Rolul întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în contextul globalizării economice a ţărilor în tranziţie
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Many countries are still in the earliest stages of integrating with the global economy. They
need additional assistance from the international community, which should mitigate the negative
effects of globalization on the world economy in two ways: by ensuring the stability of the
international financial system, and by helping individual countries take advantage of the
investment opportunities offered by international capital markets, while reducing their
vulnerability to adverse shocks or changes in investor sentiment. The transitional economy has
being influenced by many economic, social and other phenomena, one of the most important
parameters in this context becoming the emergence and rapid development of small and
medium size enterprises (SME). We could even state that nowadays this matter is one of the
most discussed in the framework of approaches of economic development directions of
countries, regions etc. The international practice regarding the development of the SME
sector, the issues faced by economies in transition in this field, the elements of success in
promoting a competitive SME sector and other factors have been analyzed.
Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 113 (6 titl.). Recenzent: dr. hab., prof. univ. Alexandru GRIBINCEA.
globalizare, intreprinderi mici si mijlocii
STRATAN, Alexandru. Rolul întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în contextul globalizării economice a ţărilor în tranziţie. In: Analele Universităţii Libere Internaţionale din Moldova. Chişinău: ULIM, 2008, vol. 7 : Economie, pp. 108-113. ISBN 978-9975-920-97-1.