Abordarea conceptuală a competitivității și a interdependenței dintre concurență și competitivitate
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Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM
Acest articol este consacrat analizei interdependenței şi corelației dintre concurență și competitivitate, consecințelor concurenței. Au fost analizate concepţiile unor specialişti al căror domeniu de cercetare îl constituie competitivitatea, tangențele dintre teoriile concurenței și competitivității. Utilizând indicatorul sintetic elaborat de autor, este evaluată competitivitatea bunurilor autohtone pe piața internă și pe piața externă. La finele acestui articol, au fost făcute propuneri de sporire a competitivității.
This article is devoted to analysis of interdependence and correlation between competition and competitiveness, and competition’s consequences. The author analysed some authors’ visions on competitiveness, and common features between theories of competition and competitiveness. Using the synthetic indicator elaborated by author has been evaluated the competitiveness of domestic goods on the internal and external market. At the end of this article, the author has developed proposals to increase competitiveness.
This article is devoted to analysis of interdependence and correlation between competition and competitiveness, and competition’s consequences. The author analysed some authors’ visions on competitiveness, and common features between theories of competition and competitiveness. Using the synthetic indicator elaborated by author has been evaluated the competitiveness of domestic goods on the internal and external market. At the end of this article, the author has developed proposals to increase competitiveness.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 70-71(16 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL Classification: F14, D40, L11. UDC: 339.137(478).
concurenta, competitivitate, competition, competitiveness
GUTIUM, Tatiana. Abordarea conceptuală a competitivității și a interdependenței dintre concurență și competitivitate = Conceptual approach of competitiveness and interdependence between competition and competitiveness. In. Economica. 2017, nr. 3 (101), pp. 59-71. ISSN 1810-9136.