Dezvoltarea educaţiei antreprenoriale a tinerilor în cadrul instituţiilor de învăţământ profesional tehnic secundar din Republica Moldova
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Еducaţiа antreprenorială este una din direcţiile moderne şi promiţătoare de dezvoltare a sistemului educaţional în ţările europene, inclusiv şi în Republica Moldova. Formarea aptitudinilor antreprenoriale extinde oportunităţile pentru studenţi, în special pentru tineri, în desfăşurarea unei activităţi independente sau crearea propriei micro-afaceri, astfel îmbunătăţind bunăstarea lor, autorealizarea şi calitatea vieţii lor. În cadrul materialului prezentat se analizează procesul de formare antreprenorială în cadrul sistemului de învăţământ profesional tehnic secundar, care se dezvoltă activ în Republica Moldova începând cu anul 2012. În special, sunt evaluate principalele documente de reglementare, juridice şi metodologice, care au stat la baza introducerii cursului de educaţie antreprenorială; este prezentată contribuţia instituţiilor care au asigurat acest proces; a fost analizată prima experienţă de constituire a afacerii şi asigurarea unei activităţi independente pentru absolvenţii instituțiilor de învățământ profesional tehnic secundar. Ca bază a rezultatelor şi concluziilor a servit sondajul absolvenţilor instituţiilor de învăţământ profesional tehnic secundar, care au studiat cursul de educare antreprenorială. Studiul a fost implementat în anii 2016-2017 cu participarea activă a autorilor.
Entrepreneurship education is one of the modern and promising directions for the development of the educational system in European countries, including the Republic of Moldova. The formation of entrepreneurial skills extends the opportunities for students, especially for young people, in self-employment or in creating their own micro-businesses, thus improving their well-being, self-realization and quality of life. The presented material analyzes the process of entrepreneurship education within the secondary technical vocational education system, which has been actively developing in the Republic of Moldova since 2012. In particular, the main regulatory, legal and methodological documents were evaluated, which served as the basis for the implementation of the entrepreneurial education course; the contribution of the institutions that assured this process was presented; the first business creation experience and the self-employment of graduates of secondary technical vocational education institutions were analyzed. The findings and conclusions in this article are based on the survey of graduates of technical vocational education institutions, who have completed the entrepreneurship course. The study was implemented in 2016-2017 with the active participation of the authors.
Entrepreneurship education is one of the modern and promising directions for the development of the educational system in European countries, including the Republic of Moldova. The formation of entrepreneurial skills extends the opportunities for students, especially for young people, in self-employment or in creating their own micro-businesses, thus improving their well-being, self-realization and quality of life. The presented material analyzes the process of entrepreneurship education within the secondary technical vocational education system, which has been actively developing in the Republic of Moldova since 2012. In particular, the main regulatory, legal and methodological documents were evaluated, which served as the basis for the implementation of the entrepreneurial education course; the contribution of the institutions that assured this process was presented; the first business creation experience and the self-employment of graduates of secondary technical vocational education institutions were analyzed. The findings and conclusions in this article are based on the survey of graduates of technical vocational education institutions, who have completed the entrepreneurship course. The study was implemented in 2016-2017 with the active participation of the authors.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 97 (6 titl.). JEL Classification: A29,I25, L26.
antreprenoriat, educatie antreprenoriala, invatamant profesional tehnic secundar, formare profesionala, curs de instruire, tineri antreprenori, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, secondary technical vocational education training, training course, young entrepreneurs, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova
ACULAI, Elena, NOVAC, Alexandra, DELIU, Natalia. Dezvoltarea educaţiei antreprenoriale a tinerilor în cadrul instituţiilor de învăţământ profesional tehnic secundar din Republica Moldova. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: competitivitate, inovativitate, sustenabilitate = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: competitiveness, innovation, sustainability: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediţia a XIII-a, 11-12 octombrie 2018, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2018, vol. I, pp. 93-97. ISBN 978-9975-3202-8-3.