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    Evaluarea experienței mondiale de ocupare a persoanelor vârstnice pe piața muncii și oportunitatea de utilizare a acesteia în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Heghea, Ecaterina
    In an age of frequent and rapid changes in all areas of life, against the background of the demographic aging of the population and the lack of qualified labor force, it is not surprising that in many countries they began to dynamically promote active aging policies and the integration of pensioners into the labor force, thus trying to overcome the problems of social exclusion of elderly people and the increasing financial burden on the budget of states associated with ension payments. In this context, it seems necessary to consider the global experience of employment of pensioners in the labor market, as well as the possibilities of its application in the Republic of Moldova. The methods of analysis, comparison, analogy and statistical analysis were used in the article. Results of the study: the experience of integration of pensioners in the labor market was considered, as well as the possibility of its application in the Republic of Moldova. This paper has been developed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 Project State Program ”Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative instruments aimed at sustainably increasing the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.
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    International experience concerning the special instruments in unemployment assistance
    (INCE, 2022) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Doga, Valeriu
    The implementation of various special instruments relating to unemployment assistance is analyzed in this scientific paper. The main focus is on analyzing the main ILO instruments as normative activities concerning unemployment allowances. The first instruments concerning unemployment assistance is the Unemployment Provision Convention No. 44 adopted in 1934 and the Unemployment Provision Recommendation No. 44 adopted in 1934 as instruments on social security. The second instrument is the Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention No. 168 adopted in 1988 and the Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Recommendation No. 176 adopted in 1988. The legislative acts adopted after increasing the level of protection offered and expanded the concept of social security to include additional forms of social assistance and services. There is a high importance on the ratification and implementation of the main of these legislative acts and recommendations for all countries and for the Republic of Moldova. Several research methods have been used in the elaboration of this work: monograph, analysis, synthesis, statistics, comparison, etc. This paper has been developed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 Project State Program ”Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative instruments aimed at sustainably increasing the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.
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    The unemployed as a vulnerable group in the Republic of Moldova: data analysis and new social protection measures
    (Artifex, 2022) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Doga, Valeriu
    According to ILO forecasts, in 2022 the number of the world's unemployed will rise to 207 million, by 21 million more than in pre-pandemic 2019. Unemployment leads to mass poverty, reduces wages, and threatens social and political stability. In the article are analyzed the main trends in unemployment in the country as a whole and by gender and area. In recent years, the Republic of Moldova has seen a decline in official unemployment. The employment assistance and unemployment insurance in the country are analysed. Also, the article analyzes the recruitment of refugees from Ukraine to the Moldovan labor market, as 89,185 Ukrainian citizens remain in the country today, of which 45,000 are children, and according to the National Employment Agency, 355 Ukrainian citizens have found work and are working in our country, which is less than 1%: 278 women and 77 men. It is described a new government initiative like training vouchers for the unemployed, i.e. the unemployed in the Republic of Moldova will be able to choose a vocational training course based on the voucher system.
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    Legal restrictions for women on labour market in ex-USSR countries in the context of fostering gender equality
    (INCE, 2018) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail
    In this paper is analyzed the current situation of the main legal restrictions to labour market for women in ex-USSR countries that directly impact gender equality. The actuality of this topic stems from the fact that promoting gender equality and empowerment of women is one of millennium goals of UN established in 2000, an objective that had to be attained in 2015. Now, after nearly two decades have passed it would be useful to see the degree of attainment of this goal in postsovietic countries. The purpose of the paper is to see the actual state of the promotion of gender equality and its particularities in the ex-USSR countries. In the paper the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis, synthesis and comparison. The results have shown that there are still many legal restrictions for women on labour market in ex-USSR countries and they still have a long way on the path to gender equality, even though Baltic states are ahead.
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    Tranziția de la școală la muncă: viziunea absolvenților învățământului superior
    (INCE, 2017) Rojco, Anatolii; Garbuz, Veronica
    Tinerii reprezintă o resursă importantă a oricărei țări, dar, totodată, tinerețea este o etapă crucială în care tânărul este pus în situația de a face o alegere cu privire la viitoarea profesie, iar de această alegere depinde în continuare traseul său socio-profesional, integrarea sa pe piața muncii, asumarea independenței financiare, găsirea unui loc în societate. Criza globală a locurilor de muncă a sporit vulnerabilitatea tinerilor în ceea ce privește rata înaltă a șomajului; prezența locurilor de muncă de calitate inferioară studiilor, profesiei și competențelor; inegalități mari pe piața forței de muncă între diferite grupuri de tineri; tranziție dificilă de la școală la muncă. În vederea identificării și analizei așteptărilor absolvenților învățământului superior din Republica Moldova față de piața muncii, în perioada martie-mai 2017, în cadrul a 5 universități din țară, a fost realizat un studiu, sub forma unui chestionar, la care au răspuns 608 respondenți. Rezultatele cercetărilor experimentale privind chestionarul “Absolvenții și piața muncii” au permis identificarea principalelor impedimente ale ocupării tinerilor (o analiză de perspectivă bazată pe perecepția absolvenților vizavi de piața muncii și noțiunile derivate) și formularea unor recomandări pentru eficientizarea procesului de tranziție de la studii la viața activă.
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    Tendințele de participare a lucrătorilor vârstnici pe piața muncii
    (INCE, 2017) Heghea, Ecaterina
    Deși îmbătrânirea este relativ ușor de prognozat, subiectul nu a primit prea multă atenție din partea cercetătorilor și factorilor de decizie politică până în anii 1990. Atunci când prognozele demografice au început să dezvăluie schimbări substanțiale în componența populației, cu mai puțini tineri și cu o creștere semnificativă a proporției persoanelor în vârstă, multe țări și-au dat seama că, fără acțiuni adecvate, sustenabilitatea securității sociale și a sistemelor de pensii va fi în primejdie. Politicile naționale și europene au început să se concentreze din ce în ce mai mult pe creșterea participării pe piața forței de muncă a persoanelor în vârstă, prin restrângerea sau renunțarea la posibilitățile de părăsire timpurie a pieței forței de muncă și prin creșterea vârstei în care persoanele sunt eligibile să iasă la pensie. Metodele de cercetare aplicate în lucrare sunt: analiza statistică și comparată.