Calitatea forţei de muncă − factorul determinant al pieţei competitive
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The article aims to identify the demand for professional skills in the national labor market. Based on the Labor Force Survey and the "School-to-Work Transition" Survey, the main indicators of the labor force show the importance of matching the professional training of the young people to the labor market needs, but also the normative framework in the field. The focus was on the analysis of young people's occupational indicators as well as their professional skills and their level of training when entering the employment. As a result, a number of recommendations were proposed to support young people to make it possible for them to stay in the country.
Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 117 (6 titl.).
competencies, qualifications, labor market, unemployment, youth, quality skills
COTELNIC, Valentina. Calitatea forţei de muncă − factorul determinant al pieţei competitive. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: modele de dezvoltare durabilă. Sesiunea ştiinţifică: “Dinamica populației și calitatea potențialului uman” : conferinţa internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediția a XII-a, 12-13 octombrie 2017, Chişinău. Chişinău, 2017, рp. 112-117. ISBN 978-9975-3171-7-7.