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    Influența tinerilor asupra dezvoltării IMM-urilor în Republica Moldova
    (2024) Gutium, Tatiana
    In Moldova, the majority of enterprises are SMEs. Small business development needs to be increased to ensure the stable development of the national economy. The Republic belongs to the category of countries with a high rate of population aging. Young people are emigrating from Moldova, so it is necessary to prove that the government should pay more attention to youth problems. It is also required to prove that youth play a significant role in the development of SMEs. The research object is the entrepreneurship sector, and especially the SME. This study aims to verify the hypothesis that the number of young people directly impacts the development of SMEs in Moldova. Correlation and regression analysis were used to verify the hypothesis and construct regression equations.
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    Эконометрическая модель прогнозирования развития предпринимательства в Республике Молдова
    (МЦНТИ, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana
    Актуальность исследований в области предпринимательства бесспорна, особенно для Республики Молдова. Почти все действующие предприятия это малые и средние. В предыдущие два года только один процент предприятий — это крупные предприятия. При принятии решений как на микроуровне (предприятия), так и на макроуровне (страны) необходимы прогнозы. Предметом данного исследования являются методы прогноза развития предпринимательства, в том числе малого и среднего. Цель исследования — это разработка новой модели прогнозирования основных показателей, отражающих деятельность предпринимательства в Республике Молдова, а одна из задач — это анализ методов прогноза с целью выявления преимуществ и недостатков этих методов. При разработке модели и при расчёте среднесрочных прогнозов использовалась программа EViews. Согласно полученным результатам, в последующие три года (2024-2026 гг.) процент роста выручки от реализации товаров варьируется в интервале 6,7-7,9% ежегодно, а финансовые результаты до налогообложения — 6,8-8,0%.
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    Features of regional development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Moldova
    (2023) Tomsa, Aurelia
    Small and medium-sized enterprises have a more prominent role in the economy, acting as a tool for regulating economic relations between sectors of the economy and the population. The relevance of the topic of the work lies in the fact that small business plays a significant role in the development of national economy of the country, as well as a single region. The subject of the study is the regional features of the development of small entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of the structure of small and medium-sized enterprises by main types of activity showed that the largest share belongs to “wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.” The purpose of this research is to analyse the current state of small business development in Moldova, and develop recommendations for improving the development of regions and state support for small and medium-sized enterprises.
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    Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Moldova: trends, challenges and forecasts
    (Artifex, 2022) Gutium, Tatiana
    Forecasting is relevant for improving Small and Medium-sized Enterprises management. It is due to the great uncertainty of the events arising from the operation of a market economy, a geopolitical and energy crisis of recent years. Forecasting allows SMEs to reduce the degree of uncertainty of the future and makes it possible to develop a strategy for the company's behavior. It permits SMEs to make effective management decisions. Forecasting makes it possible to evaluate the economic and financial prospects for the development of the enterprise. One of the main problems is the lack of financial resources that hinder entrepreneurship development. In conditions of economic instability, the main task of small business development is not so much obtaining guaranteed profits as increasing business survival in an unstable environment. One of the indicators that registered a downward trend is the number of employees employed at SMEs, which is decreasing every year. To forecast the base SME indicators for 2022-2025, the econometric model developed based on statistical data for 2009-2021 was adjusted.
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    Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului rural prin inovare
    (Artifex, 2019) Moscalu, Olga; Bumbu, Larisa
    The current society is evolving at astonishing speed, taking by surprise with the accelerated pace of change that addresses all aspects of human existence. A developed economy is an innovative economy, which, in turn, is based on innovation in entrepreneurship, where the basic objective is the absorption of innovations, which determines the main directions for the development of the entrepreneurial business. The aim of the research is to deepen the theoretical basis on entrepreneurship and innovation and to develop practical recommendations for developing it through innovations based on the food industry enterprises in the South Development Region. In the process of research, general scientific methods have been applied, such as: quantitative and qualitative analysis (survey), system and synthesis analysis, chronological series method, tables and graphs method, induction and deduction, comparison, logic principle.