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Câștigători și perdanți ai politicilor publice specifice pentru reducerea efectelor pandemiei în România
(INCE, 2022) Arpinte, Daniel
Raportul face o analiză a măsurilor de suport pe care autoritățile publice din România le-au adoptat pe parcursul anului 2020, cu precădere a măsurilor care au vizat sprijinul grupurilor vulnerabile. Raportul demonstrează faptul că autoritățile publice au acordat o atenție foarte redusă unor categorii vulnerabile importante, concomitent cu o serie de măsuri care au fost adresate pentru atenuarea efectelor unor companii sau a unor categorii mai puțin prioritare din perspectiva nevoii de intervenție. Un alt efect al politicilor publice deficitare în zona sprijinului categoriilor vulnerabile este reducerea capacității sistemului de asistență socială, încă insuficient profesionalizat și caracterizat de disparități importante la nivel național. Așa cum arată și analiza realizată pentru materialul de față, furnizorii de servicii de asistență socială, atât cei din zona serviciilor de tip rezidențial, cât și a serviciilor non-rezidențiale, au fost afectați în mod dezechilibrat și cu consecințe pe termen lung, așa cum remarca un reprezentant al unei instituții centrale cu rol cheie în coordonarea serviciilor de asistență socială, deficite care se vor recupera pe termen lung, efect care a fost observat și în cazul crizei economice din 2008. The report analysis the support measures that the Romanian public authorities have adopted during 2020, especially the measures aimed at supporting vulnerable groups. The report shows that public authorities have paid very little attention to important vulnerable groups, while several measures have been taken to mitigate the effects of some companies or less priority categories in terms of the need for intervention. Another effect of poor public policies in the area of supporting vulnerable groups is the reduction of the capacity of the social assistance system, which is still insufficiently professionalized and characterized by significant disparities at national level. As the analysis for this report shows, the providers of social assistance services, both from residential and non-residential services areas, were affected in an unbalanced manner and with long-term consequences, as noted a representative of a central institution with a key role in coordinating social assistance services, shortcomings that will recover in the long term, an effect that was also observed in the case of the 2008 economic crisis.
Краткосрочная и дистанционная занятость: гибкий выход из кризиса или институциональная ловушка
(INCE, 2022) Гук, Лариса
Повышение уровня жизни населения и защита его от возможных рисков, возникающих из-за нестабильности в финансово-экономической или социально-политической ситуации, есть актуальной задачей государственной политики для правительств разных стран. Пандемия Covid19 поставила на повестку дня вопросы, связанные с новыми рисками. Одним из важнейших вызовов стало сокращение занятости или ее трансформация, что привело к сокращению рабочего времени для работников одних сфер и увеличению масштабов автономной дистанционной занятости для работающих в других сферах. Открытие новых идей и расширение возможностей в сфере занятости – это актуальные рычаги адаптационных стратегий хозяйствующих субъектов. Стратегические императивы развития всех субъектов рынка труда в условиях турбулентности должны включать вопрос избрания оптимальных для таких ситуаций моделей социальнотрудовых отношений и форм занятости. В обозначенных условиях вопросы, связанные с необходимостью гибко реагировать на турбулентности как социального, так и экономического характера, приобретают особую актуальность. Целью данной работы есть обозначение стратегических направлений выбора форм занятости в условиях кризиса рынка труда, вызванного пандемией COVID-19. Для достижения поставленной цели использовались следующие методы: системный анализ, факторный и сравнительный анализ, структурно-функциональный анализ, метод статистических группировок, анализ иерархий, экспертные оценки и другие методы. Результатом исследования являются рекомендации по определению стратегических направлений развития сферы занятости и рынка труда в условиях кризиса, вызванного пандемией COVID-19. Improving people's livelihoods and protecting them from possible risks arising from instability in the financial and economic or socio-political situation is a pressing public policy challenge for governments around the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has put new risks on the agenda. One of the most important challenges has been the reduction or transformation of employment, resulting in reduced working hours for workers in some fields and an increase in autonomous telecommuting for workers in other fields. Discovering new ideas and expanding employment opportunities are relevant levers for the adaptation strategies of economic agents. Strategic imperatives of development of all subjects of the labor market in conditions of turbulence should include the choice of optimal models of social and labor relations and forms of employment. The issues connected with the necessity to respond flexibly to the turbulence of both social and economic nature acquire particular relevance in the conditions described. The purpose of this work is to outline the strategic directions of choice of forms of employment in the labor market crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve the goal the following methods have been used: system analysis, factor and comparative analysis, structural and functional analysis, method of statistical groupings, analysis of hierarchies, expert evaluations and other methods. The results of the study are recommendations for determining the strategic directions of development of the employment’s sphere and labor market in the crisis conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Цифровизация бизнес-процессов в коммерческих предприятиях малого и среднего бизнеса
(INCE, 2022) Gagauz, Valeriu
The article presents an analysis of business processes characteristic of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The main digital technologies (systems, programs and tools) that can be used to digitalize business processes are analyzed. As an example, the activity of the BRAVO MOTORS SRL company, which specializes in car maintenance and spare parts sales, is used. The key components of the organization's business model and methods of their digitalization are presented. The main conclusion is that the digitalization of business processes in SMEs is a labor-intensive process, the specifics of the work necessitate the development own approaches and solutions. В статье представлен анализ бизнес-процессов, характерных для коммерческих предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса (МСП) и проанализированы основные цифровые технологии (системы, программы и инструменты), которые могут быть использованы для цифровизации бизнес-процессов. В качестве примера используется деятельность фирмы BRAVO MOTORS SRL, специализирующейся на обслуживании автомобилей и продаже запчастей. Представлены ключевые компоненты бизнес-модели организации и методы их цифровизации. Основной вывод состоит в том, что цифровизация бизнес-процессов на МСП является трудоемким процессом, специфика работы вызывает необходимость разработки собственных подходов и решений.
Rentabilitatea la nivelul firmei comerciale
(INCE, 2022) Nanu, Florentin Gabriel
Rentabilitatea este expresia rezultatului obținut ca urmare a desfășurării activității economice. Ea este definită ca un raport între rezultatul obținut şi mijloacele consumate. Abordată din punct de vedere exclusiv al fluxurilor financiare, rentabilitatea reprezintă un surplus monetar, diferența dintre încasări totale şi cheltuieli totale. Această optică poate să pară insuficientă, întrucât, la prima vedere, nu ia în considerare realizările entității în expresie monetară, cum ar fi, de exemplu, productivitatea fizică, competența personalului, climatul social, raporturile cu mediul concurențial etc. De fapt, această abordare permite înțelegerea conversiei realizărilor favorabile în rezultatele monetare şi deci, în rentabilitate. În această accepțiune, rentabilitatea constituie expresia sintetică a rezultatelor de orice natură, fiind un indicator de referință în fundamentarea deciziilor şi evaluarea comportamentului entităților economice.
Theories and focus on social entrepreneurship
(INCE, 2022) Stratan, Dumitru
This article is realized within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22: Development the mechanisms for creation the circular economy in Republic of Moldova. The scope of this article is to structure and outline the most appropriate theories on social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship remains actual and in the same time broad disputed and argued subject for politicians, decision-makers, private sector, researchers and other worldwide stakeholders.