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    Piața cerealelor în plină pandemie
    (Artifex, 2021) Iatisin, Tatiana
    This paper presents the results obtained during the study on the importance of the cereal sector and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on this sector. The cereal sector plays an important role in the economic and social development of the Republic of Moldova. Constituting an important source of income for the rural population, it creates jobs in rural employment about 27% and has a share of about 10-12% in GDP over the last 6 years. The study is based on the reports from this domain; the scientific papers with reference to the studied problem of local researchers; the articles based on experts' opinions in this field. In the research process, several research methods were applied: the method of observation, comparison, the method of chronological series, etc.
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    Analiza internațională a pieței vinului
    (Artifex, 2019) Iatisin, Tatiana
    The paper presents the current trends and perspectives of the international wine trade. The paper also analyzes the production and consumption of wine of traditional European producers and new wine producing world countries with an emphasis on the period 2000-2016. The following research methods were used in the elaboration of this research: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistical, comparison, etc. The results show that: the EU is the world's largest market for wine production, consumption, wine exports and imports. The best three competitors in the world are Italy, France and Spain, along with them over the centuries, wine tradition continues to be the reference point for world winemaking.
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    Evoluția exporturilor de vin din Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2018) Iatisin, Tatiana
    The wine sector in the Republic of Moldova in the last years registered an upward trend, obtaining the highest production volume from the last 4 years, i.e. 18 mln. dal. While the major European producers have had their lowest production in recent years, the domestic wine sector has improved its grape crops and has gained ground on the outside. About 8090% of the volume of wine produced goes to export, thus constituting a source of income for the country's economy. The paper aims to analyze the current trends of the wine sector in the Republic of Moldova, in particular, the evolution of wine production, the export of wine both in bulk and bottled. The following research methods were used in the development of this study: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistical, comparison, etc. The current situation of the given sector was characterized and the development perspectives of the wine sector were assessed.
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    Trends in the foreign trade evolution of the Republic of Moldova
    ("Constantin Brancoveanu" University of Pitesti, 2019) Iatisin, Tatiana; Ghitiu, Lilia
    Foreign trade and economic cooperation have a particular importance for economic development in general as well as for national economies. The Republic of Moldova does not have energy resources and it does not produce many types of goods needed for domestic production and consumption. That is why the Moldovan economy is geared towards promoting foreign economic relations, in particular by boosting exports, by protecting the national economy based on competition and transparency, by regulating and monitoring imports and maintaining balance of trade. The paper aims to analyze the current trends of the trade relations of the Republic of Moldova byanalyzing the flow of goods in dynamics with an emphasis on the period of 2000-2017, partly for 2018. For this research paper there were used such research methods as: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistics, comparison, etc. A particular attention was paid to the preferential trade regime which has contributed to a gradual opening of the Community market for Moldovan exports.
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    Analiza nivelului de dezvoltare și creștere economică a sectorului vitivinicol din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2019) Timofti, Elena; Iatisin, Tatiana; Cereteu, Romeo
    În prezenta lucrare autorii au dezvăluit conceptul de dezvoltare și creștere economică care caracterizează efectele economice la nivelul sectorului vitivinicol ca urmare a modernizării și transformării calitative în timp sub influența unui ansamblu de factori. Autorii au determinat și analizat în dinamică 2010-2018 tendința indicatorilor de apreciere a dezvoltării și creșterii economice a sectorului vitivinicol ca: ponderea plantațiilor viticole pe rod în total plantații, cantitatea de struguri de pe plantațiile pe rod, productivitatea plantațiilor viticole pe rod, volumul strugurilor pentru masă și exportul acestora. Pe ultimii ani sa analizat exportul de vinuri din struguri precum și veniturile din export. Cu toate că sunt înregistrate tendințe pozitive modeste în domeniul producerii și exportului produselor, sectorul vitivinicol întâmpină o serie de probleme care necesită: abordarea, rezolvarea, conformarea la standardele UE și alte standarde internaționale. În procesul cercetării au fost aplicate mai multe metode de cercetare: metoda de observare, comparare, metoda de tabelă și prezentarea grafică a datelor, metoda seriei cronologice etc.