Многомерная бедность и методологические подходы к ее измерению


In international practice, there are several methodological approaches to poverty measurement. However, the use of the only one of them cannot properly assess the extent and dynamics of poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon. Therefore, the most effective method is to combine different approaches to poverty measurement. In the context of the Republic of Moldova, it is advisable to use a combination of three criteria for poverty measuring, which are based on absolute, relative and deprivation approaches. In this case, those households, which are simultaneously in a state of absolute, relative and deprivation poverty, will be regarded as multidimensionally poor.


Text în lb. rusă. Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 360 (1 titl.).


бедность, многомерная бедность, уровень бедности, абсолютная бедность, относительная бедность, sărăcie, nivel de sărăcie, sărăcie absolută, sărăcie relativă


РОЖКО, Анатолий. Многомерная бедность и методологические подходы к ее измерению. In: Aspecte ale dezvoltării potenţialului economico-managerial în contextul asigurării securităţii naţionale : materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale dedicate aniversării a 20 de ani ai învățămîntului economic la USARB, 6-7 iulie 2015, Bălţi. Bălţi, 2015, secţ. 1-3, pp. 358-360. ISBN 978-9975-132-35-0.




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