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Item Dialogul dintre ÎMM şi organele administraţiei publice în opinia antreprenorilor din Republica Moldova(2011) Aculai, Elena; Clipa, VictoriaItem A second chance for entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and solutions(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2021) Novac, Alexandra; Aculai, Elena; Maier, LidiaThe relevance of offering a second chance is determined not only by the need to mitigate the consequences of business failure and motivate the entrepreneur to continue his entrepreneurial activity, but also by the impact on the country's economy, as business closure leads to job losses, a worsening of the financial possibilities of the national and local budgets, reduction of competition and other negative trends in the internal market. The importance of these issues has increased significantly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to significant deterioration of the Moldovan business environment. The aim of the paper is to identify the barriers and needs of entrepreneurs, who face financial or other difficulties, are in a state of insolvency, have gone through restructuring/bankruptcy proceedings and would like to benefit from a second chance in Moldova. The research methodology is based on the analysis of legislative acts in the field; statistical data analysis; the results of 16 semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs on elucidating the factors that favor and hinder the entrepreneurial activity, related to obtaining a second chance in business. The interviews were conducted between April and August 2018. The research results showed that both internal factors (insufficient financial resources, knowledge of crisis management, mismanagement, insufficient staff qualification, including the entrepreneurial skills / experience of the owners, the lack of people with certain professions) and external (related to insolvency legislation, limited information on the possibilities that can be used in case of failure) are determining for taking a second chance.Item Analysis and barriers to the SMEs development in the Republic of Moldova(2016) Aculai, ElenaThe sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has a significant impact on major economic and social processes in the Republic of Moldova. The main elements of the contribution made by SMEs in the economic development of the country, in particular: their impact on the structure of the economy, employment, value creation, investment attraction are calculated and analyzed in this article, based on statistical data. In addition, the main barriers faced by Moldovan enterprises in recent years were identified based on the results of interviews conducted with the participation of the author. Analysis of the main elements of contribution, along with the identification of the main barriers faced by businesses allows more rationale to develop and implement the policy of entrepreneurship development in the country.Item Obstacles and Opportunities for Development of Family Businesses: Experiences from Moldova(SPRINGER International Publishing, 2015) Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, Natalia; Veverita, ValentinaThe chapter examines the processes of formation and development of small family enterprises, as in Moldova, the family business is created and developed mainly as micro and small enterprises. Since the activity of family businesses is not legally regulated and is not considered by the statistics in the Republic of Moldova, primarily the results of surveys and interviews with entrepreneurs, conducted by the authors during the realization of international projects and studies carried out in the National Institute for Economic Research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in the period 2001–2013 served the basis for writing this material. The chapter describes the barriers for family businesses, conditioned by their access to certain types of resources and other limiting factors from the external environment. Simultaneously, additional opportunities of the family SMEs are observed, arising through cooperation of the efforts and resources of family members, which allows increasing the assets of family businesses and partly compensating the shortcomings of the activity of business support institutes.Item Государственная поддержка неплатежеспособных предприятий: предоставление 2-го шанса(Белорусский национальный технический университет, 2019) Novac, Alexandra; Aculai, Elena; Maier, LidiaПоддержка предприятий, оказавшихся в состоянии неплатежеспособности или даже банкротства, важна не только для отдельных экономических агентов, но и для национальной экономики в целом, поскольку закрытие бизнеса приводят к потере рабочих мест, ухудшению финансовых возможностей государственного бюджета, снижению конкуренции на рынке и другим негативным последствиям. Например, в Республике Молдова в 2017 г. почти 8000 предприятий объявили о своей несостоятельности, то есть, о невозможности в установленный срок выполнить свои финансовые (включая налоговые) обязательства. Учитывая среднее количество сотрудников, работающих на одном предприятии, их закрытие может привести к ликвидации более 77 000 рабочих мест. В этом контексте очень важно, чтобы государство предлагало определенные формы поддержки экономическим агентам, которые испытывают сложности финансового характера и пытаются их преодолеть, предоставляя им еще один шанс для возобновления деятельности или создания нового бизнеса.Item Влияние государственных институтов на реализацию политики развития малых и средних предприятий в Республике Молдова(Изд. Право и экономика, 2018) Aculai, Elena; Boldurat, VladislavВ Республике Молдова в рамках государственной политики развития малых и средних предприятий (МСП) используются различные методы поддержки бизнеса –правовые, экономические и институциональные. Причем, в последние годы все больше внимание уделяется развитию институтов.Item Special needs of entrepreneurs