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Servicii de planificare familială și contracepție în Republica Moldova, în contextul Covid-19
(2021) Ciubotaru, Victoria
Universal access to family planning is a fundamental human right that must be respected, including in times of crisis and public health emergencies. The COVID-19 pandemic can affect reproductive behavior and intentions in a number of ways. Restrictions on the provision of services in the context of COVID-19 reduce access to family planning services and may increase the short-term fertility rate. At the same time, the economic uncertainty generated by the pandemic and its impact on mental health and well-being can lead to reduced fertility rates. In the Republic of Moldova, the epidemiological situation generated by COVID-19 has influenced the population's access to family planning and contraceptive services, resulting in the decreased use of contraception by women of reproductive age (15-49 years), or their partners. As a result, the unmet need for family planning and the demand in family planning services using modern methods of contraception have registered lower levels than expected. Therefore, the indicators suggest that reduced access to contraception and counseling, generated by the precarious epidemiological situation, could disrupt family planning.
Жилищные условия и детность: связь и возможности влияния
(2021) Кример, Борис
The availability of housing can influence the decision to leave the parental home and start your own family. A notable relationship between housing conditions and fertility rates has been confirmed in a number of studies in recent decades. The influence of the provision of housing on the intensity of the birth rate and the likelihood of postponing the birth is traced. The relationship between indicators of housing provision (dwelling area, number of rooms, amount of rent) and the number of children in Ukrainian households are investigated. A review of studies on the influence of the housing factor on fertility is made, and the possibility of influencing the fertility of family policy instruments related to housing is investigated. The following methods of scientific research were used: comparison, analysis, generalization and induction. The relationship between the indicators of housing provision and the number of children in households is investigated using correlation analysis and logistic regression. The study of the family policy of developed countries, its effectiveness and the possibility of its application in Ukraine is carried out using a historical analogy and a systematic approach, an abstract-logical method. Households with children in Ukraine are characterized by particularly low indicators of housing provision. A significant, but rather weak, relationship between the indicators of housing provision and children was found at the national level and in large cities of Ukraine. The availability of housing of an appropriate quality has an impact on parents, while affordability leaves much to be desired in different countries. In Ukraine, the influence of housing conditions on childbirth is more noticeable in large cities than in other settlements. The rather low provision of housing for families with children, overcrowding is especially felt in large cities of the country. Based on this, the importance of family policy focused on solving the housing problems of parents with children may be noted.
Качество жизни внутренне перемещенных лиц в Украине
(2021) Гнатюк, Татьяна
Seven years after the appearance of the first internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine, this category remains among the most vulnerable segments of the population in the country. The issues of employment, housing and the level of financial support are also recognized as the most pressing problems of migrants. The article analyzes the quality of life of IDPs Ukraine based on four indicators: the level of employment of IDPs, the average monthly income of IDPs, sources of income of IDPs, types of housing of IDPs. Data from the National Monitoring System on the Situation of Internally Displaced Persons are used (from March 2016 to March 2021). The author determined that financial self-sufficiency remains one of the main problems of IDPs: there is a low level of employment, a high dependence on state payments in comparison with the general Ukrainian indicator, and the average monthly income level of this category is below the actual subsistence rate. The results of the analysis of the living conditions of IDPs showed some positive changes: an increase in the share of IDPs living in their own homes; inclusion of IDPs in government programs for lending to purchase housing; construction of temporary social housing for IDPs. The main problems remain the limited ability of IDPs to buy their own housing and receive social housing as property.
Оценка роли метрополисов в формировании межгосударственных миграционных потоков в Украине
(2021) Позняк, Алексеи
The article is devoted to the assessment of the contribution by cities, which are metropolises, to the formation of flows of external migration (both emigration and immigration) in Ukraine during the period of independence under conditions of limited initial data. The cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnipro and Lviv (until 2014 – also Donetsk) are considered as metropolises of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the significant role of the respective cities as the main centers of gravity for migrants from abroad, on the one hand, and important centers for the formation of departure of Ukrainian citizens for permanent residence in other countries. The purpose of the study is to identify the contribution of metropolitan cities to the formation of the migration situation in Ukraine and, in particular, to the dispersal of irregular migrants across the country. The methods are abstract-logical, systematic approach, expert assessments and also the method of complex use of information from various sources. The dynamics of external migration in Ukraine and the role of metropolises in emigration and immigration have been investigated. It is shown that metropolises make the main contribution to the development of external migration flows associated with a change in place of residence (the so-called "stationary" migration), moreover, in these processes the importance of such cities increases while, at the same time their role in the external labor migration remains relatively small. The estimation of the number and proportion of irregular migrants in Ukraine, concentrated in the metropolises, has been carried out.
Взаимодействие прошлого, настоящего и будущего в исследованиях международной миграции: пример Украины
(2021) Маиданик, Ирина
International migration is an important component for the socio-economic development of contemporary Ukraine. Scientists have developed a wide range of approaches to its analysis. Nevertheless, migration studies through the time prism are currently at their initial stage. In terms of temporal concepts, the humanities use ideas about social and economic time which are not similar to its astronomical understanding. Temporal modes of the past, present and future are basic elements in the glossary of social processes temporal analysis. The purpose of this article is to explore the international migration of Ukrainians within the temporal approach, to identify significant relationships between the past, present and future in order to develop an in-depth understanding of migration. This publication uses methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison; illustration of the main ideas is based on empirical data collected through sociological and statistical methods. The analysis showed that despite the wide spread of temporal variables in migration their presence is often neglected by both scientists and migrants. Even the action of moving abroad is itself a transformation of present life activity to improve various aspects of the future quality of life. The increased orientation of migrants towards the future (i.e., towards achieving the plans underlying the motivation for employment abroad) often shapes the conditions of stay in the destination countries. Thus, labor migrants from Ukraine who went abroad to maximize income, strictly saving their earnings in destination countries to accumulate funds for remittances home. Migration money are spent to satisfy needs of household members left behind at the present time (i.e., while migrants are abroad), and are also aimed at creating a material basis for maintaining the future quality of life for migrants after they return home.