Influența tinerilor asupra dezvoltării IMM-urilor în Republica Moldova
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In Moldova, the majority of enterprises are SMEs. Small business development needs to be increased to ensure the stable development of the national economy. The Republic belongs to the category of countries with a high rate of population aging. Young people are emigrating from Moldova, so it is necessary to prove that the government should pay more attention to youth problems. It is also required to prove that youth play a significant role in the development of SMEs. The research object is the entrepreneurship sector, and especially the SME. This study aims to verify the hypothesis that the number of young people directly impacts the development of SMEs in Moldova. Correlation and regression analysis were used to verify the hypothesis and construct regression equations.
Text în lb. rom. Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 167-168 (16 titl.). UDC: 334.72-053.81(478).
entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises, youth, competitiveness, average number of employees, turnover
GUTIUM, Tatiana. Influența tinerilor asupra dezvoltării IMM-urilor în Republica Moldova. В: Știință, Educație, Cultură = Наука, образование, культура: международная научно-практическая конференция, 33-ая годовщина Комратского государственного университета: cборник статей. Комрат, 2024, том 1: Экономические науки. Сельское хозяйство и перерабатывающая промышленность. Информационные технологии, математика и физика. Право и политические науки, cc. 167-168. ISBN 978-9975-83-295-3.