Meditare despre folosirea terenurilor destinate agriculturii în Republica Moldova
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The decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of July 25, 1990 qualified "...the transition to the market economy as a model of economy...". The development of the economy essentially depends on agriculture, which for all countries was, is and will be the support of human existence and, therefore, constitutes the strongest balancing factor in harmonizing the development of the state. It is no coincidence that one of the first normative acts adopted on February 15, 1991 by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova was the Concept of agrarian reform and the socio-economic development of the village. The development of agriculture is influenced by the available resources, primarily by the natural potential which, as P. Bran states [1,20], participates with the "force of its laws and its "goodnesses", substance (s), energy (e) and information (i), goods in a natural state, ``manufactured'' by the physical, chemical, and biological movement of matter''. It is no coincidence that the Concept mentions that "the main link of the agrarian reform is the reform of land relations", aimed at "the demonopolization of state ownership of land and, as a result, the recognition of land as a commodity, the affirmation in practice of different types of ownership in agriculture" In this article, the authors present a modest study on the evolution of agricultural lands and come up with some proposals aimed at using them more rationally.
Text: lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 185 (4 titl.). JEL Classification: Q10, Q15. UDC: 332.21(478).
economy, agriculture, land fund, structure, reforms, efficiency
CERTAN, Ion. Meditare despre folosirea terenurilor destinate agriculturii în Republica Moldova. In: Economic growth in the conditions of globalization: conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIIth edition, october 12-13, 2023, Chisinau. Chisinau: SEP ASEM, 2023, vol. I, pp. 177-185. ISBN 978-9975-167-20-8 (PDF).