Ensuring the sustainability of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova
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The functioning of the pension system from Republic of Moldova is negatively affected by
factors inherent in the pension system itself (inadequate pension level, high pressure of financing the pension system, its financial instability), on the one hand, and external factors of the pension system (among which is the intensified process of population aging), on the other hand, which poses risks to the sustainable functioning of the pension system, which should maintain an adequate level of pensions for their beneficiaries, with an acceptable burden of funding pension payments. The purpose of the study is to develop the main directions for ensuring the sustainability of the pension system from Republic of Moldova. Research methods: monographic, analogies, comparison, statistics, etc. Research results. Specific measures have been developed to improve the pension system from Republic of Moldova, which aim to: a) increase the income from pensions and other sources and, on this basis,
reduce the risk of poverty of pensioners; b) ensure through pension a certain compensation of pre-retirement
income; c) strengthen the financial sustainability of the pension system, which implies its ability to fulfill its long-
term obligations.
Text: lb. rom. Abstract: lb. engl. Referințe bibliografice : p. 350 (5 titl.). JEL classification: H55, H75, J14, J26.
pension system, employees, pensioners, replacement rate, risk of poverty, sustainability, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova
ROJCO, Anatolii, HEGHEA, Ecaterina. Ensuring the sustainability of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova = Asigurarea sustenabilității funcționării sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: conferința internațională, ediția a XVIII-a, 28 octombrie 2022, Iași. Iași, 2022, vol. XLII, pp. 343-350. ISSN 2971- 8740.