The unemployed as a vulnerable group in the Republic of Moldova: data analysis and new social protection measures

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According to ILO forecasts, in 2022 the number of the world's unemployed will rise to 207 million, by 21 million more than in pre-pandemic 2019. Unemployment leads to mass poverty, reduces wages, and threatens social and political stability. In the article are analyzed the main trends in unemployment in the country as a whole and by gender and area. In recent years, the Republic of Moldova has seen a decline in official unemployment. The employment assistance and unemployment insurance in the country are analysed. Also, the article analyzes the recruitment of refugees from Ukraine to the Moldovan labor market, as 89,185 Ukrainian citizens remain in the country today, of which 45,000 are children, and according to the National Employment Agency, 355 Ukrainian citizens have found work and are working in our country, which is less than 1%: 278 women and 77 men. It is described a new government initiative like training vouchers for the unemployed, i.e. the unemployed in the Republic of Moldova will be able to choose a vocational training course based on the voucher system.


Text: lb. engl. Abstract: lb. engl. Referințe bibliografice : pp. 59-60 (7 itl.). JEL Classification: J64, J65, J68.


labour market, unemployment, social protection, recruitment, voucher system, refugees, Ukraine, piata muncii, somaj, protectie sociala, recrutare, sistem de tichete, refugiati, Ucraina


COLESNICOVA, Tatiana, DOGA, Valeriu. The unemployed as a vulnerable group in the Republic of Moldova: data analysis and new social protection measures. In: Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „Opportunities for changing the Economic Social Realities of the World”: international symposium, 10th edition, May 26th-27th, 2022. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2022, pp. 51-60. ISBN 978-606-8716-66-4.




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