with disabilities in the condition of the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2020) Aculai, Elena; Saghin, LiliaPeople with disabilities experience significant difficulties in the process of finding a job, which is caused not only by their health status, difficulty in getting education, but also by the reluctance of entrepreneurs to hire disabled people. In this situation, people with disabilities, who can provide self-employment or create their own business, get an additional chance to have a constant source of income, develop themselves and, in general, integrate more successfully into social life. The aim of the research was to identify the basic needs of support of entrepreneurs with disabilities; for this purpose, in 2017, a survey of 75 individuals was conducted. The results of the survey implemented within the project of the National Institute for Economic Research (NIER) showed that for people with disabilities (unlike other groups of small entrepreneurs) is not enough to create a favorable business environment. No less important is the improvement of general living conditions of persons with disabilities, especially the improvement of their access to social infrastructure, education and the labor market. The main directions of the state support of people with disabilities aimed at the business development and self-employment, are proposed to be following: improvement of legislation on supporting social entrepreneurship to increase the ability of persons with disabilities to be employed; improvement of access to education for people with disabilities through building and modernization of social infrastructure objects; use of direct economic and financial forms of support for this group of people, including through state target programs; support for the establishment of business associations uniting entrepreneurs with disabilities, etc.Item Caracteristicile de bază și specificul IMM-urilor în țările cu piața emergentă(2013) Aculai, ElenaIn articol sunt generalizate și analizate cele mai importante trasaturi calitative și cantitative ale micilor afaceri. Este prezentata tipologia IMM-urilor in funcție de diferite clasificari. O atenție deosebita este acordata cercetarii procesului de constituire a sectorului IMM și a antreprenorilor in țarile cu piața emergenta, care au inceput in anii ’90 tranziția de la sistemul economiei planificate la cel al economiei de piața. Este dezvoltata și concretizata ideea privind existența in aceste țari a categoriei antreprenorilor ”constranși”, care, de la bun inceput nu au competențele antreprenoriale necesare și, respectiv, nu poseda un comportament antreprenorial. In baza studiilor empirice s-a demonstrat existența acestei categorii de antreprenori și in Republica Moldova. In baza rezultatelor sondajelor, a fost elaborat ”portretul” model al antreprenorului moldav, care deține și administreaza o afacere mica. Specificul IMM-urilor, identificat in condițiile Republicii Moldova, permite de a elabora politici de stat argumentate de dezvoltare a IMM-urilor. Lucrarea prezinta interes pentru cercetatorii sectorului IMM, profesorii și studenții facultaților cu profil economic, reprezentanții comunitații de afaceri și functionarii organelor administrației publice, care participa la reglementarea businessului, in special, in țarile cu economia in tranziție.Item State policy on cluster development in the Republic of Moldova: opportunities and obstacles(2015) Novac, Alexandra; Aculai, ElenaEntrepreneurs, researchers, and the government of Moldova have only recently turned their attention to the problems of creating clusters. Clusters are a relatively new phenomenon in the Moldovan economy. By cooperating, sharing existing resources and conducting joint activities, clusters have contributed a great deal to enterprise development in the country. The cumulative positive effects of clusters enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to overcome some of their problems as well as increase their innovative activity and competitiveness. This paper analyzes the development of the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova, and provides a quantitative assessment of SME s’ contribution and potential. State policy on cluster development in Moldova will be explored, and the factors contributing to the risks and barriers of cluster creation in Moldovan cluster development policy will also be examined. This study compiles analyses of statistical data and international rankings, and the authors’ previous survey results with entrepreneurs.Item Main directions of research of small and medium-sized enterprises in european countries(UCCM, 2015) Aculai, ElenaThe effective policy of development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is based on research findings that identify specific problems and needs of the business in a certain territory. In the Republic of Moldova, the small and medium-sized enterprises’ research comprises the limited scope of problems and often has an abstract and theoretical character, because the applicative research –surveys and interviews with entrepreneurs –are difficult, time-consuming and expensive to realize. In this situation, given the pro-European vector of development of our country, it is important to study the main areas of research of SMEs which are implemented in the modern Europe. The most important areas of research of SMEs, which are now held in European countries were summarized and systematized on the basis of analysis of the subject and the results of scientific publications of European scientists, materials of international conferences and journals, legislation and policy documents of the European countries. This allows specifying the topics of research of SMEs in Moldova and making them more focused and in demand for policy. The article may be of interest to civil servants involved in the regulation of business and may also be used in scientific and didactic purposes.
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