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    Perspectivele dezvoltării relațiilor comerciale dintre Moldova și Azerbaidjan
    (Artifex, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Gojaeva, Elmira
    As independent states, the Republics of Moldova and Azerbaijan have commercial relations that evolve unevenly. The research object is the competitiveness of Moldovan goods in the Republic of Azerbaijan market and the competitiveness of goods produced in Azerbaijan in the Republic of Moldova market. The purpose of the research is to identify those goods whose export is convenient for both countries. Prospects for the development of commercial relations between the republics were also established. In the structure of both export and import of the Republic of Moldova, the largest share belongs to the products of the chemical industry. However, empirical research has shown that it is convenient for Moldova to export pharmaceutical products and for the Republic of Azerbaijan to export fertilizers.
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    Vulnerabilitatea economico-socială la schimbările climatice a Republicii Moldova
    (Artifex, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana
    Climate change affects agriculture, biodiversity, water resources, and population health. The impact of climate change results from the interaction between climate hazards, exposure, and vulnerability of society and the economy. Among these three factors, vulnerability can be determined by sensitivity and adaptability and can be applied to the development of state programs and strategies to overcome the negative impact of climate change. The research object in this study is economic-social vulnerability to climate change. The main goal is to estimate the economic-social vulnerability to climate change of the Republic of Moldova in the division of districts. The results of the research showed that the highest degree of economic-social vulnerability to climate change was recorded by Hîncești, Fălești, Rezina, Basarabeasca, Leova, and the lowest level by Anenii Noi and Ialoveni.
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    Influența tinerilor asupra dezvoltării IMM-urilor în Republica Moldova
    (2024) Gutium, Tatiana
    In Moldova, the majority of enterprises are SMEs. Small business development needs to be increased to ensure the stable development of the national economy. The Republic belongs to the category of countries with a high rate of population aging. Young people are emigrating from Moldova, so it is necessary to prove that the government should pay more attention to youth problems. It is also required to prove that youth play a significant role in the development of SMEs. The research object is the entrepreneurship sector, and especially the SME. This study aims to verify the hypothesis that the number of young people directly impacts the development of SMEs in Moldova. Correlation and regression analysis were used to verify the hypothesis and construct regression equations.
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    Эконометрическая модель прогнозирования развития предпринимательства в Республике Молдова
    (МЦНТИ, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana
    Актуальность исследований в области предпринимательства бесспорна, особенно для Республики Молдова. Почти все действующие предприятия это малые и средние. В предыдущие два года только один процент предприятий — это крупные предприятия. При принятии решений как на микроуровне (предприятия), так и на макроуровне (страны) необходимы прогнозы. Предметом данного исследования являются методы прогноза развития предпринимательства, в том числе малого и среднего. Цель исследования — это разработка новой модели прогнозирования основных показателей, отражающих деятельность предпринимательства в Республике Молдова, а одна из задач — это анализ методов прогноза с целью выявления преимуществ и недостатков этих методов. При разработке модели и при расчёте среднесрочных прогнозов использовалась программа EViews. Согласно полученным результатам, в последующие три года (2024-2026 гг.) процент роста выручки от реализации товаров варьируется в интервале 6,7-7,9% ежегодно, а финансовые результаты до налогообложения — 6,8-8,0%.
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    Accessibility and quality of healthcare service in the Republic of Moldova
    („Independenţa Economică”, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana
    Quality is one of the main characteristics of the assessment of health services. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Health Organization calls for countries to increase access to quality essential health services, medicines, and vaccines for the entire population, regardless of income level. The degree of implementation of this task in the Republic of Moldova is the research objective of this paper. The purpose of research is to assess the accessibility and quality of healthcare services. The analysis showed that there is a relationship between the level of income of the population and the degree of satisfaction of the population with their health. In this study, the author performed a comparative analysis of access to health services in the Republic of Moldova by area. Likewise, the author analysed the interdependence between population income and access to quality health services. A financial resource is an important condition in ensuring access to certain medical services, so the benefit of treatment or medical observation depends on the level of population well-being.
