Utilizarea durabilă a resurselor naturale și impactul asupra mediului

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The economy of Europe and Moldova depends on an uninterrupted flow of natural resources and materials. Europe's green industry has grown by about 8% a year in recent years, and its annual turnover is about 2.5% of Europe's GDP. The use of resources as well as the generation and treatment of waste lead to significant pressures on the environment in the stages of extraction, production, use and at the end of the life cycle. In recent years, the emphasis has been on security of supply of critical raw materials. The article presents some results of the study and critical analysis of the sustainable use of natural resources and the impact on the environment in the Republic of Moldova. The article is written within the State Program (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism for the formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.


Text: lb. rom. Abstract: lb. engl., rom. Referințe bibliografice: p. 153 (9 titl.).


sustainable development, natural resources, impact, use, environment, Republic of Moldova


GRIBINCEA, Corina. Utilizarea durabilă a resurselor naturale și impactul asupra mediului. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării = Economic growth in the conditions of globalization: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediția a XV-a, 15-16 octombrie 2021, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2022, vol. II, pp. 142-153. ISBN 978-99753529-9-4 (PDF).




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