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    Aspectul investițional al asigurărilor. O analiză bazată pe teorie și practică
    (INCE, 2017) Timus, Angela; Ungur, Cristina
    Creșterea economică durabilă în contextul unui progres exponențial al informației și inovării trebuie să fie susținută prin investiții considerabile. În cadrul pieței investiționale, un rol important revine companiilor de asigurări care, în calitatea sa de asigurator, dețin volume considerabile de fluxuri fiind implicate în redistribuirea de fonduri pe piața investițională. Astfel, aspectul investițional al asigurărilor este prezentat într-o tratare sistemică prin analiza teoriilor și modelelor care evidențiază conexiunea asigurărilor cu investițiile. Metodele de studiu aplicate sunt tradiționale: analiza și sinteza, observația și prezentarea grafică. Pentru a realiza o analiză empirică a potențialului investițional al sectorului de asigurări au fost folosite metode de analiză statistică a datelor, dar și procedee şi tehnici eonomico-financaire. Lucrarea conchide prin determinarea factorilor care contribuie la dezvoltarea sectorului de asigurări, a premiselor și a posibilităților de valorificare a potențialului investițional al companiilor de asigurare.
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    The implications of saving and investment balance on economic growth of the Republic of Roldova
    (2017) Perciun, Rodica; Petrova, Tatiana; Gribincea, Corina
    The saving and investment balance can ensure the stability of the financial market. The aim of the study is to analyse the dynamics of the saving-investment balance in the Republic of Moldova and its impact on economic growth. The role and possibilities of attracting foreign investments into fixed assets are presented. The indicator of investment growth with a low level of gross savings is a signal or a harbinger of a decline in economic growth. According to the National Bank of Moldova, legal export of capital from the Republic of Moldova takes only a small part in the process of export of capital. The leading role in the mechanism of transformation of savings into investment should belong to BNM.
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    Întreprinderile cu creștere rapidă – o soluție inovatională de asigurare a unei creșteri economice
    (Artifex, 2019) Perciun, Rodica
    The high growth firms (HGF's) have become a focal point for public policies in many developed countries. More of them, the research have highlighted the role of HGEs in fostering economic growth. HGEs are relevant for their direct contribution to employment and growth as well as for their indirect contribution, enhancing growth across other sections of the enterprise population through positive spill-over effects. In this article, the author aims to analyze the concept and role of high-growth enterprises.
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    SMEs lending in conditions of crisis in banking system
    (”Independenţa Economică”, 2016) Panfil, Cristina; Iliadi, Gheorghe
    Small and Medium Enterprises have a particularly important role, as it influences on solving economic, social, technical- scientific problems and many others. Development of SMEs sector leads to prosperity increase, living standards rise and growth of competitiveness - which are significant matters for both developing and industrialized countries.Restraints with SMEs lending will strain economic path. In case of exaggerate restraints, SMEs which have at the sole of their activities credits will be in trouble, as the interest rates are high, it is difficult to contract loans and it is tough to keep up with the loan reimbursement schedule. For banks lending to SMES is a consistent and weighty source of business activity. They make double effort to keep crediting at the same level during crisis. Therefore, banking sector is also interested in reducing the negative influence of base rate rise and other banking regulations regarding crediting that have bad influence. As a rule these regulations have a tendency to tighten the lending activity, as crediting terms are tougher. The goal of this paper is to analyse all the problems SMEs face during contracting credits and to give possible ways for an efficient entrepreneurship growth.
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    Analysis of macroeconomic shocks resistance of moldovan banking secto
    (ProUniversitaria, 2018) Perciun, Rodica; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Timofei, Olga
    Banks and the banking system are the most important financial institutions of any state. Interacting directly with all sectors of national economy, they help to address the main issues of redistribution of funds between individuals and companies, between various branches of national industry and attract investments, etc. In this way the country's economy and the banking sector are closely intertwined. On the one hand, the stability of the banking sector has a key role in ensuring an efficient allocation of financial resources and economic growth, and on the other hand, the evolution of the macroeconomic environment imprints on the state and stability of banking sector. This scientific work aims to determine the impact of macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Moldova on the national banking sector, and based on the interdependence of macroeconomic and banking indicators to analyze how certain variables respond to different sources of shock in the economy.
