Rolul inovațiilor în dezvoltarea și modernizarea sectorului vitivinicol
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The paper presents the current trends and perspectives of development of the wine sector. The paper analyzes the role of innovation in the development and modernization of the wine sector. In Moldova, the wine sector is at the center of the social and economic life developed harmoniously, as a result of the favorable natural conditions that the vineyard finds on the territory of the country. Moldovan wines can be considered a visiting card of the Republic of Moldova and at the same time a true treasure of the agricultural sector. In the elaboration of this paper, several research methods were used such as: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistics, comparison, etc.
Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 603-604 (10 titl.). JEL Classification: Q1; Q19.
viticulture, wine, wine market, innovations, modern technologies, international practices, viticultura, piata vinului
IAȚIȘIN, Tatiana. Rolul inovațiilor în dezvoltarea și modernizarea sectorului vitivinicol. In : Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „ Innovative economic-social Approaches in the Knowledge Society”: international symposium, 5th edition, 12th-13th, December, 2019. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2019, pp. 596-604. ISBN 978-606-8716-50-3.