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    Capitalul intangibil, managementul inovaţional şi tehnologiile – trei elemente esenţiale ale societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere
    (AGEPI, 2011) Perciun, Rodica
    Noua economie reclamă o regândire a teoriei factorilor de producţie. Cunoaşterea devine componenta esenţială a sistemului modern de dezvoltare. Suportul societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere este constituit din trei elemente principale: capitalul intangibil, managementul inovaţional şi tehnologia informaţiei.
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    Implicaţiile balanţei de plăţi asupra stabilităţii financiare a Republicii Moldova
    (2015) Perciun, Rodica
    The balance of payments is the barometer of the entire financial and economic activity of a country. It highlights the capacity of production of goods and their competitiveness on the international market, both in terms of quality and price. Balance of payments direct implications on financial stability are dual: on the one hand, the currency exchange rate affects prices and thus increases or decreases profit international transactions, and on the other hand, the balance of payments situation of being active or passive influences the exchange rate of own currency. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the balance of payments implications on state financial stability through relevant indicators.
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    The implications of saving and investment balance on economic growth of the Republic of Roldova
    (2017) Perciun, Rodica; Petrova, Tatiana; Gribincea, Corina
    The saving and investment balance can ensure the stability of the financial market. The aim of the study is to analyse the dynamics of the saving-investment balance in the Republic of Moldova and its impact on economic growth. The role and possibilities of attracting foreign investments into fixed assets are presented. The indicator of investment growth with a low level of gross savings is a signal or a harbinger of a decline in economic growth. According to the National Bank of Moldova, legal export of capital from the Republic of Moldova takes only a small part in the process of export of capital. The leading role in the mechanism of transformation of savings into investment should belong to BNM.
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    Industrial revolution 4.0: a new paradigm for economic growth
    (2020) Perciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli
    Industry 4.0 is a political, economic and social challenge for the whole world, whose goal is to absorb digital innovations in products, processes and business models. Many developed countries in Europe, America and Asia have included the Industry 4.0 concept in their strategic development programs for the coming decades. Business leaders and global manufacturers accept digital challenges and opportunities as a conceptual leap of new realities generated by technical and scientific progress. At the same time, the criteria for evaluating the performance of transformations in Industry 4.0 are still not enough studied, and the structured and systemic implementation of these technologies in national economies of many countries is not fully finalized. Thus, in this study, the authors examine how European economies have joined the Industry 4.0 Strategy and implement in practice its tools, recording performance in various fields of activity. The second part of the research analyzes the degree of readiness of the Republic of Moldova to accept and address the challenges of the digital age in industry and agriculture in the context of sustainable development. Statistical reports and international and national policy documents on the recognition and acceptance of the notions of Industry 4.0 and the digital economy served as a basis for research to define a new stage of society’s development.
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    Avantajele implementării instrumentelor digitale în managementul producției întreprinderilor agricole
    (INCE, 2022) Perciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli
    Digitalizarea sectorul agricol este una din prerogativele strategice de dezvoltare durabila a acestui sector și a economiei in ansamblu. Agricultura digitala este cea mai eficienta și necesara abordare pentru transformarea prin utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale in sporirea rentabilitații și sustenabilitații in agricultura. Inovarea tehnologica in ultimele cercetari din domeniul este considerata o soluției pentru țarile agro-industriale, iar tehnologiile agricole, bazate pe produse IT, automatizare și robotizare, folosite la scara larga catalizeaza creșterea productivitații și a profitabilitații activitaților agricole. In aceasta cercetare ne-am propus analiza avantajelor utilizarii instrumentelor digitale in managementul intreprinderilor agricole prin testarea platformei digitale „BioFuraje” prin implementarea ei in managementul producției entitaților agricole autohtone. Cercetarea a fost efectuata in cadrul Programului de stat 20.80009.0807.22 Dezvoltarea mecanismului de formare a economiei circulare in Republica Moldova.
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    Investment activity under financial instability in Republic of Moldova
    (Tehnopress, 2013) Timus, Angela; Perciun, Rodica; Clipa, Victoria
    The investment climate has a direct and immediate effect on business activity, reflected in economic and investment activities at the country level. In the article, the economic and financial analysis is tracked through the system of macroeconomic indicators: GDP, gross capital formation, investment in fixed capital and other indicators.
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    Циркулярная экономика: концептуальное содержание и перспективы
    (2020) Timofei, Olga; Iordachi, Victoria; Perciun, Rodica
    At present, the circular economy or the Closed-Loop economy is becoming an increasingly relevant topic promoted by the EU, several national governments and many enterprises around the world, which promotes the responsible and cyclical use of resources that possibly contribute to sustainable development. However, its scientific and research content is superficial and disorganized. The concept of a circular economy involves a set of individual ideas from several areas and scientifically unfounded definitions. The purpose of this article is to define the existent studies related to circular economy and to conduct a critical analysis of the prospects for implementing this concept in conditions of a modern economy.
