Evoluția sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova: inovații legislative și normative
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Modernizarea sistemului de pensii
presupune atat perfecționarea principiilor de funcționare a
acestuia, cat și modificarea corespunzatoare a normelor de
pensii. In aceste scopuri, este indicat de a utiliza experiența
straina și, in primul rand experiența europeana de reformare a
sistemelor de pensii. Totodata, este necesar sa se țina cont de
diferențele existente dintre sistemele de pensii ale țarilor UE și
sistemul de pensii al Republicii Moldova, precum și de
particularitațile de dezvoltare ale celui din urma. Aceasta
determina necesitatea evaluarii evoluției sistemului de pensii in
Republica Moldova, identificarea tendințelor de modificare a
normelor de pensii, determinate de implementarea actelor
legislative și normative corespunzatoare.
The modernization of the pension system requires the improvement of both its operating principles and the corresponding changes in the pension norms. For these purposes, it is appropriate to use foreign experience and, above all, European experience in reforming pension systems. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the differences between the pension systems of the EU countries and the pension system of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the developmental characteristics of the last one. This determines the need to assess the evolution of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova, to identify trends in changing pension norms, caused by the implementation of the relevant legislative and normative acts.
The modernization of the pension system requires the improvement of both its operating principles and the corresponding changes in the pension norms. For these purposes, it is appropriate to use foreign experience and, above all, European experience in reforming pension systems. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the differences between the pension systems of the EU countries and the pension system of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the developmental characteristics of the last one. This determines the need to assess the evolution of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova, to identify trends in changing pension norms, caused by the implementation of the relevant legislative and normative acts.
Text: lb. rom. Abstract: lb. rom., engl. Referințe bibliogr.: pp. 78-87 (50 tit.).
sistemul de pensii, categorii de pensii, pensionari, varsta de pensionare, stagiu de cotizare, cuantumul pensiei, pensie medie lunara, pensie minima, limita de varsta, coeficient de indexare, pensii, pension system, categories of pensions, pensioners, retirement age, contribution period, pension amount, average monthly pension, minimum pension, age limit, coefficient of indexation, pensions
ROJCO, Anatolii, HEGHEA, Ecaterina. Evoluția sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova: inovații legislative și normative : Studiu analitic. Institutul Național de Cercetări Economice. Chișinău, 2022. 88 p. ISBN 978-9975-3530-6-9 (PDF). https://doi.org/10.36004/nier.2022.978-9975-3530-6-9