Dinamica specializării comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova
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În ultimul deceniu, comerţul exterior al Republicii Moldova, dar mai cu seamă exporturile au înregistrat performanţe foarte modeste. Spre deosebire de importuri, exporturile moldoveneşti au crescut foarte încet, fiind cauzate, în mare parte, şi de reducerea producţiei naţionale. În acest articol este analizat gradul de specializare al comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova şi măsura în care acesta a evoluat pe perioada de tranziţie. Moldova continuă să se specializeze, cu precădere, în exportul de produse agroalimentare. Structura importurilor este predominată de produsele mediu şi înalt tehnologice. Cu toate acestea, Moldova începe să importe cantităţi tot mai mari de produse pentru care reflectă un grad înalt de specializare
In the last decade, external trade of Republic of Moldova, especially exports have showed very poor performances. Unlike imports, Moldovan exports grow very slow, and this is determined in the main by a reduction of industrial production. This paper examines the pattern of Moldovan international trade specialization and to what extent has it managed to change during the transition process to market economy. Agricultural sector and food processing industry still dominate the categories of products for which Moldova exhibits the largest degree of trade specialization. By contrast, high-technology sectors are prevalent among the categories for which our country is import-dependent. However, Moldova became also an important importer of products it have the greater degree of specialization.
In the last decade, external trade of Republic of Moldova, especially exports have showed very poor performances. Unlike imports, Moldovan exports grow very slow, and this is determined in the main by a reduction of industrial production. This paper examines the pattern of Moldovan international trade specialization and to what extent has it managed to change during the transition process to market economy. Agricultural sector and food processing industry still dominate the categories of products for which Moldova exhibits the largest degree of trade specialization. By contrast, high-technology sectors are prevalent among the categories for which our country is import-dependent. However, Moldova became also an important importer of products it have the greater degree of specialization.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 39 (5 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl.
import, export, comert, indicele Lafay, productie, imports, export, Lafay index, manufacturing, commerce, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova
STRATAN, Alexandru, CLIPA, Victoria. Dinamica specializării comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova = Trade specialization dynamics in Moldova. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 2, pp. 32-39. ISSN 1857-4130.