Covid-19 associated mortality – from the first case to the latest available data
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Acest studiu are drept scop prezentarea unei imagini de ansamblu asupra mortalitații asociate cu Covid-19 la nivel național și subnațional. Distribuția pe sexe a deceselor cauzate de Covid-19 este in principiu aceeași la nivel național și subnațional. Astfel, aproximativ jumatate din toate decesele pozitive cauzate de Covid-19 revin femeilor, iar jumatate barbaților. Rata de fatalitate la nivel national este de 22,8 decese la 1.000 de cazuri de infecție. Analiza abordeaza și subiectul mortalitații premature. Astfel, 52,8% din totalul deceselor in randul femeilor s-au concentrat pana la varsta de 70 de ani, in timp ce in randul barbaților, ponderea deceselor premature cauzate de Covid-19 este de 56%. Analiza subnaționala releva unele discrepanțe pe acest subiect. Chișinaul a inregistrat cel mai redus nivel de mortalitate prematura din totalul mortalitații asociate cu Covid-19 observate. Analiza sistematica și continua a mortalitații asociate cu Covid-19 ramane cruciala in dezvoltarea politicilor și masurilor eficiente de protecție.
This study aims to present an overview of Covid-19 associated mortality at the national and sub-national levels. The sex distribution of Covid-19 deaths is mainly the same at national and sub-national levels. Thus, about half of all positive deaths from Covid-19 are in females, and half are in males. The national case fatality rate is about 22.8 deaths per 1,000 cases of infection. The analysis also addresses the subject of premature mortality. Thus, 52.8% of all deaths among women were concentrated up to the age of 70, while among men, the share of premature Covid-19 deaths is 56%. The subnational analysis reveals some discrepancies in this area. Chisinau recorded the lowest percentage of premature mortality in the total observed Covid-19 associated mortality. Systematic and continuous analysis of Covid-19 associated mortality remains crucial in developing effective protection policies and measures.
This study aims to present an overview of Covid-19 associated mortality at the national and sub-national levels. The sex distribution of Covid-19 deaths is mainly the same at national and sub-national levels. Thus, about half of all positive deaths from Covid-19 are in females, and half are in males. The national case fatality rate is about 22.8 deaths per 1,000 cases of infection. The analysis also addresses the subject of premature mortality. Thus, 52.8% of all deaths among women were concentrated up to the age of 70, while among men, the share of premature Covid-19 deaths is 56%. The subnational analysis reveals some discrepancies in this area. Chisinau recorded the lowest percentage of premature mortality in the total observed Covid-19 associated mortality. Systematic and continuous analysis of Covid-19 associated mortality remains crucial in developing effective protection policies and measures.
Text: lb. engl. Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 103 (8 titl.). Clasificarea JEL: I1, I14.
COVID-19, pandemie, premature mortality, mortality, national level, subnational level
PAHOMII, Irina. Covid-19 associated mortality – from the first case to the latest available data. In: Creșterea economică în condițiile globalizării. Sesiunea științifică "Migrația și schimbări demografice: abordare interdisciplinară": conferința internațională științifico-practică, ediția a XV-a, 15-16 octombrie, Chișinău. Chișinău, 2021, pp. 96-103. ISBN 978-9975-89-240-7.