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    Politica de dezvoltare a IMM-urilor: susținerea educației antreprenoriale a tinerilor din Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2020) Novac, Alexandra; Maier, Lidia
    Entrepreneurship education of young people is one of the priorities of policies around the world, being an engine of progress, and the European Commission recognizes entrepreneurship education and skills acquisition as a tool that can help young people become more entrepreneurial, develop their spirit of initiative, to acquire skills and entrepreneurial behavior. At the same time, entrepreneurship education supports young people to gain the ability to better identify and exploit the opportunities, to put ideas into practice, to plan and manage projects in order to achieve clearly set goals. In this paper, the authors review the efforts of the Republic of Moldova regarding entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial skills acquisition, taking into account the state policies, in which entrepreneurship education for young people is carried out, the programs to support the involvement of young people in entrepreneurship. Also the paper presents the results of the evaluation of the entrepreneurial education level of youngpeople in the educational institutions, obtained by the method of questioning with the participation of the authors. The results and conclusions of theevaluation can be useful for employees of public administration bodies andagencies, which regulate or are involved in the process of entrepreneurshipeducation and entrepreneurship skills acquisition.
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    A second chance for entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and solutions
    (Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2021) Novac, Alexandra; Aculai, Elena; Maier, Lidia
    The relevance of offering a second chance is determined not only by the need to mitigate the consequences of business failure and motivate the entrepreneur to continue his entrepreneurial activity, but also by the impact on the country's economy, as business closure leads to job losses, a worsening of the financial possibilities of the national and local budgets, reduction of competition and other negative trends in the internal market. The importance of these issues has increased significantly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to significant deterioration of the Moldovan business environment. The aim of the paper is to identify the barriers and needs of entrepreneurs, who face financial or other difficulties, are in a state of insolvency, have gone through restructuring/bankruptcy proceedings and would like to benefit from a second chance in Moldova. The research methodology is based on the analysis of legislative acts in the field; statistical data analysis; the results of 16 semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs on elucidating the factors that favor and hinder the entrepreneurial activity, related to obtaining a second chance in business. The interviews were conducted between April and August 2018. The research results showed that both internal factors (insufficient financial resources, knowledge of crisis management, mismanagement, insufficient staff qualification, including the entrepreneurial skills / experience of the owners, the lack of people with certain professions) and external (related to insolvency legislation, limited information on the possibilities that can be used in case of failure) are determining for taking a second chance.
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    Inovarea şi sofisticarea afacerilor în Republica Moldova
    (USEM, 2015) Maier, Lidia
    Articolul se bazează pe analiza factorilor și indicatorilor, care contribuie la creșterea capacității de inovare și a gradului de sofisticare a afacerilor în Republica Moldova în baza clasamentelor internaționale. Pentru a înțelege cât mai bine relația existentă între factorii stimulatori pentru creşterea competitivității economice, a locurilor de muncă şi bunăstării pe termen lung a națiunilor Forumul Economic Mondial prezintă anual tabloul competitivității globale, captând situația comparativă la momentul respectiv pentru indicatorii cheie ai dezvoltării economice – competitivitate, inovare şi antreprenoriat. Institutul European de Administrare a Afacerilor (INSEAD) si Organizația Mondiala a Proprietății Intelectuale-( WIPO, JOHNSON Cornell University vin să întregească acest tablou cu indicatorii relevanți privind inovația. Analiza acestor factori și indicatori permit înțelegerea punctelor forte și a celor slabe, identificarea oportunităților și provocărilor, riscurilor și amenințărilor în demersul inovațional al țării, ajutând la formularea de politici publice adecvate contextului dat.
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    Antreprenoriatul – o opțiune de carieră târzie pentru vârstnici: experiența străină și situația în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2018) Maier, Lidia
    The actuality of the this research is defined by the necessity to approach the phenomenon of entrepreneurship among older people, because it is insufficiently researched and is not developed and supported by the state policies in the field in the Republic of Moldova. The novelty of the research consists in the fact, that the subject of entrepreneurship and self-employed workers – older people has not been the subject of study so far, and this research is one of the first steps in approach this issue. The aim of the research was to study and analyze the foreign experience regarding the approaches of the issues of the older people and on the policies for supporting entrepreneurship among the older people, and also to present a brief retrospective of the situation in the Republic of Moldova. The main research methods used: logic, systemic, analysis and synthesis, generalization, statistical data analysis, etc. Main outcomes: there was identified the situation regarding the involvement of the older people in self-employed and entrepreneurial activities in European Union and member states and in the Republic of Moldova, elaborated the main conclusions and proposed measures for promoting entrepreneurship among the older people in the country.