Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    The interconnection model between the Republic of Moldova's food security and its agricultural products export
    (USAMV, 2023) Stratan, Alexandru; Lopotenco, Viorica; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    The main objective of this study is to analyze the food security resilience of the Republic of Moldova. For this reason, it is essential to establish the interconnections between food security and foreign trade of the Republic of Moldova in the actual circumstances on the external market. On the one hand, agricultural economic agents faced the loss of traditional export markets. The most vulnerable category in this regard is 08. Edible fruits and nuts; peels of citrus fruits or melons, which in 2021 constituted 7.40% of the total exports. About 52.15% of the export of this category was directed in 2021 in Russian Federation. On the other hand, the increase in the prices of agri-food products has intensified the risks of excessive growth of exports and their potential insufficiency for consumption on the domestic market. In conclusion, it is highlighted that the situation in the region of our country generates vulnerabilities with a substantial impact on food security.
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    Greening policies for the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova: current situation and future perspectives
    (USAMV, 2023) Stratan, Alexandru; Ceban, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    Agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova is currently facing a series of challenges, an important part of them being related to the greening of the sector. The existing public support schemes for greening agriculture are more related to mitigation of the climate change effects, with less focus on preserving the environment, and their share in the total public support is relatively low. The paper aims to analyze the existing public support schemes related to climate change adaptation and greening of sector and provide a series of recommendations for their improvement. In order to achieve the main aim of the paper, the following scientific methods have been used: generalization of empirical and applied material, induction and deduction methods for making the paper conclusions, comparison method and analytical one. In order to be in line with current greening EU policies, Republic of Moldova must adapt some of its public support schemes for the agricultural sector and pay more attention to development of a coordinative mechanism and advice services.
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    Cooperation for Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs (The Case of the Republic of Moldova)
    (LUMEN Publishing, 2020) Stratan, Alexandru; Novac, Alexandra; Vinogradova, Natalia
    In the contemporary economy, the sustainable growth of the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be ensured provided that innovations are implemented in enterprises. The innovative potential of enterprises can be raised through various methods, including cooperation with other enterprises and researchers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the innovation activity of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova and identify opportunities and barriers to cooperation of SMEs with other enterprises and research institutions in the Republic of Moldova in order to develop and/or implement innovations. The results of the research showed that in the Republic of Moldova, SMEs are quite reluctant and passive in cooperating with other companies and research institutions to implement innovations. Moreover, for the most part, Moldovan SMEs are not aware of the need to implement innovations based on research results, but researchers - of the need to market their results.
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    Cross-cooperation sectors between the Republic Macedonia and the Republic of Moldova: comparative analysis
    (2018) Trendov, Nikola; Stratan, Alexandru; Stratan, Dumitru; Perciun, Rodica; Tirigan, Sergiu
    This research aims to asses the rural development perspectives and strategic sectors in Republic Macedonia and Republic of Moldova that can be considered cooperation sectors between the countries. Also, the research will serve as a handbook map for new created and existing LAGs or associative groups aiming to cooperate with other regional partners. A Local Action Group is a non profit-making structure formed of public and private organizations, especially from rural villages, from different socio-economic sectors. Through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), LAGs can apply for financial assistance in the form of grants to implement the Local Development Strategy of their respective territory. Agriculture is important segment of Macedonian economy, as it impacts the economy significantly, by contributing with around 11.4% in total Gross Value Added (GVA). In addition to this, the agricultural sector is important for reducing unemployment rates and it provides employment for about 17.9% of the population. In the Republic of Moldova, agriculture continue to remain an important sector of economy. Even if declining, it is accounting for 12,2% of GDP in the year 2017. Food Industry accounts for more than 30% of the manufacturing, and it is contributing to other sectors such as transport, trade, financial and insurance activity. Main characteristic of the Macedonian and Moldavian agriculture is its dual structure. This means that small farms are most common and dominating the sector. Almost of the holding operate on land less than one hectare. However, these is high level of land fragmentation. In both countries, agricultural policy development is constructed as an adjustment towards the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. The process of EU integration resulted with positive changes in terms of better institutional capacities and legislation. Main goals of the national agricultural policies are the CAP objective and at the time this is the national agricultural strategies. In order to achieve these objectives, there has been introduced increased budget, along with systemic establishment of policy through set of laws, strategies, programs and long-term plans.
