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    Implicaţiile balanţei de plăţi asupra stabilităţii financiare a Republicii Moldova
    (2015) Perciun, Rodica
    The balance of payments is the barometer of the entire financial and economic activity of a country. It highlights the capacity of production of goods and their competitiveness on the international market, both in terms of quality and price. Balance of payments direct implications on financial stability are dual: on the one hand, the currency exchange rate affects prices and thus increases or decreases profit international transactions, and on the other hand, the balance of payments situation of being active or passive influences the exchange rate of own currency. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the balance of payments implications on state financial stability through relevant indicators.
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    The implications of saving and investment balance on economic growth of the Republic of Roldova
    (2017) Perciun, Rodica; Petrova, Tatiana; Gribincea, Corina
    The saving and investment balance can ensure the stability of the financial market. The aim of the study is to analyse the dynamics of the saving-investment balance in the Republic of Moldova and its impact on economic growth. The role and possibilities of attracting foreign investments into fixed assets are presented. The indicator of investment growth with a low level of gross savings is a signal or a harbinger of a decline in economic growth. According to the National Bank of Moldova, legal export of capital from the Republic of Moldova takes only a small part in the process of export of capital. The leading role in the mechanism of transformation of savings into investment should belong to BNM.
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    Investment activity under financial instability in Republic of Moldova
    (Tehnopress, 2013) Timus, Angela; Perciun, Rodica; Clipa, Victoria
    The investment climate has a direct and immediate effect on business activity, reflected in economic and investment activities at the country level. In the article, the economic and financial analysis is tracked through the system of macroeconomic indicators: GDP, gross capital formation, investment in fixed capital and other indicators.
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    Instrumente noi pentru asigurarea securiății
    (Artifex, 2019) Perciun, Rodica; Turetchi, Tatiana
    Financial crises have far-reaching negative effects on the national economies of the countries where they occur, more than that, due to the increasing interdependencies caused by the globalization process, they even tend to contaminate other economies, thus affecting the financial security at global level. For these reasons, the efforts of the national banking supervisory authorities have been supplemented in an increasingly pronounced way in recent years by actions to improve the regulatory framework of the international banking activity. In this article, the author sets out his own vision regarding the new tools that will ensure the financial security of the state.
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    Monetary policy against financial stability in the Republic of Moldova
    ("Victor Slăvescu" Centre for Financial and Monetary Research, 2015) Timofei, Olga
    The financial stability of a country is one of the most current and most discussed issues worldwide.Until the global financial crisis, the financial stability achievement was strongly subordinated tomonetary stability, which is considered the priority task of the central bank. But the last evolutionshave shown that financial stability involves certain more complicated problems of measurement anddefinition, more of those that belong to central bank proficiency. The paper's aim is to analyze theability of NBMs’ monetary policy, to maintain the financial stability of RM within the limits of itsobjectives and duties, in order to highlight the causes of financial instability and in providingsolutions overcoming them.
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    Rethinking the institutional framework for financial stability in the Republic of Moldova
    (,,Victor Slăvescu” Centre For Financial And Monetary Research, 2015) Clichici, Dorina
    The aim of this article is to identify the arrangements of the accountability of regulatory institutions and the deficiencies in pursuing financial stability within the banking system of the Republic of Moldova. Financial stability policies are a missing ingredient from the current policy framework, and here is a too huge gap between banking supervision and the goal of financial stability assuring. The article have highlighted an intense need for strengthening financial stability framework in the country through three main actions: redefining the central bank’s role, strengthening the crisis management and strengthening the deposit insurance system. This article offers policy ecommendations in building a stronger institutional framework for financial stability in the Republic of Moldova.
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    Guvernanţa corporativă şi implicaţiile ei asupra stabilităţii sistemului bancar al Republicii Moldova
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the implications of corporate governance on the stability of the banking system of the Republic of Moldova, by highlighting corporate governance challenges and destabilizing effects of weak corporate governance structures within financial institutions (mainly the banking sector). Important financial intermediation role of banking institutions in the economy, their high degree of sensitivity to potential difficulties arising from ineffective corporate governance and the need to protect the interests of depositors and investors, requires that corporate governance for these institutions represent a particular interest in order to maintain stability of the financial sector. Despite some progress in addressing the recommendations of IMF and the satisfactory reported performance of banks, there are serious governance problems in several banks including the largest ones. Corporate governance deficiencies in banks still are the major risk to systemic financial stability in Republic of Moldova and the ability of the regulators to take action remains constrained.
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    Quality Of Banking Supervision And Its Determinants: The Case Of Republic Of Moldova
    (Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2015) Clichici, Dorina
    Recent events which have taken place within the Moldovan banking system have highlighted significant weaknesses regarding banking supervision. As a consequence the financial integrity and stability of the Moldovan banking system has been shaken and the confidence in it has been seriously affected. These deficiencies have induced the necessity of revising the central bank’s role in regulating the Moldovan banking system and increasing the quality of banking supervision. This is the main argument for addressing the determinants of bank supervision quality and finding solutions for enhancing it. The quality of banking supervision depends on several factors and preconditions which are addressed in this article. There has been highlighted the need for a greater focus to be put on independence, accountability and transparency of the supervisor for increasing the effectiveness of banking supervision. There are identified banking supervision’s deficiencies and their determinants in the Republic of Moldova and made an analysis of country’s compliance with the Basel Committee’s Core Principles. The evaluation of the quality of banking supervision in the Republic of Moldova includes statistical analysis of data related to the banking system, review of IMF assessments, as well as observations and qualitative judgments. This paper presents the policy recommendations in institution building for stronger banking system in the Republic of Moldova.
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    Financial stability of the Republic of Moldova estimated through monetary indicators
    (,,Victor Slăvescu” Centre For Financial And Monetary Research, 2014) Perciun, Rodica; Dodon, Svetlana
    Financial stability is important for any economy regardless of its degree of development, because with the help of financial institutions main activities can be carried out for all economic sectors. So, the crisis of the financial system can lead to economic bottlenecks, direct losses, and respectively to lower economic growth and recession. In this paper the authors analyze the key points related to estimation of financial stability of RM through the monetary indicators.
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    Analysis and management of macroeconomic risks of the Republic of Moldova
    ("Constantin Brancoveanu" University of Pitesti, 2019) Petrova, Tatiana; Gribincea, Corina
    Macroeconomic risks have a complex effect on the level of business activity, liquidity and financial stability of the economy of the Republic of Moldova. Risks and vulnerabilities can develop endogenously within the financial system, but can also occur in the real economy and be transferred to the financial system. The systems approach determines the reform of the macroeconomic risk management system as part of the strategic planning process for the development of the banking sector, the financial system and the country as a whole. The methodology used to calculate indicators of the macroeconomic risks were based on IMF methodology.Authors conclude that Moldova’s is lagging in terms of per capita income and weak social development emphasizes the need for faster and more comprehensive growth. However, the existence of an export-oriented economy development model, along with a weak financial system, makes the real sector vulnerable to external shocks and does not allow for a sustainable economic growth.