Competitivitatea – principalul factor integrator în cadrul noii paradigme de creştere economică
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Actualitatea articolului decurge din necesitatea identificării principalilor factori de creştere economică sustenabilă şi calitativă în Republica Moldova, în cadrul noii paradigme. Scopul este de a demonstra că principalul factor integrator în cadrul acestei paradigme este competitivitatea. Rezultatele esenţiale constau în determinarea mecanismelor interacţiunii, integrării şi impactului acestor factori asupra competitivităţii.
Actuality of the article follows from the the necessity to identify the main factors of sustainable and qualitative economic growth in the Republic of Moldova in the new paradigm. The aim is to demonstrate that competitiveness is the main fact of integration within this paradigm. The main results are determining the mechanisms of interaction, integration and impact of these factors on competitiveness.
Actuality of the article follows from the the necessity to identify the main factors of sustainable and qualitative economic growth in the Republic of Moldova in the new paradigm. The aim is to demonstrate that competitiveness is the main fact of integration within this paradigm. The main results are determining the mechanisms of interaction, integration and impact of these factors on competitiveness.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 11 (8 titl.). JEL Classification: B4; Q01; O; O4. CZU: [338.2+339.137.2](478).
competitivitate, crestere economica, impact, investitii, cercetare-inovare, politica fiscal-bugetara, politica monetar-creditara, comert exterior, competitiveness, economic growth, impact, investment, research and innovation, fiscal-budgetary policies, monetary-credit policy, foreign trade
MACARI, Vadim. Competitivitatea – principalul factor integrator în cadrul noii paradigme de creştere economică. In: Analele Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Economice. 2015, nr. 2, pp. 8-11. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.