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Dezvoltarea culturii porumbului în Republica Moldova
(INCE, 2022) Zbancă, Andrei; Negritu, Ghenadie
Porumbul face parte din grupul culturilor, tehnice de câmp și constituie unul dintre sectoarele de bază din Republica Moldova. Articolul oferă o analiză cuprinzătoare a stării actuale de dezvoltare a ramurii cultivării porumbului, a utilizării producției și a comerțului cu boabe de porumb. O atenție deosebită se acordă în articol analizei eficienței economice a cultivării porumbului cu aplicarea diferitor scheme de erbicidare a culturilor. Autorii au elaborat bugete pentru fiecare schemă de erbicidare și au comparat rezultatele economice și nivelul de profitabilitate. Pe baza cercetărilor și analizelor efectuate au fost formulate concluzii strategice pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a ramurii porumbului, care necesită a fi implementate de către producătorii agricoli și alți operatori pentru a spori eficiența economică pe tot lanțul valoric.
Кукуруза входит в группу сельскохозяйственных культур, техническая культура и является одним из основных секторов в Республике Молдова. В статье приводится комплексный анализ состояния развития отрасли выращивания кукурузы, использования кукурузного производства и торговли.
Особое внимание в статье уделено анализу экономической эффективности возделывания кукурузы с применением различных схем гербицидов по возделыванию культуры. Авторы разработали бюджеты для каждой схемы применения гербицидов и сравнили экономические результаты и уровень рентабельности. На основе исследований и анализа были сделаны стратегические выводы для устойчивого развития кукурузной отрасли, которые должны быть реализованы сельхозпроизводителями и другими операторами ценовой цепочки для повышения экономической эффективности.
Maize is part of the group of crops, technical crops and is one of the basic sectors in the Republic of Moldova. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of development of the maize cultivation branch, the use of maize production and trade. Particular attention is paid in the article to the analysis of the economic efficiency of maize cultivation with the application of different crop herbicide schemes. The authors developed budgets for each herbicide scheme and compared the economic results and the level of profitability. Based on research and analysis, strategic conclusions have been drawn for the sustainable development of the maize branch, which need to be implemented by agricultural producers and other operators in order to increase economic efficiency throughout the value chain.
Agricultura No-till - realizare remarcabilă în nordul Republicii Moldova
(INCE, 2022) Cojocaru, Olesea; Panfil, Gheorghe; Panfil, Petru
La nivel mondial, sistemul conservativ a fost introdus acum șase decenii. Aceasta ar însemna că noi am rămas în urmă cu 60 de ani de restul lumii [8]. Agricultura Republicii Moldova se află pe calea unei modernizări tehnologice revoluționare dictată de scumpirea resurselor energetice neregenerabile și a derivatelor acestora (îngrășăminte minerale, inclusiv de azot, carburanți, pesticide, tehnică agricolă) în condițiile impactului negativ considerabil al tehnologiilor bazate pe lucrarea excesivă a solului asupra mediului ambiant, pe fundalul sporirii frecvenței secetelor din ultimii ani. Agricultura Conservativă este o măsură de sporire a competitivității prin reducerea cheltuielilor de producere și de adaptare la schimbările climatice. Considerată un sistem durabil de agricultură, prin a cărui implementare se restabilește fertilitatea solului [1]. În acest context un exemplu actual al cercetărilor expuse de autori, evocă scopul acestei lucrări, ce constă în evaluarea utilizării agriculturii conservative de către întreprinderea „Agro-Panfil” din satul Plop, raionul Donduşeni, fiind una dintre cele mai performante la capitolul tehnologii și utilaje agricole din Nordul țării. Gospodăria Țărănească ”Agro-Panfil cultivă cereale și culturi industriale peste 1.000 de hectare de câmpuri anual. Monitorizarea agroecosistemelor s-a realizat practic de la semănat până la recoltare și post recoltare pe întreaga perioadă a anului agricol prin intermediul Stației ”HOBO – 01102025”. Studiul științific pe poligonul-cheie, privind implementarea agriculturii No-till își are activitatea de 15 ani, iar tehnologia Mini-till se desfășoară de 20 de ani. Investigarea productivității agroecosistemelor culturilor de câmp pe agrocenoze și supravegherea schimbărilor condițiilor climaterice, s-a efectuat în dependență de sistemul de lucrare aplicat (Mini-till și No-till) anilor 2018 – 2021. Competitivitatea acestei gospodării țărănești este un exemplu notoriu - clasic de afacere a unei familii de succes din Nordul Republicii Moldova.
