Oportunităţi şi politici de prelungire a vieţii active economice a vârstnicilor
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Actualitate. Implementarea politicilor orientate către soluţionarea problemelor vârstnicilor, care vizează ocuparea şi echilibrul forţei de muncă, educaţia, ocrotirea sănătăţii, protecţia socială etc. sunt destul de actuale în general, iar îndeplinirea riguroasă a obligaţiunilor sociale ale statului pentru susţinerea persoanelor în varstă este problema care rămane a fi una dintre principalele care persistă în ţară. Scopul: pentru stabilirea obiectivelor prioritare şi a angajamentelor cu privire la politicile socioeconomice destinate populaţiei vârstnice, dar şi pentru a reflecta situaţia reală a acestora, au fost analizate actele legislative pentru prelungirea vieţii active economice a persoanelor vârstnice. Metodele. Având obiectivul de a analiza situaţia persoanelor în etate, pe principalele grupe de vârstă: 50-54 de ani, 55-59 de ani, 60-64 de ani, 65-69 de ani, 70-74 de ani, 75 de ani şi peste, au fost efectuate analize, studii, cercetări în domeniu, la nivel naţional, ceea ce a permis evidenţierea particularităţilor specifice fiecărei grupe de vârstă, cu privire la ocuparea acestora. Rezultate. Deoarece în actele legislative existente în domeniu lipsesc prevederile orientate pentru: protecţia vârstnicilor împotriva discriminării după vârstă, formarea atitudinii pozitive faţă de lucrătorii vârstnici, dar şi pentru susţinerea persoanelor cu vârsta de 50 de ani şi mai mult, au fost propuse un şir de completări, de modificări şi de recomandări la actele legislative pentru soluţionarea problemelor vârstnicilor şi pentru ca această categorie de vârstă să rămână activă în societate.
Actuality. Implementation of policies aimed at solving the problems of the elderly, focused on employment and its balance, education, healthcare, social protection etc. are quite actual, in general, and the rigorous achievement of the social commitments of the state for supporting the elderly is an issue that remains to be one of the main persisting in the country. Purpose. In order to establish priority objectives and commitments regarding the socio-economic policies intended for elderly population, as well as to reflect the actual situation of the elderly, legislative acts aimed at prolonging life, economic assets of older persons were analyzed. Methods. According to the established objective - the analysis of the situation of the elderly, by main age groups: 50-54 years, 55-59 years, 60-64 years, 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over, were carried out analyses, studies, research in this area at national level, which allowed to emphasize the particularities of each age group, regarding their employment. Results. Due to the lack of provisions in the existing legal acts regarding the protection of elderly against age discrimination, development of positive attitude to elderly workers, and support for persons aged 50 and over, it have been proposed additions, amendments and recommendations to legislative acts, which are intended to solve the issues of the elderly, in order to keep them active in the society.
Actuality. Implementation of policies aimed at solving the problems of the elderly, focused on employment and its balance, education, healthcare, social protection etc. are quite actual, in general, and the rigorous achievement of the social commitments of the state for supporting the elderly is an issue that remains to be one of the main persisting in the country. Purpose. In order to establish priority objectives and commitments regarding the socio-economic policies intended for elderly population, as well as to reflect the actual situation of the elderly, legislative acts aimed at prolonging life, economic assets of older persons were analyzed. Methods. According to the established objective - the analysis of the situation of the elderly, by main age groups: 50-54 years, 55-59 years, 60-64 years, 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over, were carried out analyses, studies, research in this area at national level, which allowed to emphasize the particularities of each age group, regarding their employment. Results. Due to the lack of provisions in the existing legal acts regarding the protection of elderly against age discrimination, development of positive attitude to elderly workers, and support for persons aged 50 and over, it have been proposed additions, amendments and recommendations to legislative acts, which are intended to solve the issues of the elderly, in order to keep them active in the society.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 114 (7 titl.). JEL Classification: J21; J68; J82; J83. CZU: 331.5-057.75
piaţă a forţei de muncă, persoane vârstnice active, cadru legislativ, labour market, active elderly, legislative framework
COTELNIC, Valentina. Oportunităţi şi politici de prelungire a vieţii active economice a vârstnicilor. In: Analele Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Economice. 2015, nr. 1, pp. 110-114. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.