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Item Abordarea conceptuală a competitivității și a interdependenței dintre concurență și competitivitate(Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM, 2017) Gutium, TatianaAcest articol este consacrat analizei interdependenței şi corelației dintre concurență și competitivitate, consecințelor concurenței. Au fost analizate concepţiile unor specialişti al căror domeniu de cercetare îl constituie competitivitatea, tangențele dintre teoriile concurenței și competitivității. Utilizând indicatorul sintetic elaborat de autor, este evaluată competitivitatea bunurilor autohtone pe piața internă și pe piața externă. La finele acestui articol, au fost făcute propuneri de sporire a competitivității.Item Access to finance - constraint on economic growth in Moldova(Complexul Editorial al IEFS, 2011) Capussela, Andrea Lorenzo; Chistruga, MarcelItem The access to finance in Moldova - banking compared to microfinance organizations(“Victor Slăvescu” Centre for Financial and Monetary Research, 2013) Popa, VioricaThe objective of this article is the comparative analysis of the banking sector with the non-bank sector of the Republic of Moldova, by the elucidation of the main trends of development of microfinance and banking institution in the last five years, as being reflected by the improvement of all indicators. In this article, the author analyses the microfinance institutions in Moldova through the financial soundness indicators (the degree of financial intermediation). In the first part of the article, the author analyses the main trends in the microfinance sector compared to the banking sector in recent years, requiring the implementation of an effective and coherent strategic management for banking and non- performing strategies and to maintain the financially stability through appropriate policies administration and risk management. A very suggestive remark about the author is the difficult access to finance in Moldova, representing a particular importance to any economy. In this context, the shocks arising from the financial and economic crisis have affected both credit supply and demand as well. Thus, the existence of appropriate strategic policy to minimize risk in a bank and microfinance institution, condition a management with a high level of professionalism and quality.Item Accesul la finanţe – constrângere la creșterea economică în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2012) Chistruga, Marcel; Hamuraru, MariaAutorii compară diferiţi indicatori financiari, în scopul de a descoperi o situaţie interesantă pentru Republica Moldova. Toţi indicatorii financiari au un trend pozitiv, dar Republica Moldova nu dispune de resursele financiare necesare pentru o bună dezvoltare. Compararea şi utilizarea indicatorilor financiari din baze de date internaţionale dau posibilitatea în acest articol pentru perspective noi de evaluarea a performanţelor financiare în Moldova.Item Accesul la finanțe – o constrângere importantă pentru creșterea economică(IEFS, 2011) Capussela, Andrea Lorenzo; Chistruga, MarcelItem Adaptarea modelului balanţei interramurale natural-valorile pentru evaluarea economiei neobservate(Complexul Editorial, USEM, 2015) Ganciucov, Valentina; Gutium, TatianaAcest articol este dedicat adaptării modelului economico-matematic balanţei interramurale, care poate fi folosit atât pentru elaborarea scenariilor dezvoltării economiei naționale, cât și pentru estimarea economiei neobservate. Autorii descriu principiile de bază utilizate la elaborarea modelului, funcțiile şi structura lui.Item Alternative de finanțare a afacerii în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Ianioglo, AlinaFinancing business activities represent one of the pressing issues. In current conditions of digital transformation and difficulties in accessing traditional financing, alternative sources of finance acquire a special importance. At the same time, the knowledge regarding alternative finance market in the Republic of Moldova is yet in its infancy. Therefore, the article aims at exploring modern trends, issues and opportunities of alternative finance in the Republic of Moldova. In order to achieve the objective of the study, a mixed research approach, based on both primary and secondary data, was used: analysis of statistical data, international rankings, comparison, synthesis, deduction. There was determined the impact of different sources of finance on entrepreneurship development. The alternative finance market in the Republic of Moldova was analysed, showing that despite a rise in recent years, alternative sources of financing are still poorly developed.Item Alternative sources of enterprise financing and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic(INCE, 2022) Ianioglo, AlinaIn current conditions of digital transformation and difficulties in accessing traditional financing, alternative sources of finance acquire particular importance. At the same time, the knowledge regarding the alternative finance market is yet in its infancy, with little evidence of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the alternative finance market in Moldova. Therefore, the article aims to explore financing alternatives for enterprises in Moldova and determine the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the