В глобальном масштабе консервативная система была введена шесть десятилетий назад. Это означало бы, что мы на 60 лет отстаем от остального мира [8]. Сельское хозяйство Молдовы находится на пути революционной технологической модернизации, продиктованной удорожанием не возобновляемых энергоресурсов и их производных (минеральные удобрения, включая азот, топливо, пестициды, сельскохозяйственная техника) в условиях значительного негативного воздействия технологий из-за чрезмерной обработки почвы на фоне учащающихся засух в последние годы. Консервативное сельское хозяйство — это мера повышения конкурентоспособности за счет снижения производственных затрат и адаптации к изменению климата. Считается устойчивой системой сельского хозяйства, за счет реализации которой восстанавливается плодородие почвы [1]. В этом контексте текущий пример исследования, представленный авторами, напоминает о цели данной статьи, заключающейся в оценке использования консервативного сельского хозяйства компанией «АгроПанфил» в селе Плоп Дондюшанского района, являющейся одним из лучших с точки зрения техники и оборудования фермеров Севера страны. В хозяйстве «Агро-Панфил» ежегодно выращивают зерновые и технические культуры на площади более 1000 га. Мониторинг агроэкосистем осуществлялся практически от посева до уборки урожая и послеуборочной за весь период сельскохозяйственного года через Станцию «HOBO - 01102025». Научное исследование ключевого полигона, касающееся внедрения технологии No-till, ведется уже 15 лет, а технология Mini-till работает уже 20 лет. Исследование продуктивности агроэкосистем полевых культур на агроценозах и наблюдение за климатическими условиями проводилось в зависимости от применяемой системы работы (Mini-till и No-till) на 2018-2021 годы. Конкурентоспособность этого крестьянского хозяйства - замечательный классический пример бизнеса успешной семьи с севера Республики Молдова.
Globally, the conservative system was introduced six decades ago. This would mean that we are 60 years behind the rest of the world [8]. Moldova's agriculture is on the path of a revolutionary technological modernization dictated by the increase in the price of non-renewable energy resources and their derivatives (mineral fertilizers, including nitrogen, fuels, pesticides, agricultural machinery) in the conditions of considerable negative impact of technologies based on excessive tillage environment, against the background of the increasing frequency of droughts in recent years. Conservative agriculture is a measure to increase competitiveness by reducing production costs and adapting to climate change. Considered a sustainable system of agriculture, through the implementation of which soil fertility is restored [1]. In this context, a current example of research presented by the authors, evokes the purpose of this paper, which is to evaluate the use of conservative agriculture by the company "Agro-Panfil" in Plop village, Donduseni district, being one of the best in terms of technology and equipment farmers in the North of the country. The “Agro-Panfil” Peasant Household cultivates cereals and industrial crops over 1,000 hectares of fields annually. The monitoring of agroecosystems was carried out practically from sowing to harvesting and post-harvesting for the entire period of the agricultural year through the “HOBO - 01102025” Station. The scientific study on the key polygon, regarding the implementation of No-till agriculture has been active for 15 years, and the Mini-till technology has been running for 20 years. The investigation of the productivity of agroecosystems of field crops on agrocenoses and the monitoring of climatic conditions, was carried out depending on the applied work system (Mini-till and No-till) for the years 2018 - 2021. The competitiveness of this peasant household is a notorious example - classic business a successful family from the North of the Republic of Moldova.
Эффективность использования земли как индикатор уровня хозяйствования на предприятиях сельского хозяйства
(INCE, 2022) Пармакли, Дмитрии; Кураксина, Светлана
It is noted that in crop production, an important condition for ensuring high production efficiency is to obtain high yields of manufactured products, i.e. fuller use of the potential of land productivity and biological potential of plants. In addition to productivity, the efficiency of land use in the industry is also influenced by the rational use of all types of resources at enterprises. A generalizing indicator of the efficiency of land use as the main factor of production in the industry is the rate of profit yield per hectare of land. This indicator is an indicator of the level of land management. The above is confirmed by an analysis of the efficiency of land use at five agricultural enterprises in the southern zone of the country.
Problems of human capital formation and use in rural area of Moldova
(INCE, 2022) Sarbu, Olga; Cimpoies, Liliana
Currently the problems related to the formation and use of human capital in rural areas are particularly relevant for Moldova. This is mainly due to the technological progress and innovations etc. Creating a modern social infrastructure for rural areas would help to strengthen professional staff, improve demographic status, reduce the labor force emigration and depopulation of rural communities. This research aims to highlight aspects of remuneration, working conditions and living as essential factors in the formation of human capital in rural areas. Statistical, economicmathematical, analytical-comparative research methods were used to achieve this purpose.
Prospects for cultivating niche energy crops by small farms
(INCE, 2022) Udova, Lyudmila
Cultivating niche crops is an attractive area for diversification of household production. Such crops usually do not require significant investment in the organization of production but provide a high level of profitability. In recent years, climatic conditions in Ukraine are changing and small producers are selecting alternative crops for cultivation, adapting to these changes. The purpose of the study is to characterize the prospects of cultivating niche energy crops by households. Research methods are monographic, statistical, graphical and tabular, method of comparative analysis. In rural areas, energy crops is one of the renewable energy sources, these are fast-growing perennial shrubs and special one-year plants with a high dry matter content which could be used as fuel. Today there are about 20 species of fast-growing plants that can be grown for plant biomass - eucalyptus, poplar, willow, switchgrass, miscanthus and others. The collected biomass is used for the production of heat and electricity, it can be a raw material for the production of solid biofuels, such as fuel pellets and briquettes. Its main competitive advantage over traditional crops is that it is not necessary to use agricultural land to cultivate it. Advantages of using energy crops are the following: it is possible to use low-yielding and unproductive land for cultivating bioenergy crops; it can replace gas and coal; during the combustion of biofuels based on plant biomass, less carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere than is absorbed by plants in the process of photosynthesis, 20-30 times less sulfur oxide and 3-4 times less ash is formed compared to coal; a by-product of the combustion of solid biofuels is an organic substance that can be used as a fertilizer; the cultivation of bioenergy crops, the production and use of biofuels create additional employment for the rural population and are a source of income, particularly in rural areas. Cultivating niche energy crops can be a viable alternative for small farms.