Inegalitățile teritoriale în timpul crizelor multiple. Cazul României

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Analyses of territorial inequalities follow the examination of the differences in specific and general characteristics that regional economies share. Most attention is paid to their relative income and to the way in which they change over the course of time: if inequalities get smaller, convergence or catch-up occurs, and if they get wider, divergence is said to occur. This entry outlines the steps involved in examining regional inequalities and their evolution in times of multiple crises, starting with the definition of suitable territorial entities, the identification of indicators of income and the definition of ways of measuring inequality. The methods are used to outline the degree of regional inequality in Romania and the evolution of disparities in the period 2019-2023. The empirical evidence indicates that regional economies can diverge or converge depending on the relative weight of equalising and unequalising forces. Although attention is concentrated on the geography of the creation of income, it is important to note that this geography is modified by a range of redistribution mechanisms.


Text: lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 153-154 (14 titl.). JEL Classification: R1, R11, R12, R28. UDC: 332(498).


regional inequalities, sanitary crisis, convergence, Romania


ANTONESCU, Daniela, FLORESCU, Ioana Cristina. Inegalitățile teritoriale în timpul crizelor multiple. Cazul României. In: Economic growth in the face of global challenges. Consolidation of national economies and reduction of social inequalities: Conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIIIth edition, October 10-11, 2024, Chisinau. Chisinau: [S. n.], INCE, ASEM, 2024, vol. IV: Scientific session managing demographic processes: innovative approaches, pp. 141-154. ISBN 978-9975-167-84-0. ISBN 978-9975-167-85-7 (PDF).




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