile financiare bancare nu sunt dispuse sa acorde imprumuturi microintreprinderilor si intreprinderilor mici din cauza riscurilor și factorilor prudențiali care franeaza expansiunea creditarii. Astfel, diminuarea intermedierii bancare genereaza migrarea cererii de credite catre sectorul de microfinanțare, asigurand accesul la finanțare adecvata pentru intreprinderile mici și mijlocii. In ultima perioada, sectorul prezinta o extindere rapida a volumului de servicii financiare catre persoanele fizice, materializate in special prin credite de consum sau cele ipotecare, valoarea medie a unui imprumut constituind 15 mii. MDL (2019). Prin urmare, microfinantarea devine un instrument strategic major pentru creșterea și dezvoltarea economiei statului. De aceea, in prezent, este important ca instituțiile de microfinanțare sa aiba un management strategic eficient, care sa permita dezvoltarea sectorului și funcționarea acestuia la capacitați maxime. In situația creata, constatam ca instituțiile de microfinanțare nu sunt capabile sa faca fața cererii de credite sau nu exista implementat un model de management strategic care, in același timp, sa asigure dezvoltarea sectorului și stabilitatea financiara a acestuia. Microfinantarea este un sector mai puțin studiat de cercetatori, avand o importanța semnificativa pentru factorii de decizie din economiile bazate pe cunoaștere. Astfel, oamenii de știința din strainatate au demonstrat ca accesul la microfinantare poate reduce saracia și contribui la creșterea economica și la generarea locurilor de munca. Drept urmare, practicile de acordare a microcreditelor in Uniunea Europeana variaza considerabil in funcție de tipul de instituție care ofera microcreditele, de statutul juridic al ei, de mediul in care funcționeaza și de propria sa capacitate de a aplica proceduri de management judicios și eficient. Deci, principiul ce sta la baza microfinantarii la nivel global este acordarea imprumuturilor cu scopul satisfacerii unor nevoi financiare ale antreprenorilor, crearea locurilor noi de munca sau sprijinirea unor noi idei de afaceri si start-up-uri.