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Item Social exclusion and poverty in the European Union and candidate countries(PRO Universitaria, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Gojaeva, Elmira; Huseynova, ShahlaSocial exclusion and poverty are the research subject, and the main goal is to develop recommendations and solutions for social inclusion. Without assessing the risk of poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union and the candidate countries and identifying the causes of poverty and social exclusion, it is impossible to develop solutions to reduce poverty, ensure social inclusion, and strengthen the targeted social policy. The analysis of the components of the AROPE indicator showed that the highest risk is monetary poverty, and the poverty rate directly depends on the level of economic development. The Granger causality test showed that in two candidate countries (Moldova and Montenegro) inequality leads to poverty with the probability of 5% and 10%. At the end of the study, recommendations are presented to combat poverty and ensure social inclusion.Item Обеспеченность жильем и коммунальными удобствами бедных домохозяйств Молдовы(2015) Hristiuc, Liubovi; Colesnicova, TatianaThe relevance of the article is caused by the fact that poverty continues to be a major problem in the Republic of Moldova. The paper analyzed the features of housing and communal facilities household calculated according to different criteria of poverty. It concludes that a significant number of poor households are characterized by a low level of housing and communal facilities.Item Evaluarea sărăciei multidimensionale şi impactul ei asupra sănătăţii(2015) Ciobanu, EleonoraThe assessment of multidimensional poverty of poor households in the Republic of Moldova conform the main health criteria’s is analyzed in the paper. One of the major factors for health improvement of members of households is the possibility of people to gain the compulsory medical insurance policy. Thus, the household members which provide with the compulsory medical insurance policy have better access to health care.Item Evoluția sărăciei în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Rojco, Anatolii; Livitchi, OxanaItem Evaluarea sărăciei multidimensionale după vârsta capilor gospodăriei casnice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2015) Vinogradova, ValentinaProbabilitatea intrării gospodăriei casnice în sărăcie depinde de existenţa mai multor factori, unul dintre care vizează caracteristicile individuale ale persoanelor care conduc aceste gospodării casnice. În articol se examinează impactul vârstei capului gospodăriei casnice asupra nivelului de sărăcie. Se evaluează nivelul de sărăcie a gospodăriilor casnice, calculat pe diferite criterii: sărăcia absolută, sărăcia relativă, sărăcia deprivativă şi sărăcia multidimensională.Item Оценка уровня субъективной бедности в Республике Молдова(INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, TatianaThe subjective poverty line assessment in the Republic of Moldova using econometric multifactorial log-linear regression of Leiden, with subsequent analysis of the impact of disposable household net income and other socio-economic factors on the amount of minimum income is revealed in the article.Item Влияние неравенства в благосостоянии на доступ к образованию(INCE, 2014) Vinogradova, ValentinaThe estimation of the impact of inequality in household’s welfare to the access to each level of education in the whole country and in the territorial aspect is carried out in the article. Inequality in access to education for low-income individuals is expressed, firstly, in the disparities to access to quality education as the general and professional, and secondly, by the inability of the material costs for the compensation of gaps in the education (for ex.: tutors, courses). The low level of education of the household members is negatively affects on the welfare of households, increasing the inequality.Item Impactul sărăciei asupra stării de sănătate a populaţiei(IEFS, 2013) Ciobanu, EleonoraThe measures undertaken by the Republic of Moldova for developing of the compulsory insurance system of the population’s healthcare assistance are described in the paper. The impact of poverty household members on their possibility to purchase the compulsory insurance policy of the healthcare assistance and degree of satisfaction of its healthy as entry into poverty is analyzed.Item Формирование располагаемых доходов бедных домохозяйств Республики Молдова(IEFS, 2012) Стременовская, ЗояThe analyses of the amount and the disposable income formation sources in the panel households, being in the conditions of poverty during various periods of time (from 1 till 4 years) is done in this paper. The comparison with non-poor panel househ olds being in this condition in the same period is carried out.Item Evaluarea riscului de sărăcie a gospodăriilor casnice cu copii(IEFS, 2012) Vinogradova, ValentinaSe evaluează riscul de sărăcie a gospodăriilor casnice, în funcţie de prezenţă în ele a copiilor sub 18 ani şi numarul lor. Este calculat nivelul de sărăcie a gospodăriilor casnice, aflate în stare de sărăcie temporară, de lungă durată şi persistentă. În articol se analizează impactul existenţei copiilor asupra duratei de aflare a gospodăriilor casnice în stare de sărăcie. Se concuzioneaza, că gospodăriile casnice cu copii constituie un grup vulnerabil din punct de vedere al sărăciei.