Contribuția bolilor cardiovasculare în dinamica speranței de viață la naștere

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Cardiovascular disease are one of the most important causes of death in Republic of Moldova, in 2014, cardiovascular mortality represents 53% of all deaths for males and 64% of all deaths for females. Also, an important difference is that increasing of cardiovascular mortality for women is specific for advanced ages, while for men is highlighted groups working age. Decomposition analysis between Republic of Moldova and France show a serious gap between sexes. Decomposition analysis was constructed also for Republic Moldova, for 1990-1995 and 1995-2012 years, first is characterized by reducing of life expectancy at birth and second by growing of that. In first case cardiovascular mortality, determine approximatively 70% in case of female and 50% in case of male, from differences in life expectancy at birth. In second case we observed a growing of life expectancy at birth, that was largely driven by reducing of cardiovascular mortality for female, in case of male the reducing was smaller and the contribution to the increase of life expectancy at birth was just by 0,43 years.


Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 51 (12 titl.).


life expectancy at birth, cardiovascular mortality, contribution, mortality


PAHOMII, Irina. Contribuția bolilor cardiovasculare în dinamica speranței de viață la naștere. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării. Sesiunea ştiinţifică: “Dinamica populației și calitatea potențialului uman” : conferinţa internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediția a XI-a, 13-14 octombrie 2016, Chişinău. Chişinău. 2016, рp. 45-51. ISBN 978-9975-89-004-1.




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