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Item Accessibility and quality of healthcare service in the Republic of Moldova(„Independenţa Economică”, 2023) Gutium, TatianaQuality is one of the main characteristics of the assessment of health services. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Health Organization calls for countries to increase access to quality essential health services, medicines, and vaccines for the entire population, regardless of income level. The degree of implementation of this task in the Republic of Moldova is the research objective of this paper. The purpose of research is to assess the accessibility and quality of healthcare services. The analysis showed that there is a relationship between the level of income of the population and the degree of satisfaction of the population with their health. In this study, the author performed a comparative analysis of access to health services in the Republic of Moldova by area. Likewise, the author analysed the interdependence between population income and access to quality health services. A financial resource is an important condition in ensuring access to certain medical services, so the benefit of treatment or medical observation depends on the level of population well-being.Item Climate Change Impacts, Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Republic of Moldova: Observed Trends and Future Projections(Bons Offices, 2023) Taranu, Lilia; Trescilo, Lidia; Bugaeva, Tatiana; Deveatii, Dumitru; Taranu, Ioan Sabin; Gutium, Tatiana; Bacean, Ion; Cosman, Sergiu; Beschieru, Eugeniu; Prosii, Erii; Robu, SergiuThis study presents a largely indicator-based assessment of observed and projected climate change, impacts, risks, and vulnerabilities to national economy, agriculture, energy, forestry, human health, and society, based on a wide range of observations and different GCMs simulations. It identifies the regions and Administrative-Territorial Units (ATUs) that are experiencing particularly severe climate change impacts, risks and vulnerabilities. The principal sources of uncertainty for the climate change indicators and modelling results are discussed and, where appropriate, reflected in the assessments. The climate change indicators included in this report cover observed and future time periods, and information is presented at different levels of aggregation: national, regional (Northern, Central and Southern AEZs), ATUs and districts. This study also compiles information from a wide variety of recent data and information sources. It builds on, among others, on the recommendations of the IPCC 6 Assessment Report (AR6), and a substantial amount of new information that became available due to this report has also been included. th Because climate change is a broad-based and multi-sectoral issue, the Government, business and civil society will need to be engaged in the discussion on what the RoM does to address it. Our aim is to inform those involved in this discussion, and illustrate the linkages between climate change and potential impacts, risks and vulnerabilities including the possible economic damage, the most vulnerable regions and ATUs. The Government, local authorities, urban and rural population, business and civil society are now concerned and interested in the climate change issue. This effort is in response to the country’s policies towards the challenges of climate change, expressed in key strategies such as the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy until 2020 and the Low-Emission Development Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2030, and their corresponding Action Plans. The issue of climate change was expressed in these acts, mostly with a focus on sustainable development. Both policies are now under revision and updating process. The implementation of the updated NDC (2020) is foreseen through the Low Emission Development Programme until 2030 and the Action Plan for its implementation (LEDP 2030); its adoption is planned for the second half of 2023 year. The main scope of the LEDP 2030 is to mobilize and enable private and public actors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from economic activities, in line with the targets set out in the updated NDC. Regarding GHG emission reductions, the LEDP 2030 sets quantifiable targets for energy, industry, buildings transport, agriculture, LULUCF and waste sectors. With support from the UNDP, the Republic of Moldova has developed the National Climate Change Adaptation Programme until 2030 and the Action Plan for its implementation (NCCAP) . The NAP process is key to achieve the adaptation objectives outlined in the previous National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy until 2020 (NCCAS 2020) approved in 2014, as well as to mainstream climate considerations into policies and budgeting processes. The proposed adaptation measures for six priority sectors (agriculture, health, forestry, energy, water, and transport) as well as the identification of the key indicators to monitor the process of adaptation to climate change are being discussed . The NCCAP 2030 is also planned to be approved by Government in the second half of 2023 year. 6 The research and analysis in this study indicates that, while climate change is likely to pose serious threats to development in the RoM, it also has the potential to bring opportunities. The “climate for change” that currently exists in the RoM will provide the country with the motivation it needs to rise to the challenge. There are a range of adaptation options, such as disaster risk management, early warning systems, climate services and risk spreading and sharing that have broad applicability across sectors and provide greater benefits to other adaptation options when combined. For example, climate services that are inclusive of different users and providers can improve agricultural practices, inform better water use and efficiency, and enable resilient infrastructure planning. Enhancing knowledge on risks, impacts, and their consequences, and available adaptation options promotes societal and policy responses. Building capacity and removing some barriers to accessing finance is fundamental to accelerate adaptation, especially for vulnerable groups, regions and sectors. Climate resilient development is already challenging at current global warming levels. The prospects for climate resilient development will be further limited if global warming levels exceeds 1.5°C and not be possible in some regions and sub-regions if the global warming level exceeds 2°C. Any further delay in concerted anticipatory actions on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.Item Provocările sistemului de sănătate din Republica Moldova(2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Balan, AlionaOnly an efficient healthcare system can promote economic growth. Health care is a prime contributor to improving human health and well-being. In the current period, the healthcare system is one of the sectors facing enormous difficulties. In this study, the authors have analyzed population morbidity, the expenses, and resources for health care; they have identified the challenges faced by the health system. The scientific methods used in this work are scientific abstraction, positive and normative analysis, analysis and synthesis, and comparative analysis. An analysis of the relationship between prevalence and the number of physicians was made too. The results of the research are the basis for the development of recommendations for improving the health system.Item Social insurance system and social benefits for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2022) Gutium, TatianaDifferent countries support people with disabilities