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    Consumul durabil în condițiile dezvoltării sustenabile: viziuni și abordări
    (INCE, 2022) Perciun, Rodica; Ganea, Victoria; Turcan, Rina; Turcan, Iuliu
    Actualitatea cercetarii este determinata de fundamentarea teoretico-metodologica insuficienta a consumului durabil ca parte indispensabila a dezvoltarii sustenabile pentru sistemele economice aflate in proces de transformare, ca de exemplu, cel al Republicii Moldova. Acest lucru necesita conceptualizarea și dezvoltarea in continuare a metodologiei durabilitații in economie. Abordarile teoretice ar trebui sa se poata adapta la specificul țarii noastre, luand in considerare influența factorilor naturali, economici și instituționali. Necesitatea științifica de a analiza teoria general acceptata a consumului durabil prin prisma dezvoltarii sustenabile este determinat și de faptul ca cunoașterea metodologica fundamentala a existentului model acceptat, va permite evaluarea potențialului și stabilirea condițiilor de limitare a organizarii sociale asupra resurselor de mediu. Obiectivul studiului consta in analiza aplicabilitații interpretarilor moderne ale dezvoltarii sustenabile și consumului durabil la condițiile economiei naționale. Ipoteza este formulata pornind de la rezultatele prezentate in secțiunea de analiza a literaturii de specialitate și consta in faptul ca unul din pilonii de baza a dezvoltarii sustenabile este consumul durabil. Demersul de cercetare este de tip teoretizat, intrucat se pliaza pe aspectul evoluției noțiunii de sustenabilitate (dezvoltare durabila), precum și pe punctele de plecare care au facilitat plasarea accentelor pe consumul durabil. De asemenea, pe parcursul cercetarii au fost aplicate: interpretarea rezultatelor descrise in literatura de specialitate, teoria resurselor epuizate, analiza sistemelor, analiza comparativa. Rezultatele obținute vor indica daca dezvoltarea durabila pentru societatea contemporana impune o gandire critica a proceselor economico-sociale și de mediu și faciliteaza proiectarea unui model innovator de dezvoltare durabila a societații bazata pe consum sustenabil. Cercetarea a fost efectuata in cadrul Programului de stat 20.80009.0807.22 Dezvoltarea mecanismului de formare a economiei circulare in Republica Moldova.
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    Industry 4.0 versus agriculture. Development perspectives of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova by assimilating digital technologies
    (2020) Perciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli; Shveda, Nataliia
    For the Moldovan economy, the agriculture in current conditions is one of the priority sectors that contribute to the strategic development of the country in such areas as improving food security, increasing the number of territories with agricultural specialization in a difficult socioeconomic situation and ensuring a high standard of living for the rural population. Digital technologies contribute to the achievement of these objectives by adapting agriculture to external conditions associated with geopolitical and macroeconomic changes. The underlying problems currently facing the agricultural sector are the unfavourable climatic conditions of recent years, lack of labour, caused by mass migration, but also the need for innovation and a reliable scientific approach to improving production in plants and animal husbandry. This research aims to study the concept of Industry 4.0 in Agriculture trough the existing national and international experience in digital technologies. The authors analyze the state of the Moldovan agroindustrial sector to determine the technical, human and financial potential for implementing digital technologies as solutions for streamlining the management of agricultural enterprises to ensure sustainable development of the national economy. Another digital platforms.
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    Non-cash payment - a stringent necessity in pandemic conditions
    (Artifex, 2020) Perciun, Rodica; Iordachi, Victoria; Timofei, Olga
    Following the latest events in the world, it is definitely sure that the Covid-19 pandemic will drastically change the way people behave both socially and economically. Given the conditions in which we were forced to live, we understood how important it is to be "connected" to non-cash payment instruments. At the moment, it is necessary to “financially educate” the population in this field as soon as possible, while the development of the payment system in the Republic of Moldova and the modernization of payment services, which would meet the needs of individual and corporate consumers, must become a strategic priority. The purpose of this article is to analyse the concept of non-cash payment by identifying the advantages, studying the international experience, as well as the current situation in the Republic of Moldova. In the research process, such scientific methods were applied as: systemic approach, analysis and synthesis, deduction, logical analysis, critical analysis of materials, monographic analysis, comparative analysis, etc. The results of the study consisted in identifying both the advantages and disadvantages of these payment instruments, at the same time, the authors performed an analysis showing that the cap on cash payments imposed (there is a law project to be discussed in the Parliament of Moldova) is not a method of stimulation, but on the contrary there is a risk of obtaining an adverse effect.