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    Development of the food sector in the Republic of Moldova
    (Transilvania University Press, 2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    The food sector of the Republic of Moldova has undergone significant changesin the past decades. Food processing companies and large scale collective and state farmshave been privatized, markets were liberalized, and economies have been integrated intothe global food systems. As a result of liberalization and privatization processes, the state-controlled vertical integration in the agri-food industry had collapse.Latter on, private vertical coordination systems have emerged and started to grow rapidlyas a response to consumer demand for food quality and safety on the one hand and thefarms’ production constraints caused by factor market imperfection on the other. The maindrivers of the integration processes are private business operators and traders. However,the efficiency of the newly emerged food value chains is still low. This investigation wasbased on analysis of the official statistical data, qualitative and quantitative studies andother relevant publications. A significant part of analysis was done in the framework of theFP7 project “AGRICISTRADE”. In this paper the importance and the most recent changesof the food industry in the Republic of Moldova were demonstrated, the main impedimentswere analyzed and proposals to foster the food sector development were provided.
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    The Importance of Innovation for SMEs as a Prerequisite for the Sustainable Development of the Moldovan Economy
    (Bagian Publikasi Universitas Gunadarma, 2018) Stratan, Alexandru; Costica, Mihai
    Following its independence, the Republic of Moldova faced a range of political, economic and social is-sues and had to overcome them relying mainly on its own resource potential. The economyreformed in the context of an acute social and economic crisis and radical transformation of the economic system. The lack of experience in countering externalshocks, and economic and social crises, in conducting sys-temic reforms, coupled with the instability in domestic politics and the territorial disintegration of the country. The transition from centralizedand planned economy to the market economy focused on the maindirections: the price liberalization, development of the domestic market, privatization, and introduc-tion of the national currency weredynamic. A new banking system was created; the conditions and rules of economic activitieswere changed. However, the measuresweretaken and reform methods were not always corrected in a timely manner, the reforms were often hampered, and Governments were often changed for unjustified reasons. The paperemphasizestheimportance of the SMEssector for the nation-al economy and the role of innovation in SMEsdevelopment, the role of innovation incubators and scien-tific-technological parks as an important partin the implementation of innovationsas a prerequisite for the sustainable development of the Moldovan economy.
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    Situaţia curentă a Republicii Moldova în comparări internaţionale. Studiu în domeniul competitivităţii globale
    (IEFS, 2011) Stratan, Alexandru; Olarescu, Zaharia; Nicolae, Carmen
    În studiul efectuat s-a încercat de a aprecia situaţia în linii generale a economiei Republicii Moldova în comparaţie cu alte state europene şi CSI în curs de dezvoltare, de a urmări evoluţia acestora pe parcursul perioadei reformelor economice. S-au făcut unele evaluări în direcţia determinării numărului de concetăţeni care muncesc peste hotare şi care ar fi aportul lor la formarea veniturilor ţării.
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    Dinamica specializării comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova
    (IEFS, 2011) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, Victoria
    În ultimul deceniu, comerţul exterior al Republicii Moldova, dar mai cu seamă exporturile au înregistrat performanţe foarte modeste. Spre deosebire de importuri, exporturile moldoveneşti au crescut foarte încet, fiind cauzate, în mare parte, şi de reducerea producţiei naţionale. În acest articol este analizat gradul de specializare al comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova şi măsura în care acesta a evoluat pe perioada de tranziţie. Moldova continuă să se specializeze, cu precădere, în exportul de produse agroalimentare. Structura importurilor este predominată de produsele mediu şi înalt tehnologice. Cu toate acestea, Moldova începe să importe cantităţi tot mai mari de produse pentru care reflectă un grad înalt de specializare
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    Sunt oare eficient utilizate ciornoziomurile Moldovei?
    (IEFS, 2011) Parmacli, Dmitrii; Stratan, Alexandru
    În această lucrare a fost realizată evaluarea stării actuale a eficienţei utilizării terenurilor, precum şi fundamentată relaţiei matematice dintre cost şi productivitate. La fel, este propusă o formulă care permite determinarea veniturilor la un hectar de teren prin exemple concrete şi sunt prezentate rezervele privind creşterea producţiei finite şi eficienţei economice a acestora. De asemenea, articolul prezintă, metodele de calcul profit marginal, precum şi recoltacare asigură nivelul dorit de profitabilitate.
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    Современное состояние образования в Республике Молдова
    (2016) Stratan, Alexandru; Percinschi, Natalia; Guslicova, Natalia
    В статье рассматривается Кодекс об образовании, принятый в Республике Молдова.