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Item SME’s situation within a DCFTA context through COVID-19 crisis(LUMEN Publishing, 2020) Boldurat, Vladislav; Condriuc, OlgaAnalyzing the negative impacts of the global pandemic (COVID-19) on the R. of Moldova economy, SMEs external trade performed within a DCFTA framework represents one of the most important vectors for keeping the local economy in good health. Once the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, Republic of Moldova was no exception. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a series of problems, and those caused by movement restrictions have led to economic bottlenecks for exporting companies which resulted in liquidity and cash flow problems. Bringing our minds back to the Association Agreement and directly to the DCFTA, it is appropriate to estimate it’s preliminary impact on Moldova’s economy. After 5 years of DCFTA creation and implementation, it has been experienced a significant boost of the trade between Moldova and the EU, which resulted in the increase of investments, jobs, wages and goods export growth with 40% (1.5 billion USD). In spite of the positive effect the Free Trade Association Agreement is having on R. of Moldova, still, there are present some issues of healthy competitiveness and increasing production capacity type, key factors for exporting SMEs. With all these being stated, this study aims to identify COVID-19 influence on local SME’s doing business within the EU marketplace. Also, this article presents some analysis of emergency projects established by the local authorities to support SMEs and deliver practical solutions that can bring about change. The methodology used in this research is based on the statistical data that reflect the development of Moldovan exporting enterprises after the entry into force of the Association Agreement and, implicitly, DCFTA; analysis of national legislation and policy documents to support SMEs in the country and foreign trade in the context of the DCFTA.Item Assessment of infrastructure as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Republic of Moldova: the opinion of entrepreneurs(INCE, 2022) Vinogradova, Natalia; Boldurat, VladislavThe entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Republic of Moldova is still at the stage of formation. The observed trend of growth in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises is not accompanied by a qualitative growth of enterprises. This indicates the underdevelopment of key components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, one of which is the infrastructure. In this study, infrastructure as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem is considered as a set of elements of physical infrastructure, as well as services to support entrepreneurship. The purpose of this article is to assess the state of the entrepreneurship support infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova, including based on the results of a survey of entrepreneurs, which was carried out in 2021 within the applied research project 20.80009.0807.38 „Multidimensional assessment and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the national and regional level in order to boost the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova”, financed from the state budget of the Republic of Moldova. The results of the study showed that the infrastructure component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Moldova has mainly positive evaluations by entrepreneurs. Overall in the component, access to IT resources and services was most highly rated by entrepreneurs. The indicator with the most negative impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem is the condition (quality) of the roads. Also, access to crisis resolution and business insolvency services is a significant obstacle for over a quarter of respondents, which reflects insufficient contribution from support organizations to overcome business insolvency issues.Item Susținerea instituțională a sectorului agricol în unele țări europene în timpul crizei COVID-19(INCE, 2020) Boldurat, Vladislav; Ceban, AlexandruCriza generată COVID-19 a produs numeroase probleme în sectorul agricol și agroalimentar, în primul rând din perspectiva scăderii lichidităților și fluxurilor de numerar. Restricțiile de circulație, închiderea piețelor în aer liber, precum și cererea din partea industriei HoReCa pentru produsele agricole s-a diminuat dramatic, astfel încât efectele negative asupra fermierilor și a întreprinderilor rurale mici care prelucrează produse agricole nu au întârziat să apară. Pentru a face față pandemiei SARS-Cov-2, totodată contribuind la procesul de relansare economică, Comisia Europeană a adoptat un pachet de măsuri excepționale pentru a oferi mai mult sprijin sectoarelor afectate, atât la nivel comunitar, cât și la nivel național.