Sunt oare eficient utilizate ciornoziomurile Moldovei?
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În această lucrare a fost realizată evaluarea stării actuale a eficienţei utilizării terenurilor, precum şi fundamentată relaţiei matematice dintre cost şi productivitate. La fel, este propusă o formulă care permite determinarea veniturilor la un hectar de teren prin exemple concrete şi sunt prezentate rezervele privind creşterea producţiei finite şi eficienţei economice a acestora. De asemenea, articolul prezintă, metodele de calcul profit marginal, precum şi recoltacare asigură nivelul dorit de profitabilitate.
The article gives an evaluation of modern efficiency of land use and explains the mathematical link between the cost of production and the crop yield. It introduces a number of formulas for calculating profitability per 1 hectare of land. Using particular examples, it also exhibits a reserve for agricultural production growth and its economic efficiency. The article also introduces the methods of computing marginal profit and the crop yield which provide the desired level of profitability.
The article gives an evaluation of modern efficiency of land use and explains the mathematical link between the cost of production and the crop yield. It introduces a number of formulas for calculating profitability per 1 hectare of land. Using particular examples, it also exhibits a reserve for agricultural production growth and its economic efficiency. The article also introduces the methods of computing marginal profit and the crop yield which provide the desired level of profitability.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 15-16 (5 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl.
ciornoziom, teren agricol, culturi agricole, productivitate, Republica Moldova, costul productiei, black soil, agricultural land, agricultural crops, productivity, cost of production, Republic of Moldova
PARMACLI, Dumitru, STRATAN, Alexandru. Sunt oare eficient utilizate ciornoziomurile Moldovei? = Is the Moldovan black soil used efficiently? In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 2, pp. 9-16. ISSN 1857-4130.