Cu privire la mecanismul de susţinere a exploataţiilor agricole în ţările Europei de Vest şi Republica Moldova


Taking into account the strategic objective of our country – integration in the European Union – this survey includes the investigation of the functioning mechanism of agricultural farms in some EU member states, in order to outline the development directions of Moldavian agriculture in conformity with the basic principles of the Common Agricultural Policy, as well as taking over the experience and some possible practices that would be implemented successfully in the agricultural sector of Moldova. We will focus on the analysis of policies and supporting mechanisms existing in Moldavian agriculture that would be less complicated, more equitable and would lead to growth and efficiency.


Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 72 (5 titl.).Recenzent: prof. univ. dr. hab. V. Doga


agricultura, Europa de Vest, Republica Moldova


STRATAN, Alexandru. Cu privire la mecanismul de susţinere a exploataţiilor agricole în ţările Europei de Vest şi Republica Moldova. In: Economica. 2006, An. XIV, nr. 4(56), pp. 67-72. ISSN 1810-9136.