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    Competitiveness of Moldova’s Agri-food Trade: Challenges and Perspectives
    (2023) Duca, Gheorghe; Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana
    One of the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy of Moldova is the promotion of the export of competitive goods. Considering that the Republic of Moldova is mainly relying on its agri-food sector, and it was granted the status of a candidate country for accession to the European Union, the object of research is the Competitiveness of Moldova’s Agrifood Trade. The principal purpose of this study is to determine the directions for modernizing the structure of the agri-food complex to increase its competitiveness in the context of deepening the integration processes in the European space. The authors assessed the trends and prospects for the trade of food products and agricultural raw materials between Moldova and European Union countries. In this aim statistical and econometric methods were applied. The results of the study showed that a promising direction in the development of economic relations between Moldova and the European Union was the formation of clusters with a high potential for competitiveness. For a better integration into the European food products market with minimal loss, there is a strong need in establishing direct economic links and implementation of joint investment projects.
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    Social exclusion and poverty in the European Union and candidate countries
    (PRO Universitaria, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Gojaeva, Elmira; Huseynova, Shahla
    Social exclusion and poverty are the research subject, and the main goal is to develop recommendations and solutions for social inclusion. Without assessing the risk of poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union and the candidate countries and identifying the causes of poverty and social exclusion, it is impossible to develop solutions to reduce poverty, ensure social inclusion, and strengthen the targeted social policy. The analysis of the components of the AROPE indicator showed that the highest risk is monetary poverty, and the poverty rate directly depends on the level of economic development. The Granger causality test showed that in two candidate countries (Moldova and Montenegro) inequality leads to poverty with the probability of 5% and 10%. At the end of the study, recommendations are presented to combat poverty and ensure social inclusion.
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    Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Moldova: trends, challenges and forecasts
    (Artifex, 2022) Gutium, Tatiana
    Forecasting is relevant for improving Small and Medium-sized Enterprises management. It is due to the great uncertainty of the events arising from the operation of a market economy, a geopolitical and energy crisis of recent years. Forecasting allows SMEs to reduce the degree of uncertainty of the future and makes it possible to develop a strategy for the company's behavior. It permits SMEs to make effective management decisions. Forecasting makes it possible to evaluate the economic and financial prospects for the development of the enterprise. One of the main problems is the lack of financial resources that hinder entrepreneurship development. In conditions of economic instability, the main task of small business development is not so much obtaining guaranteed profits as increasing business survival in an unstable environment. One of the indicators that registered a downward trend is the number of employees employed at SMEs, which is decreasing every year. To forecast the base SME indicators for 2022-2025, the econometric model developed based on statistical data for 2009-2021 was adjusted.
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    Provocările sistemului de sănătate din Republica Moldova
    (2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Balan, Aliona
    Only an efficient healthcare system can promote economic growth. Health care is a prime contributor to improving human health and well-being. In the current period, the healthcare system is one of the sectors facing enormous difficulties. In this study, the authors have analyzed population morbidity, the expenses, and resources for health care; they have identified the challenges faced by the health system. The scientific methods used in this work are scientific abstraction, positive and normative analysis, analysis and synthesis, and comparative analysis. An analysis of the relationship between prevalence and the number of physicians was made too. The results of the research are the basis for the development of recommendations for improving the health system.
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    The impact of inflation on financial activity: the experience of small and medium-sized enterprises
    (Performantica, 2022) Gutium, Tatiana; Speian, Olesea
    It is not easy for a business to deal with the post-pandemic consequences, the economic recession, and the world energy crisis. Globally, the inflation rate is increasing. More than 60 central banks have raised the base rate in 2022. Despite promoting anti-inflationary policies, the expected results have not been achieved. The price increase affected the economic activity of SMEs, whose finances are more vulnerable than those of large enterprises. Initially, inflation positively influences the volume of loans because the borrower will return less real money according to their purchasing power. In addition, it increases the demand for loans. In such situations, commercial banks increase the interest rate on loans, and the Central (National) Bank uses different instruments of anti-inflationary policy. For example, it increases the reserve requirement ratio. The realization of these decisions leads to a reduction in the volume of new credits granted. The purpose of the study is to estimate how inflation influences the volume of loans in total in Moldova. The result showed that the total impact of inflation on the credits granted is negative. In the end, the debtor is the loser. The research object is relevant not only for the Republic of Moldova, which recorded the highest inflation rate among the countries of the European continent but also for other countries of the world.