Analiza comparativă structurii claselor de bani în diverse sisteme monetare
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The composition of money supply structure differs from state to state. It depends on historical, socio-economic factors as well as on the monetary policy objectives promoted by the authorities and representing monetary indicators that are used for sizing and following monetary evolution. Due to the fact that the Republic of Moldova aspires to join the European Union, one of the steps it will have to take in this direction will be the structuring money in its economy by bringing composition of each monetary indicator to the European model. This paper aims to follow training examples of monetary expansion in Europe and especially in the neighboring country- Romania, country which has already changed its system - from a simple monetary system to a monetary system harmonized to European needs and subsequently monetary system that is integrated into the European one. It is vitally important to know the structural differences between the monetary aggregate components taken into consideration in the European monetary system and that of the RM in order to identify the opportunities for evaluation and comparability of the various components of the money supply with a view to follow the positive experiences that are further possible to apply for the domestic economy.
Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 162 (6 titl.).
money supply, monetary aggregates, composition of monetary aggregates, masa monetara, agregat monetar, componenta agregatelor monetare, sisteme monetare
TIMOFEI, Olga. Analiza comparativă structurii claselor de bani în diverse sisteme monetare. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică dedicată aniversării a 70-a de la fondarea primelor instituţii ştiinţifice, ediția a 11-a, 13-14 octombrie, 2016, Chișinău. Chișinău, 2016, vol. II , pp. 158-162. ISBN 978-9975-4000-6-0.