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    Relationships between financial intermediation and growth in Republic of Moldova
    (INCE, 2019) Timofei, Olga
    The banking sector in the Republic of Moldova is practically the only mediation link and, respectively, the transmission of monetary policy impulses on the one hand and storing information on its effects, being a defining element in the implementation of macroeconomic policies and an indispensable tool of boosting economic growth. Having a key role in the saving-investing process, financial intermediation is important in facilitating capital and risk transfer between borrowers and those who save. In this paper we intend to follow the existing relationship between the financial intermediation of the banking sector and the economic growth in the last years, in order to highlight the main impact factors.
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    Role of diaspora investments for the community development
    (INCE, 2019) Iordachi, Victoria; Luchian, Ivan; Timus, Andrei
    Cultivating and facilitating diaspora homeland investment has become a significant concern of many national governments and multilateral organizations. Diaspora policy becomes important as a means to strengthen migrants‘ affinity to the country of origin and encourage contributions to economic and social development. In this article we will analyze what determinants motivate diaspora to invest in their homeland for the community development to be able to elaborate adequate policies to involve all migrants working abroad in the country’s development, as well as their return home combined with business investment and knowledge transfer. In the final, there will be elaborated appropriate recommendations to describe what behavioral mechanisms can be exploited by policy-makers to increase the effectiveness of interventions for stimulation of diaspora investments for the community development.
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    Politica fiscală a României şi căile de ieşire din criza economică
    (IEFS, 2011) Manole, Tatiana; Chirnoaga, Carmen
    În acest articol ne propunem de a ajuta mijloacele doctrinare in determinarea unui aspect al politicii financiare actuale, care are drept scop să vizeze criza economică în care România reprezinta o solutie de salvare pentru reducerea cheltuielilor publice. Prin urmare, ne propunem abordarea anumitor aspecte ale structurii de gestionare a cheltuielilor publice şi să ne construim o idée cu privire la posibilitatea aceastei măsuri de a genera o redresare economică.
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    Inovarea şi creşterea economică în Republica Moldova
    (IEFS, 2011) Naval, Elvira; Timus, Angela
    Modelul de creştere endogenă de tipul Paul Romer, ce permite comensurarea cunoştinţelor şi inovaţiilor a fost adaptat la condiţiile Republicii Moldova. În acest model sectorul Cercetare-dezvoltare este examinat în calitate de sector de producţie separat, care utilizează cunoştinţele ca factor de producere pentru sporirea productivităţii marginale. În acest model se arată că o creştere economică echilibrată este determinată de randamentul brevetului de invenţie şi rata de discont dar şi de parametri politicii statului în domeniul inovaţiilor.
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    Показатели устойчивого развития экономики Республики Молдова на основе достижения финансовой стабильности
    (Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2018) Petrova, Tatiana
    Целью исследования является определение Показателей устойчивого развития национальной экономики Республики Молдова на основе финансовой стабильности. Проведено обобщение теоретических и эмпирических выводов относительно внешних и внутренних аспектов устойчивого развития стран с переходной экономикой. Приоритетная экономическая составляющая условий устойчивого развития должна предусматривать развитие реального сектора экономики Республики Молдова. Отсутствие прогрессивных структурных сдвигов в экономике связано как со слабой заинтересованностью банков в кредитовании бизнеса, так и с низким уровнем кредитоспособности реального сектора экономики Республики Молдова. Рост инфляции отрывает динамику процента от динамики рентабельности реального сектора. Ускорение финансового развития не сопровождается ростом реального сектора, снижает положительное влияние финансового развития на экономический рост. Определение и мониторинг показателей устойчивого развития на основе достижения финансовой стабильности поможет приоритетным отраслям (сектору сельского хозяйства и производства продуктов питания) Республики Молдовы в вопросах модернизации и интеграции в международные рынки.