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Item Analiza cheltuielilor pentru agricultură în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Chistruga, MarcelArticolul prezintă o analiză a cheltuielilor agricole în RM, inclusiv subvenţii şi alte cheltuieli bugetare. Acesta se concentrează pe probleme de optimizare a cheltuielilor bugetare curente şi recomandări pentru factorii de decizie politică. Unele dintre subvenţii distorsionează activitatea economică şi denaturează eficienţa pieţelor în RM, din care motiv este necesară o examinare aprofundată acestora.Item Aplicarea balanțelor interramurale în analiza și prognoza sectorului agroindustrial(Artifex, 2019) Ianioglo, AlinaThis article reveals the particularities of the analysis and forecast of the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova, as well as its contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product. The purpose of the article is to analyze and forecast the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova on the basis of the natural-value inter-branch balance. The methods used are the analysis of the statistical data and the elaboration of the natural-value inter-branch balance. In 2018, the author expanded the inter-branch balance including new goods (ice cream, mayonnaise, beer) offered by the agro-industrial sector, estimated the technical coefficients for quadrant I and evaluated the elements of quadrant II and III. The results of the study are based on the assessment of the current situation of the national economy and can be used in the elaboration of the economic development scenarios.Item Mecanisme și instrumente aplicate în practica mondială pentru atenuarea consecintelor pandemiei Covid-19(Artifex, 2020) Gutium, MirceaAgriculture is one of the most important sectors of the national economy on which food security depends, therefore, the governments of most states are interested in investing in this sector of the economy. The pandemic situation around the world has severely affected agriculture and food supply chains around the world. This factor has forced respond both state governments and world non-governmental organizations to rapidly to the negative economic consequences caused by the isolation of people around the globe. As a result, they put in action a number of tools and mechanisms to mitigate the negative consequences of the agricultural system and bring it to pre-pandemic production levels.