to varying degrees. In advanced countries, social protection is higher than in developing countries. Although the social protection system is developing, people with disabilities are still among the most marginalized. They still face barriers in accessing education, in the labor market, and in using transport. The government should develop a system of state guarantees for the social protection of persons with disabilities to reduce the impact of these restrictions. Social assistance and social benefits for people with disabilities are the objects of this study. The paper analyzes the dynamics of social protection pensions and cash benefits in the countries of the European Union, as well as the evolution of the social protection of people with disabilities in Moldova. The features of the Moldovan state's social protection have been determined. One of the tasks of the state is to provide all people with equal opportunities for full participation in all spheres of life and types of social activities. This survey aims to develop proposals for improving social protection in the Republic of Moldova based on the study's results of experience in other countries. The results of this investigation are of practical importance and can be used by social protection authorities.Item Managementul evaluării competitivității bunurilor în contextul perfecționării politicii comerciale(INCE, 2022) Gutium, TatianaRelevanța teoretică a lucrării constă în sistematizarea abordărilor conceptuale privind esența competitivității bunului și a managementului evaluării competitivității bunurilor; clasificarea factorilor de influență a competitivității bunurilor, inclusiv a factorilor noi identificați; fundamentarea teoretică și metodologică a cuantificării factorului calitativ pentru evaluarea competitivității bunurilor; fundamentarea teoretică și metodologică a noilor algoritmi de calcul al competitivității bunului: algoritmul de calcul al indicelui integral al competitivității și algoritmul de calcul al indicelui compozit al avantajului comparativ. Valoarea aplicativă constă în faptul că sunt elaborate obiective generale, obiective specifice și măsuri, care se recomandă a fie incluse în strategiile și programele de stat de promovare a exportului, de sporire a competitivității și sunt propuși indicatori de impact pentru stabilirea țintelor realizării obiectivelor, dar și indicatori de monitorizare a realizării obiectivelor. De asemenea, rezultatele cercetării pot fi utilizate pentru perfecționarea politicii comerciale, promovate de Republica Moldova. Studiul dat poate servi ca instrumentar pentru economiști la estimarea competitivității bunurilor, depistarea punctelor tari și slabe ale bunurilor oferite, în contextul elaborării măsurilor de sporire a competitivității, care ar asigura majorarea profitabilității activității de antreprenoriat. Aplicarea indicatorilor elaborați ar permite organelor publice de resort (Ministerului Economiei) să determine sectoarele prioritare, dezvoltarea cărora ar asigura promovarea exportului și creșterea economică sustenabilă a Republicii Moldova.Item Challenges and incentives for the growth of the competitiveness of the Moldovan economy(“Baku Business University”, 2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, TatianaItem Energy Resource Tariffs as a Tool for Comparing and Influencing Macroeconomic Indicators and Competitiveness(IEEE, 2019) Gutium, Tatiana; Postolati, VitalieThe main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of the level of prices of energy resource on the main macroeconomic indicators and use energy efficiency indicators in estimating competitiveness. The authors have used follow methods of the study: comparative analysis, correlation and regression analysis. The database of the study includes statistical databank from the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, customs declarations of export and import of economic agents from Moldova, the database of the United Nations Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. This article defines the place of tariffs in the general structure of economic indicators. It is shown that an increase of tariffs leads to a decrease of the gross value added of finished products. The authors have proposed recommendations for changing tariff regulation. The new approach will contribute to the sustainable development of economic sectors, including the energy sector.Item Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and of a drought on the plant production of the Republic of Moldova(Editura ASEM, 2020) Gutium, TatianaThe topicality of the research the plant production sector of the Republic of Moldova has increased in situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the drought and growth of relevance of food security. Development of measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and drought it has become vital for Moldova. The research object is the evolution of the plant production sector of Moldova. The purpose of this study is to develop recommendations for mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural cataclysms. Statistical methods for conducting research were used to achieve the proposed objectives. Based on the analysis, strengths and weaknesses of the plant production sector of the Republic of Moldova were found which became the basis for the development of proposals for sustainable development of the plant production sector.Item Climate change vulnerability index case study for the Republic of Moldova(PRO Universitaria, 2021) Gutium, Tatiana; Taranu, LiliaThe assessment of vulnerability to climate change focuses on identifying how threats from climate change can affect the ecological and socio-economic environment. This assessment takes into account the adaptation capacity and resilience of different institutions and key sectors to climate change and how climate change and other risks are reflected in the socio-economic and environmental dimensions at national, regional, and local level. Indicators of vulnerability to climate change can be aggregated by weighting to obtain Climate Vulnerability Index. The authors propose a new algorithm for calculating the Climate Vulnerability Index for the Republic of Moldova’s administrativeterritorial units as a composite index that includes three pillars:exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Each of the pillars includes a set of sub-indices, which in turn contain of several indicators.Item Analysis of trading partners’ practices for improving the commercial policy of the Republic of Moldova(„Independenţa Economică”, 2021) Gutium, TatianaThe main trading partners of the Republic of Moldova are Romania (member state of the European Union), the Russian Federation (member state of the Eurasian Economic Union) and Ukraine. The trade policies promoted by these states have particular characteristics, some of them have positive effects on national economy, but another negative effects. The object of research is the trade commercial policy. The main purpose of the study is the elaboration of recommendations for streamlining commercial policy of the Republic of Moldova based on experiences of the main trading partners. In order to achieve this aim, the following research methods were used: the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, comparative analysis, systemic approach. Economic growth, competitiveness and foreign trade are interdependent. Therefore, the relationship between trade policy and theories related to competitiveness was analysed for explain the theoretical aspect of the research object. According to the results of the analysis of trading partners’ practices was developed recommendations for improving the commercial policy of the Republic of Moldova.