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Item Оценка доступа населения Республики Молдова к системам водоснабжения и канализации(2023) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaThe article considers one of the acute social problems of the Republic of Moldova – the access of the country's population to high-quality drinking water and the sewerage system. It is shown that there is unequal access to these systems both in the territorial aspect and depending on the level of well-being of the population. This causes an objective need to expand the access of the population to the water supply and sewerage systems as a factor in raising the standard of living and improving the living conditions of the country's population.Item Perspectivele turismului medical pentru persoanele vârstnice din Republica Moldova(ОНТУ, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaCreșterea rapidă a îmbătrânirii demografice creează o nouă cerere pe piața turismului. O modalitate de îmbunătățire a stării de sănătate a persoanelor vârstnice ar fi turismul medical. În prezent, turismul pentru persoanele vârstnice este unul dintre cele mai relevante domenii ale turismului. În același timp, trebuie menționat că diverse țări scandinave și europene întreprind anumiți pași de a organiza recreerea pentru generația vârstnică.Item Минимальная заработная плата как инструмент социальной защиты: оценка и рекомендации по её повышению в Республике Молдова(КГУ, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaThe article examines the role of the minimum wage in the reproduction of the labor force. It is indicated that in the Republic of Moldova there are two levels of the minimum wage: the minimum wage in the public sector and the guaranteed minimum wage in the real sector of economy. The dynamics of these indicators for 2013-2021 is given. The analysis of the ratio of their values with the subsistence minimum of an able-bodied person, as well as with the average wage in the country's economy (Kaitz index). It is proposed to raise the minimum wage in accordance with international practice. In particular, it is recommended to gradually bring the minimum wage in the public sector closer to 1.5 times the subsistence minimum of an able-bodied person, and the guaranteed minimum wage in the real sector to 50% of the average wage in the country's economy.Item Ensuring the sustainability of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaThe functioning of the pension system from Republic of Moldova is negatively affected by factors inherent in the pension system itself (inadequate pension level, high pressure of financing the pension system, its financial instability), on the one hand, and external factors of the pension system (among which is the intensified process of population aging), on the other hand, which poses risks to the sustainable functioning of the pension system, which should maintain an adequate level of pensions for their beneficiaries, with an acceptable burden of funding pension payments. The purpose of the study is to develop the main directions for ensuring the sustainability of the pension system from Republic of Moldova. Research methods: monographic, analogies, comparison, statistics, etc. Research results. Specific measures have been developed to improve the pension system from Republic of Moldova, which aim to: a) increase the income from pensions and other sources and, on this basis, reduce the risk of poverty of pensioners; b) ensure through pension a certain compensation of pre-retirement income; c) strengthen the financial sustainability of the pension system, which implies its ability to fulfill its long- term obligations.Item Evaluarea experienței mondiale de ocupare a persoanelor vârstnice pe piața muncii și oportunitatea de utilizare a acesteia în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Heghea, EcaterinaIn an age of frequent and rapid changes in all areas of life, against the background of the demographic aging of the population and the lack of qualified labor force, it is not surprising that in many countries they began to dynamically promote active aging policies and the integration of pensioners into the labor force, thus trying to overcome the problems of social exclusion of elderly people and the increasing financial burden on the budget of states associated with ension payments. In this context, it seems necessary to consider the global experience of employment of pensioners in the labor market, as well as the possibilities of its application in the Republic of Moldova. The methods of analysis, comparison, analogy and statistical analysis were used in the article. Results of the study: the experience of integration of pensioners in the labor market was considered, as well as the possibility of its application in the Republic of Moldova. This paper has been developed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 Project State Program ”Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative instruments aimed at sustainably increasing the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.Item Eficienţa social-economică a sistemului de pensii din Republica Moldova (analiza comparativă)(Artifex, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaIn the Republic of Moldova, the problem of low socio-economic efficiency of the pension system is very acute. It needs to be refined by applying innovative tools. For their elaboration, there is an objective need to analyze the main indicators of the socio-economic efficiency of the pension system of the Republic of Moldova and their comparison with other countries, which is the objective of this article. The following methods were used in the research: monographic, analogies, comparison, statistics, etc. The analysis of the socio-economic efficiency of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova was conducted based on the criteria developed by the World Bank: the adequacy of the size of pensions, the feasibility of the funding burden, sustainability and long-term adaptability. Using these criteria, the following indicators were calculated: the ratio between the size of the pension and the subsistence minimum value, the purchasing power of the pension, the replacement rate and the sizes of the pensions as a percentage of GDP. They were compared with the corresponding indicators in OECD countries. It is shown that pensioners in the Republic of Moldova are in a more unfavorable situation than in other countries. The conclusion was reached about the low socio-economic efficiency of the pension system of the Republic of Moldova and its poor adaptation to the imminent demographic challenges.Item Măsurarea inegalității: metodologia calculului și evaluarea principalilor indicatori ai inegalității veniturilor populației Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2022) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaMajoritatea cercetarilor științifice dedicate inegalitații veniturilor populației utilizeaza setul standard de indicatori. De regula, aceștia fiind coeficientul Gini și coeficientul quintilic / decilic al inegalitații. Totodata, alți indicatori adesea nu sunt luați in considerare, ceea ce restrange semnificativ posibilitatea unei evaluari obiective a inegalitații și elaborarea masurilor care vizeaza reducerea nivelului de inegalitate a veniturilor populației. Scopul cercetarii consta in examinarea indicatorilor utilizați in practica mondiala in masurarea inegalitații, de a analiza metodologia de calcul al acestora și de a evalua nivelul negalitații veniturilor populației Republicii Moldova. Metode de cercetare: comparației, analogiilor, monografica, statistica, de analiza și sinteza. Rezultatele cercetarii. A fost efectuata analiza comparativa a principalilor indicatori ai inegalitații, metodologia lor de calcul, au fost analizate avantajele și dezavantajele acestora. Pe aceasta baza, se concluzioneaza ca fiecare indicator caracterizeaza doar un aspect al inegalitații. Prin urmare, pentru o evaluare complexa a inegalitații, este necesar de a utiliza un sistem complex de indicatori. Cu toate acestea, in practica, datorita capacitaților statistice limitate ale Republicii Moldova, evaluarea inegalitații veniturilor populației se efectueaza utilizand doar unii indicatori.Item Nivelul și principalele profiluri ale sărăciei populației Republicii Moldova: măsurare și evaluare(Artifex, 2021) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, EcaterinaThe article describes the methodological approaches adopted in Republic of Moldova to the definition of the poverty line and the calculation of the main indicators of poverty. The analysis of the dynamics of the level, depth and severity of absolute and extreme poverty for 2014-2018 was carried out and it was concluded that the values of these indicators have decreased. In connection with the introduction of some changes in the methodology of the household budget survey, the main poverty indicators for 2019 were analyzed separately. The following poverty profiles were assessed: by the place of residence (city, village, statistical zones); by gender and age of household members; by the number of children in households; by the status of household members in the labour market and the sources of their income.