alternative finance market. Additionally, there were analysed data from other reference countries. In order to achieve the objective of the study, a mixed research approach, based on both primary and secondary data, was used: analysis of statistical data, international rankings, comparison, synthesis, deduction, as well as a questionnaire-based survey designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs have proven to be vulnerable to crises. The alternative finance market in Moldova was analysed, showing that despite a rise in recent years, alternative sources of financing are still poorly developed. The study shows that enterprises face the biggest problems in accessing venture capital, financing on the securities market and use of electronic platforms to attract funding (crowdfunding, cryptocurrencies, etc.). At the same time, there was registered an improvement in accessing crowdfunding since the beginning of the pandemic.Generally, obtained results are essential for further research, practitioners and in determining measures to facilitate access to finance.Item Analiza activității întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii sub presiunea crizei economico-financiare în Republica Moldova(2010) Clipa, Victoria; Gaitur, Tatiana; Volcu, IlieItem Analiza cheltuielilor pentru agricultură în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Chistruga, MarcelArticolul prezintă o analiză a cheltuielilor agricole în RM, inclusiv subvenţii şi alte cheltuieli bugetare. Acesta se concentrează pe probleme de optimizare a cheltuielilor bugetare curente şi recomandări pentru factorii de decizie politică. Unele dintre subvenţii distorsionează activitatea economică şi denaturează eficienţa pieţelor în RM, din care motiv este necesară o examinare aprofundată acestora.Item Analiza comerțului exterior cu fructe al Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2022) Ceban, AlexandruExportul de fructe deține o cota semnificativa din totalul exporturilor de produse agroalimentare, care, la randul lor, dețin o cota impunatoare in totalul comerțului extern. Acest segment al agriculturii, printr-un șir de beneficii, determina o tendința de perspective pozitive pentru domeniul dat și din an in an atrage tot mai mulți specialiști și persoane de afaceri din domeniul agrar gata pentru a investi și a dezvolta direcția data. Balanța comerciala pozitiva ce o deține Republica Moldova in segmentul respectiv demonstreaza faptul ca țara este capabila de a face fața concurenței, insa acest fapt nu semnifica ca potențialul este realizat pe deplin. Pe de alta parte, exista și riscuri care trebuie luate in considerație ce sunt specifice sectorului creșterii și comercializarii fructelor. Lucrarea urmarește scopul de a efectua o analiza a situației ce ține de comerțul extern cu fructe. Metodele de cercetare folosite pentru articolul dat sunt: analitica, descriptiva, comparativa, precum și prin prisma indicatorului Avantajul Comparativ Relevat. Aceste metode au permis de a efectua o analiza a sectorului, de a identifica punctele forte și cele slabe și de a formula unele concluzii cu privire la situația comerțului cu fructe la etapa actuala.Item Analiza competitivităţii naţionale prin prisma indicatorilor de performanţă a exporturilor(2011) Clipa, Victoria; Pelivan, Mariana; Fala, AlexandruItem Analiza performanţelor exportului Republicii Moldova prin prizma regimurilor preferenţiale de comerţ(IEFS, 2010) Chistruga, Marcel; Clipa, Victoria; Fala, AlexandruStudiul dat iși propune analiza exporturilor Moldovei сătге principalii sai parteneri comerciali: UE și CSI, prin prisma relatiei beneficii-riscuri. In vederea realizarii acestei sarcini, lucrarea s-a structurat in 3 compartimente: in prima parte este analizat cadrul de reglementare а соmerșului exterior, in cel de-al doilea compartiment sunt examinate aspectele cantitative și calitative privind evoluția exportului și in final sunt expuse concluzii și гесоmandări.Item The analysis of banking sectorin Moldova in 2014 through financial stability indicators.(INCE, 2015) Catan, Petru; Popa, VioricaThe objective of this article is to analyze the banking sector in the Republic of Moldova in terms of financial stability indicators. Thereby the authors elucidated the main developments of banking institutions in 2014, as reflected by the deterioration of the prudential indicators of this sector. The problems in the banking sector were caused by dubious transactions of some commercial banks, as well as their plight. Despite the establishment of special administration at 3 financial institutions (B.C. „Unibank” S. A., B.C. „Banca Sociala” S.A. and B.C. „Banca de Economii” S.A.), the banking sector failed to maintain a reliable activity, causing problems with bank loans.Item Analysis of the Impact of Tariff Levels on Energy and Other Services on Macroeconomic Indicators(IEEE, 2017) Gutium, Tatiana; Postolati, Vitalie; Bykova, Elena; Grodetskiy, Mihail; Celac, IrinaEnergy resources are one of the main components of the production cost. The volume of this kind of cost depends on the consumption and tariffs set by suppliers. The branches of the economy are mutually related at the stage of production and sales. A number of macroeconomic indicators, which are quite complex systems, characterizes their activities. Identify the impact on them