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Item Ensuring the sustainability of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaThe functioning of the pension system from Republic of Moldova is negatively affected by factors inherent in the pension system itself (inadequate pension level, high pressure of financing the pension system, its financial instability), on the one hand, and external factors of the pension system (among which is the intensified process of population aging), on the other hand, which poses risks to the sustainable functioning of the pension system, which should maintain an adequate level of pensions for their beneficiaries, with an acceptable burden of funding pension payments. The purpose of the study is to develop the main directions for ensuring the sustainability of the pension system from Republic of Moldova. Research methods: monographic, analogies, comparison, statistics, etc. Research results. Specific measures have been developed to improve the pension system from Republic of Moldova, which aim to: a) increase the income from pensions and other sources and, on this basis, reduce the risk of poverty of pensioners; b) ensure through pension a certain compensation of pre-retirement income; c) strengthen the financial sustainability of the pension system, which implies its ability to fulfill its long- term obligations.Item Evaluarea principalilor indicatori de funcţionare a sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova(Artifex, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaIn the Republic of Moldova, significant changes are currently being implemented in the pension norms, which have a significant impact on the functioning of the pension system. Its further modernization should take into account the consequences of these changes, in connection with which there was an objective need to assess the dynamics of the main indicators of the pension system. This is the reason for the actuality of this article. The following methods were used in the study: monographic, analogies, comparison, statistics, etc. The assessment of the number of pensioners showed that it has a downward trend. The factors influencing this process were determined. The impact of the increase in the standard retirement age on the decrease in the number of pensioners is assessed. Changes in the structure of the number of recipients of various types of pensions, as well as such indicators as the number of pensioners per 1000 people of the population and the coefficient of support for pensioners are analyzed. The factors causing the growth of the nominal and real size of the pension have been established. As a negative phenomenon, a significant differentiation in the size of pensions by their types, as well as an increased “gap” in the size of pensions by age between men and women, was assessed.Item Eficienţa social-economică a sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova (analiza comparativă)(Artifex, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaIn the Republic of Moldova, the problem of low socio-economic efficiency of the pension system is very acute. It needs to be refined by applying innovative tools. For their elaboration, there is an objective need to analyze the main indicators of the socio-economic efficiency of the pension system of the Republic of Moldova and their comparison with other countries, which is the objective of this article. The following methods were used in the research: monographic, analogies, comparison, statistics, etc. The analysis of the socio-economic efficiency of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova was conducted based on the criteria developed by the World Bank: the adequacy of the size of pensions, the feasibility of the funding burden, sustainability and long-term adaptability. Using these criteria, the following indicators were calculated: the ratio between the size of the pension and the subsistence minimum value, the purchasing power of the pension, the replacement rate and the sizes of the pensions as a percentage of GDP. They were compared with the corresponding indicators in OECD countries. It is shown that pensioners in the Republic of Moldova are in a more unfavorable situation than in other countries. The conclusion was reached about the low socio-economic efficiency of the pension system of the Republic of Moldova and its poor adaptation to the imminent demographic challenges.Item Evoluția sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova: inovații legislative și normative(INCE, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaModernizarea sistemului de pensii presupune atat perfecționarea principiilor de funcționare a acestuia, cat și modificarea corespunzatoare a normelor de pensii. In aceste scopuri, este indicat de a utiliza experiența straina și, in primul rand experiența europeana de reformare a sistemelor de pensii. Totodata, este necesar sa se țina cont de diferențele existente dintre sistemele de pensii ale țarilor UE și sistemul de pensii al Republicii Moldova, precum și de particularitațile de dezvoltare ale celui din urma. Aceasta determina necesitatea evaluarii evoluției sistemului de pensii in Republica Moldova, identificarea tendințelor de modificare a normelor de pensii, determinate de implementarea actelor legislative și normative corespunzatoare.Item Пенсионная реформа 2017 г. в Республике Молдова: оценка основных законодательных инноваций(INCE, 2018) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, Ecaterina; Stremenovscaia, ZoiaВ течение продолжительного времени для пенсионной системы Республики Молдова была характерна низкая эффективность (неадекватный уровень пенсий, высокое бремя финансирования пенсионной системы, ее финансовая неустойчивость). Ситуацию усугубил продолжающийся процесс старения населения, высокий уровень неформальной занятости, масштабная трудовая миграция. Эти и другие факторы крайне негативно сказались на функционировании пенсионной системы, объективно обусловив необходимость ее реформирования. Реформирование пенсионной системы было начато 1 января 2017 г. посредством реализации значительных изменений и дополнений в Закон о пенсиях государственного социального страхования № 156-XIV от 14 октября 1998 г. Успешное функционирование пенсионной системы в будущем во многом будет зависеть от глубокого анализа законодательных инноваций в пенсионной сфере и научно обоснованных рекомендаций по совершенствованию отдельных пенсионных норм. Между тем, в стране крайне мало научных работ, посвященных этой проблематике. Этим обусловлена актуальность темы данной статьи. Целью настоящего исследования является оценка законодательных инноваций при реализации пенсионной реформы 2017 г. и выявление тех проблем, которые требуют своего разрешения в будущем. В работе были использованы следующие методы: монографический, аналогов, сравнительный, статистический и др. Результаты исследования позволили проанализировать и дать оценку последствий основных изменений и дополнений в пенсионное законодательство.