Decalajul pe pieţele internă şi externă de mărfuri alimentare
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Articolul dat este consacrat analizei decalajului pe piaţa internă şi pieţele externe de produse alimentare autohtone şi a consecinţelor lui. Rezultatele analizei ne arată că recesiunea în Moldova nu este un rezultat numai al crizei financiare, ci şi al scăderii competitivităţii producţiei autohtone. La rândul lor, cauzele micşorării competitivităţii sunt: influenţa negativă exercitată asupra producătorilor autohtoni a legislaţiei fiscale în vigoare şi reglării vamale actuale; preţurile înalte la resurse energetice; eficienţa mică a măsurilor de susţinere a producătorilor autohtoni. La finele articolului, autorul a elaborat măsuri de redresare a situaţiei.
This article is devoted to analyzing the deviation on internal and external market of domestic food products and its consequences. Results of investigation show that recession in Moldova is the outcome not just of inancial crises, but it is the result of reduction in domestic product competitiveness. In addition, causes of decrease in competitiveness are: negative inluence of tax legislation and current customs regulation over national producers; high price of energy resources; low eiciency of meas- ures in supporting domestic producers. At the end of this article the author has elaborated measures for recovery situation.
This article is devoted to analyzing the deviation on internal and external market of domestic food products and its consequences. Results of investigation show that recession in Moldova is the outcome not just of inancial crises, but it is the result of reduction in domestic product competitiveness. In addition, causes of decrease in competitiveness are: negative inluence of tax legislation and current customs regulation over national producers; high price of energy resources; low eiciency of meas- ures in supporting domestic producers. At the end of this article the author has elaborated measures for recovery situation.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 12(6 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl.
food products, internal market, external market, competitiveness, produse alimentare, piaţa internă, piaţa externă, competitivitate
GUTIUM, Tatiana (2009). Decalajul pe pieţele internă şi externă de mărfuri alimentare = The disparity on domestic and external market of foodstuff products. In: Economica. 2009, nr. 4 (68), pp. 7-12. ISSN 1810-9136.