of tariffs on energy expended and various services is quite a challenge. Nevertheless, this issue is very important, since the establishment of tariffs for energy, material resources and services is sometimes carried out without taking into account their influence on the final macroeconomic indicators and the welfare of the population. In this article, an attempt is made to highlight the impact of tariffs on the main macroeconomic indicators of the economy. It turned out that the higher the tariffs, the greater the intermediate consumption and the lower the gross added value and the volume of the gross domestic product, as well as the volume of final consumption. To ensure sustainable development of the economy, it is necessary to coordinate the establishment of energy tariff levels, taking into account the welfare of the population.Item Analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the customs field: strengths, weaknesses(Performantica, 2020) Gutium, MirceaIn the article we systematize the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the custom field and also analyse the impact of electronic declaration on import and export of the Republic of Moldova. Customhouses taxes has become an indispensable factor for the development of the national economy, as well as electronic tools for accelerating taxes collection. According to estimates, most part of gross domestic product is collecting from customhouse taxes of import. The customs policy aims at ensuring the efficiency of customs operations, regulating the exchange of goods on the customs territory of the Republic of Moldova, contributing to solving political and trade problems regarding the protection of the internal market and stimulating the development of the national economy. At the end of the article, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of customs legislation and were elaborated the recommendations.Item Aplicarea aparatului matematico-statistic în scopul estimării indicatorilor de creştere inovaţională(IEFS, 2012) Susu-Turcan, Aurelia; Naval, ElviraExistenţa unui sistem informaţional statistic coerent în domeniu inovării în Republica Moldova este o sarcină stringentă a societăţii, deoarece numai în acest caz este posibilă prognozarea calitativă a creşterii economice. În prezentul articol este prezentată o abordare în vederea evaluării statistice şi estimării indicatorilor inovaţionali. Oferta este modelată prin funcţia de producere tipul Cobb-Douglas. Productivitatea Totală a Factorilor nu depinde de factorii de producere, dar de alţi indicatori socio-economici.Item Aplicarea balanțelor interramurale în analiza și prognoza sectorului agroindustrial(Artifex, 2019) Ianioglo, AlinaThis article reveals the particularities of the analysis and forecast of the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova, as well as its contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product. The purpose of the article is to analyze and forecast the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova on the basis of the natural-value inter-branch balance. The methods used are the analysis of the statistical data and the elaboration of the natural-value inter-branch balance. In 2018, the author expanded the inter-branch balance including new goods (ice cream, mayonnaise, beer) offered by the agro-industrial sector, estimated the technical coefficients for quadrant I and evaluated the elements of quadrant II and III. The results of the study are based on the assessment of the current situation of the national economy and can be used in the elaboration of the economic development scenarios.Item Armonizarea tehnică în contextul facilitării comerțului exterior al Republicii Moldova(2008) Clipa, VictoriaDespite considerable liberalization in recent decades, remaining barriers to trade сопtinuе to have а negative impact оп Moldavian external commercial transactions of good . As customs tariffs have bееn considerably reduced, due in the main to subsequent rounds of trade negotiations within the WTO, increasing attention has focused оп the impact of domestic policies оп international trade and the use of non-tariff measures, especially of technical barriers. Неnсе, опе of the way to еliminate, or at least to reduce these burden оп our country's external trade is the harmonization of technical national regulation with international practices and those Europeans опе.Item Aspecte ale cooperării interstatale a Republicii Moldova cu statele-membre ale CSI în domeniul inovării(IEFS, 2013) Percinschi, Natalia; Maier, LidiaThe article examines some aspects of interstate cooperation between Moldova and the CIS countries in science and innovation field. The main objective of this cooperation is to accelerate the socio-economic development of the member states of the CIS by creating interstate innovation space that would allow the implementation of an efficient mechanism for identifying interaction, expertise and mutually beneficial projects and programs in science and innovation. Progress and performances in this context will allow member states of the CIS to fit better in the process of creating a sustainable economy based on knowledge, innovation and technology transfer. The paper identified strategic directions, problems in the development of these relations and there are also proposed solutions.