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    The role of digitalization, tourism and human capital development in the economic growth of the Republic of Moldova
    (2023) Gutium, Mircea
    The purpose of the research is to examine the impact of digitalization, tourism, and human capital on the economic growth of the Republic of Moldova. The study aims to explore the relationship between the country's economy and the level of digital development, which offers ample opportunity for investigation. The methodology of the research - various analytical methods, including comparative analysis, expert evaluation, and statistical methods, were employed during the research process. The results of the research is to highlight the need to identify the type and intensity of the connection between tourism and the economy and the link between tourism, human capital, and the country's economic power. The study also analyzes data from different countries to explore the impact of human capital on digitalization levels, tourism, and economic development. The practical importance of the research - the research has practical significance as it examines the relationship between human capital, digitalization, tourism, and economic development in various countries, depending on the role of tourism in their economic structure. The originality and scientific novelty of the research lies in its analysis of the connection between the level of human capital and the level of digitization in tourism and services. This research has verified the hypothesis that there is a correlation between the contribution of travel and tourism in GDP and Human Capital.
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    Development of the digitalization of the customs service in the Republic of Moldova
    (МЦНТИ, 2023) Gutium, Mircea
    Cross-border trade is one of the sources of financing the state budget, and the Customs Service is the institute that ensures control over the payment of customs duties on time and in the amounts established by law. Along with the development of the digital economy, the digitization of all spheres of a modern state is also taking place. Information technologies have simultaneously touched both the public and private sectors. The Customs Service is one of the closest services to the economy, and its development (as well as the evolution of other sectors) is vital for the state and its economy. Moreover, the innovations of the Customs Service should be carried out much faster than in other institutions because this service controls foreign trade, protects the domestic market, and fights against smuggling and other economic crimes related to illegal import/export of goods.
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    Минимальная заработная плата как инструмент социальной защиты: оценка и рекомендации по её повышению в Республике Молдова
    (КГУ, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, Ecaterina
    The article examines the role of the minimum wage in the reproduction of the labor force. It is indicated that in the Republic of Moldova there are two levels of the minimum wage: the minimum wage in the public sector and the guaranteed minimum wage in the real sector of economy. The dynamics of these indicators for 2013-2021 is given. The analysis of the ratio of their values with the subsistence minimum of an able-bodied person, as well as with the average wage in the country's economy (Kaitz index). It is proposed to raise the minimum wage in accordance with international practice. In particular, it is recommended to gradually bring the minimum wage in the public sector closer to 1.5 times the subsistence minimum of an able-bodied person, and the guaranteed minimum wage in the real sector to 50% of the average wage in the country's economy.
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    History of the development of block-chain cryptic technology and its future in the global economy
    („Independenţa Economică”, 2019) Gutium, Mircea
    This article represents the case of study the block-chain technology evolution across its existing like financial, economical and social instrument. With phenomenal growing in 2017 it creates a new industry of pay instrument Bitcoin has laid the foundation for the evolution of financial instruments and information technologies, this wave may sign new changes that may occur in the near future. In addition, forecasts will be made on the future of new digital coins and block-chain technology.
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    Challenges and incentives for the growth of the competitiveness of the Moldovan economy
    (“Baku Business University”, 2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana
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    Effect of the non-observed economy on economic security in the Republic of Moldova
    (2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana; Savga, Larisa
    The non-observed economy refers to economic activity that escaped state control. Economic agents have learned to circumvent the laws governing economic activity. The elements of the non-observed economy are shadow production, smuggling, informal employment, income hiding, and other types of tax evasion. Economic crimes could be divided into two groups. The first group is illegal activities caused by high taxes or inefficient legislation, and the second is activities that harm not only the country's economy but on society. One of the objectives of the research is an analysis of the main shadow sectors, including informal employment, contraventions that affect entrepreneurial activity, taxation, customs activity, and securities. Thus, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the nonobserved economy was carried out (case: Republic of Moldova). The main methods used are theoretical and empirical. The authors identified the causes of the non-observed economy and their impact on economic security and described methods to combat the shadow economy. Among the main reasons are the lack of jobs, the relatively high unemployment among young people, and inefficient legislation. One of the reasons for the non-observed economy is a way to make more money because illegal goods are rare and have a high cost. Often, the existence of a shadow economy is caused by the high level of corruption in the country. All the described cases of the non-observed economy negatively affect economic security.
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    Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului rural prin inovare
    (Artifex, 2019) Moscalu, Olga; Bumbu, Larisa
    The current society is evolving at astonishing speed, taking by surprise with the accelerated pace of change that addresses all aspects of human existence. A developed economy is an innovative economy, which, in turn, is based on innovation in entrepreneurship, where the basic objective is the absorption of innovations, which determines the main directions for the development of the entrepreneurial business. The aim of the research is to deepen the theoretical basis on entrepreneurship and innovation and to develop practical recommendations for developing it through innovations based on the food industry enterprises in the South Development Region. In the process of research, general scientific methods have been applied, such as: quantitative and qualitative analysis (survey), system and synthesis analysis, chronological series method, tables and graphs method, induction and deduction, comparison, logic principle.