Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală
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Item Policies of agricultural risk mitigation in the Republic of Moldova(Tehnopress, 2009) Moroz, Victor; Ignat, AnatolieItem Agrarian reform-achievements and perspectives(DO-MINOR Publishing House, 2009) Bajura, Tudor; Mocanu, NataliaProperty reform means the tonality of economic, politic, social and other kinds of measures meant, on the one hand, to ensure the diversity of property forms and to improve their structure, and on the other hand, to from premises of the efficient exercise of property rights on the economic potential elements, the corporate governmental mechanisms being included. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the Law nr. 459-XII from 22.01.91 on property, there are three types of property: private, collective, including “kolkhoz”, and state property.Item Impact of property reform on the microfinancial phenomenon(DO-MINOR Publishing House, 2009) Bajura, Tudor; Mocanu, NataliaProperty reform means the tonality of economic, politic, social and other kinds of measures meant, on the one hand, to ensure the diversity of property forms and to improve their structure, and on the other hand, to from premises of the efficient exercise of property rights on the economic potential elements, the corporate governmental mechanisms being included. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the Law nr. 459-XII from 22.01.91 on property, there are three types of property: private, collective, including “kolkhoz”, and state property.Item Mecanisme de gestionare a producţiei animaliere: aspect metodologic(UTM, 2007) Stratan, AlexandruProducţia animalieră ocupă un loc de bază în activităţile agricole. Importanţa acestui sector poate fi explicată printr-un şir de argumente: contribuie la ocuparea forţei de muncă în spaţiul rural pe parcursul anului întreg; sunt folosite raţional produsele vegetale; asigură populaţia cu venituri, poate mici, dar sigure; contribuie la dezvoltarea sistemului alimentar local şi nu numai; diversifică activităţile lucrătorilor de la sate; creează premise pentru dezvoltarea ştiinţei veterinare, pentru pregătirea specialiştilor etcItem The comparative economic analysis of production activities in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova(2009) Stratan, Alexandru; Zbanca, Andrei; Morei, VirgiliuThe article describes the economic analysis of production activities performed in the agricultural vegetal sector of the Republic of Moldova. To this end, one has focused from the very beginning on the necessity to elaborate and calculate the economically argued budgets of agricultural plant growing. Thus, in our investigations, we considered the principle of economic argumentation of incomes and costs in the agricultural units calculating the gross profit coming from the cultivation of 45 agricultural plants in the vegetal sector of the country. There has been elaborated for each culture three variants of budgets centered on the application of the recommended technology, harmonized technology for big and medium agricultural units and the harmonized technology in the peasant (farmer) households.Item Managing rural finance for growth and poverty alleviation in Moldova - towards an efficient European integration(Editura ASE, 2008) Stratan, AlexandruAt present, though, Moldova’s leadership puts the question more actively – it declares that European integration is an external policy priority of the country. The Government has finally prepared the Concept for European Integration, which emphasizes that “on the internal level the actions of the Republic of Moldova will be mostly oriented towards meeting the Copenhagen criteria”. And further on: “a progressive economic development of the Republic of Moldova represents the basis for the improvement of economic environment and consolidation of the relations with the EU. Promotion of structural economic reforms is a way to modernize the Republic of Moldova, to lessen and gradually eliminate gaps between developed European states and to create a functional and transparent market economy compatible with the EU principles, norms, mechanisms, institutions and policies”.Item Rolul întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în contextul globalizării economice a ţărilor în tranziţie(ULIM, 2008) Stratan, AlexandruMany countries are still in the earliest stages of integrating with the global economy. They need additional assistance from the international community, which should mitigate the negative effects of globalization on the world economy in two ways: by ensuring the stability of the international financial system, and by helping individual countries take advantage of the investment opportunities offered by international capital markets, while reducing their vulnerability to adverse shocks or changes in investor sentiment. The transitional economy has being influenced by many economic, social and other phenomena, one of the most important parameters in this context becoming the emergence and rapid development of small and medium size enterprises (SME). We could even state that nowadays this matter is one of the most discussed in the framework of approaches of economic development directions of countries, regions etc. The international practice regarding the development of the SME sector, the issues faced by economies in transition in this field, the elements of success in promoting a competitive SME sector and other factors have been analyzed.Item Cu privire la mecanismul de susţinere a exploataţiilor agricole în ţările Europei de Vest şi Republica Moldova(ASEM, 2006) Stratan, AlexandruTaking into account the strategic objective of our country – integration in the European Union – this survey includes the investigation of the functioning mechanism of agricultural farms in some EU member states, in order to outline the development directions of Moldavian agriculture in conformity with the basic principles of the Common Agricultural Policy, as well as taking over the experience and some possible practices that would be implemented successfully in the agricultural sector of Moldova. We will focus on the analysis of policies and supporting mechanisms existing in Moldavian agriculture that would be less complicated, more equitable and would lead to growth and efficiency.Item Analiza factorilor emergenţi produselor noi în condiţiile globalizării(Editura ASEM, 2009) Stratan, AlexandruDiferenţele dintre pieţele naţionale sunt reduse; cererea şi oferta sunt exprimate la nivel global. Având în vedere aceste condiţii, globalizarea afacerilor este un proces cuprinzător impus de necesitate. Firmele multinaţionale decid cu privire la poziţionarea producţiei, din punct de vedere a raţionalizării la nivel global. Lucrarea elucidează factorii care au o influenţă foarte importantă asupra procesului de dezvoltare a noilor produse. Este interesant faptul că unii factori au influenţă ambivalent (atât sporesc, cât şi scad procesul dezvoltării produselor noi).Item Argumentarea economică a activităţilor practicate în sectorul vegetal(2009) Morei, Virgiliu; Stratan, Alexandru; Zbanca, AndreiThe article describes the economic analysis of production activities performed in the agricultural vegetal sector of the Republic of Moldova. To this end, one has focused from the very beginning on the necessity to elaborate and calculate the economically argued budgets of agricultural plants growing. Thus, in our investigations, we considered the principle of economic argumentation of incomes and costs in the agricultural units calculating the gross profit coming from the cultivation of 45 agricultural plants in the vegetal sector of the country.There have been elaborated for each culture three variants of budgets focused on the application of the recommended and harmonized technology for large and medium agricultural units and the harmonized technology in the peasant (farmer) households.