Îmbătrânirea demografică din perspectiva indicatorilor noi de măsurare
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Using new measures of aging - prospective age, remaining life expectancy
and old-age dependency ratio - provides a more comprehensive look at this phenomenon. Compared to other countries in the region Moldova ranks lower position because in the last five decades there do not have been significant advances in population health, reduce mortality and increase life expectancy. In the years 1970-2014 indicator the prospective age fell, respectively, the old-age threshold based on the remaining life expectancy has not changed significantly. For women this indicator in 2014 was 64.8 years, being lower than in 1970 (65.9 years), and for men only 59 years (in 1970 was 62 years). With low life expectancy, Moldova aging faster, the prospective old-age dependency ratio is taller than the old-age dependency ratio (based in the chronological age): 23.9 years versus 17.6. Monitoring of the prospective indicators of demographic aging should be a priority in developing policies to mitigate the negative economic consequences of this phenomenon.
Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 13 (16 titl.).
demographic ageing, life expectancy, imbatrinire demografica, speranta de viata
GAGAUZ, Olga. Îmbătrânirea demografică din perspectiva indicatorilor noi de măsurare. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării. Sesiunea ştiinţifică: “Dinamica populației și calitatea potențialului uman” : conferinţa internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediția a XI-a, 13-14 octombrie 2016, Chişinău. Chişinău. 2016, рp. 5-13. ISBN 978-9975-89-004-1.